lets see how normiefied this place has gotten.
Lets see how normiefied this place has gotten
a Lannister at heart
>13 of 45
>being into politics
I can't answer this shitty question that applies elections matter. Fag test. I'll keep clicking to see what I get though and leave that in the neutral zone.
Actually I hated trumpf and wanted him to get the election just because my father was bitching super hard that things were going to get really bad under a republican when he's in the past left winger so just another two faced politician so why care, so nevermind I'm marking it edgy. I was pleased when he won because I knew it'd piss off normalfaggots even though I hate both sides.
not sure what happened but I got this
I am now done.
Remember to close your mouth when you breathe.
I'm sorry robros, I've failed you
No your not. Get out and take the others with (You).
Actually, (You) revoked.
>avatarfag and namefag
I disagree with the egoism bit, but everything else feels accurate
answered neutral on a lot of them
didn't know I was that sadistic
Most questions described chad behavior
not applies
Not even on a phone. Don't know how I ended up derping that.
I marked it neutral because I hate politics too much.
It calls me not spiteful anyway and lots of questions on these things are redundant.
>hate abnormalfaggots
>come here anyway
It gets narcissism and egoism kind of wrong, my self-esteem is quiet high, or I guess it doesn't relate to that. I'm just not a faggot like most normies are.
bit different from previous ones
i think it's less normal to have low scores on this test
nevermind it's all pretty diverse after refreshing
how did they calculate population average?
>even more more normal than a normalfaggot
>isn't self aware
>can't type well
This (You) shall also be revoked.
They probably took a poll. Most people are literally the same. If you get a thousand people to answer you, considering out of a thousand like 5 percent are felons, a third of all niggers that take it are fellons, etc, it's a large sampling. People are not really that different and out of a thousand or so you get the mavericks to answer. They are the dark ones. Of all dark people most people try to think for themselves of which makes them dark to a certain degree, so you can actually be unaveragely light rather than felon tier.
Out of the k a some will be doctors or something similarly overly light.
In other words, who cares who the poll was from? The shit is too basic for it to matter.
>sadism higher than average
>because I said most people would hurt others if they could
fuck you, I might be spiteful but I absolutely dislike suffering for it's own sake.
None of you entitled faggots deserve anything
>Self Interest %13
Jesus is that you?]
I don't belong on this website, but I've been here since 2k4..
Not too horrible a human being
I don't think that this is too bad myself
Did I pass??
0 mach is just stupid, you must have a difficult life.
Could be a lot worse, I havent taken this test in a long time but I definitely used to be way more entitled
Well I am a bit of a moralfag
>Am I an edgy cunt: the questionnaire
If only you knew. As trite as that sounds.
Whelp, I think I might be broken
Apparently getting in a lot of fights doesn't make you a bad guy
That one was me. How about you link if you're even abnormalfaggot tier before you wonder why I'd expect extra in life. It's so I don't shoot up your school before you bother to ask.
Beware the lone wolf.
This test is fucking shit
Suprised I got this high in egoism, but makes sense if I think about it desu
I'm genuinely disappointed in myself
Any superiority complexers?
Even though I don't agree with narcissism, I hate myself
Does this help explain my addiction to wholesome e/cam-girls?
>Wahhhhh look at me I'm edgy
>Give me attention
>I'll shoot up a school, I mean it!!!
You must be 18 to post here
Entp / borderline sociopath here
And as usuall, the average test taker has a higher than average score. This happenes because they are self-reported, right?
Retards will self answer to sound more edgy on le foor chanss so I'd disregard anyone with 95-100% in more than one category
I didn't expect to be any worse than average.
Though I do get a kick out of ruining people's sense of a perfect world.
If I see someone who send to have Rose colored glasses I get very tempted to black pill them.
If we get lighter in the results do we get hugs
Those questions were vicious. Darkness is not the only reason one becomes a robot.
this makes me feel like a fucking retard for not being more self interested. through out it i was feeling slightly guilty but turns out people are even more Machiavellian and narcissistic than me. Its in my nature to be good and i have to force myself to be more selfish.
I'm actually 30 you cock gargling normalfaggot. Try not to suck on feminist clit too hard before you leave whilst praying for forgiveness over that 15 year old that we both know you want to fuck if ethics were designed by you as you leave Jow Forums to go to the actual lighter side of the Interwebz. She might sue you after all due to the ways of this world you pretend to adore by faggot enabling with your constant craving of money.
As it is I refuse to suck it and if you make me act like you I'd have to go postal. It's just the way it is. I'm not normal and I can't get along so you are required to do one of two things as things are. Let me be alone or die, because as I am forcing me to act like you means at best homicide.
>>I am forcing me to act like you
Typo, "if I am forced to act like you I will be at best homicidal".
r8 me bro
nit origiinal
I don't understand why some of you have such high scores in self-interest/entitlement/egoism. Don't you hate yourself desu?
I didn't realize how much of a normie I was. At least I have my sadistic revenge fantasies going for me.
the Singularity is Near Kizuna AI
wow what a bunch of normalfags shit really is becoming normified
>egoism bad
Spooked test
Seems like I'm a really good boi overall, though.
I guess I try to treat people right and expect the same in return.
shit test
my egoism should be around 100
A bloo a bloo hoo
what is wrong with you people
I knew that I had a sadist side that would never be tapped into, but whwt the hell.
this test is shit
original comment
>over average sadistic and spiteful
>thinks calling other people edgy is a good insult
You might not be edgy but you are a cunt.
Either this test is rigged or I'm the worst person in the world without knowing it
Did mine
You're supposed to get things lower that the mass, fucking faggots.
Ebin originalolol
Almost literal average
hippity hoppity step on my balls
I'm subhuman but I want to beat up someone for it.
>Spitefulness: 100%
Yep, that's me.
I think I took this test about a year ago or more and got a way darker score overall back then. Good to see I'm still somewhat edgy though.
I'm just a loser not some constantly lying sociopath
Normalnigger tier kek
A self-entitled, shiteating little tapeworm, I am. Also a normie.
So I can only be a robot if I act like a piece of shit? Whats up with that.
So many of the questions deal with how one would treat others, but I don't care about anybody enough to want to enact revenge or anything like that. I don't think this makes me a good person.
if you live as a robot and you're not at least a little cold as a result, you are the biggest bitch on earth.
Fite me fags.
>Egoism: 100%
i think egoism is off but whatever
well this is the normie shit this here
I feel like a lot of you are just larping trying to be worse than you are because you want to have that image.
who would be proud of being a shitty person?
edgy zoomers that browse this board and just general faggots lol.
My apparent lack of self interest and egoism probably stems from my self loathing, ultimately however I am probably far more self obsessed than most normies are
Not quite what I expected. Whatever.
Yeah 100%, they're trying really really hard to be edgy.
I don't want to hurt anyone in my life
you just made people do the opposite now lmao.
So I'm just a defective normie huh, not quite what I expected.
Well rounded