My boyfriend of 7 months and i just broke up and i don't know what to do with myself. does the pain ever go away...

my boyfriend of 7 months and i just broke up and i don't know what to do with myself. does the pain ever go away? all i can do is read old messages from when we met. i had to leave him. i show textbook bpd symptoms and i could see myself draining the life out of him. i know it was the right decision but that doesn't make it hurt any less. i'll never find a man who is that loving, caring, and committed to me ever again. and i don't deserve it either. i was an awful girlfriend and i want to die. it felt so wonderful feeling like i wasn't alone. and now i'm back at square 1. i will never love another man ever again. it's too draining and complicated. i will go back to a life of living vicariously through romantic works of fiction. it was so wonderful and i will hold those memories close to my heart for the rest of my life. i'm sorry i couldn't do right by you, user.

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Other urls found in this thread:

time to go eat my feelings

tfw no sad crying bpd girl to hug

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Have you ever thought of looking deeper into your psyche and resolving the emotional reactiveness you have towards certain things? It is a disorder; one that can be fixed.

"Changes in the gut microbiome and altered gut permeability may also affect the blood brain barrier. Animal studies show that LPS, pathogens, and inflammatory cells can all cross the blood brain barrier. Alterations in the blood brain barrier have been found in a number of neuropsychiatric disorders, and are central to the pathogenesis of AD and MS."

Your microbiome is what signals cells to produce serotonin, dopamine and so on and are what keep you balanaced and well off. Look into a diet that'll help you restore your microbiome and if possible try to develop the skill of thinking before acting; before every action there is a space of time in which you can decide what and how to act.

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I am so sorry to hear that. I know it feels absolutely terrible, but it does get better : (

i just ate some food. im going to balloon i can already tell. he was keeping me afloat. shit is about to get really tough HA

i can't believe it's all over. i really obliterated the one good thing in my life. things will never be the same

The pain goes away user. Especially once you find someone new and then you forget all about your ex.

This is comming from another bpd femanon

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he hates me, he's disgusted by me. i hate myself too. i just don't understand. things could have been so good. i'll never understand how someone can literally sabotage every good thing that happens to them

hahahah fuck off roasters

thank you so much for your words of comfort. but the thought of moving on makes me ill. i feel like that's so disturbing. why should i try to make someone else happy when i couldn't even be kind to the man who loved me unconditionally? i don't want to hurt anybody else and i think my heart will always belong to him.

literally fuck off and go jerk off using your mommies stinky panties.

wtf how do you know about that??

mother's intuition (;

be my gf and I'll help you to get healthier and to learn better coping mechanisms by restoring your microbiome

oh yea well your pussy stinks mommy

>i had to leave him.
You wanted to, don't make excuses you dumb cunt.

can we do all of that minus the relationship?

yes, i wanted to leave him. you're right but please understand why i felt the need to do this.

if you did not realise you're actually on the r9k board right now

you got a partner, were a cunt, and now don't have one

this is for people that are not cunts, haven't had partners and can't get one

any posts sympathising are either other roasties or guys trying to fuck you, try soc or adv

Yeah I suppose we can, I'm not doing anything with my free time but shitposting on r9k anyways might as well

You may always have some kind feelings for him, I know some people are like that. Though you will be able to move on eventually and love someone else. Just all you can do from here on out is work on bettering yourself and try not to repeat the same old mistakes. It's hard to do and you may mess up again but you'll get there eventually. I believe in you.

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That's my Discord ID

Because you got bored with him and now you will fling yourself along after a week to someone new. You don't even know what loneliness is, but that's alright because this entire thread is just made up bait anyway.

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not op
just saying

Yeah that's still alright if you're male, I"ll link you medical research and we can be bros not gay though so don't develop feelings for me if you're a man

i think you're projecting. he was my first boyfriend. and i very much doubt i will ever feel comfortable entering another relationship. our relationship was turbulent but i cared for him deeply. this is not a feeling i can just pull out of my butthole whenever it's convenient. I don't know what complete loneliness is, i guess you're right. because I've always had my mom who is my bestfriend but this was a different type of relationship and now that I've experienced it, it will be difficult to go back to life without it.

it's a process. right now you'll think about them every minute of every hour of every day - but you gotta just keep going and eventually it goes down until you don't really feel anything thinking about them. eventually you'll forget it.
ganbare user