If I don't talk about sex I get cucked. But if I escalate tension I'm a perv who's only interested in one thing. What the fuck.
How do you even talk to girls?
The only thing I'm interested in is your pic. Gibs
all women do is jiggle their ass n tits and spend hours everyday making themselves look as sexy as possible. like, how am I supposed to look at a girl like pic related and not immediately think about sex? am i not supposed to want to have sex with them? do they even like sex? do they know what they're doing? fuck I don't even care anymore, I just want one straightforward answer for once in my life.
im out boys, ill be at xhamster.
>if I escalate tension I'm a perv
Well what exactly are you doing?
The secret is location, user. If you're not looking for a relationship, maybe try going places where there are people who also aren't looking for relationships.
In fact, tinder exists believe it or not. Make up a profile, be direct, and you'll get some 3 or 4, maybe 5/10 matches for an easy fuck.
Unless of course, you want to be some hotshot player. Then there's more things like appearance, demeanor, age and such. All things i can guarantee you do not excel at.
wtf r u talking about
women dress provocatively because they want to get fucked. the only thing they have is their appearance
look straight to their eyes, you say "can i speak to the manager", then you give her a strong handshake, sport. it's really this easy.
find something that you can relate to and ask or talk about that and turn it back onto yourself and then turn it back onto something she can talk about
its a back and forth thing
>bright dyed hair
"hey i dyed my (black) hair black once, what was yours originally?"
they will either answer seriously(1) or go for the joke(2)
>(1)"it was ___"
"i bet it looked good like that, why did you dye it?"
this is the diving point where you can start learning more about her
>(2)"you dyed your hair black when its already black?"
>"yeah it looked so bad that i ended up shaving my head"
if you get the second response try again until the conversation reaches a point where you can start asking about her
>Well what exactly are you doing?
right now, absolutely nothing. all the girls in my life that I like are too used to my presence to allow me any chance to make a move. some of these girls who I used to genuinely consider my friends would say shit like "wtf are you doing" when I would do little shit like get close to her to show her something on my phone or if I leaned over her to get something. basically my go-to tactics involve subtlety invading her private space.
yea no every girl I've complemented has tried to cuck me
thanks dad
I understand how to carry a conversation, I guess what I really want to know is how to escalate a conversation so she sees me as something more than a friend
you can try sexual undertones, innuendos, sex jokes, selective word choice, ect
or just let her escalate things
or just ask
>basically my go-to tactics involve subtlety invading her private space.
Thats good, but the problem is you are trying this on your friends who dont see you in a possible romantic way. You have to meet new girls and try it on them.
you don't
you accept you're defective product and leave it at that
well shit, they're my friends because I like talking to them and enjoy being around them. why shouldn't I also want to fuck them? I'm straight god damn it. I even know for a fact one of them; the same bitch that said "wtf are you doing" used to be into me. a little backstory here, we were friends in high school and she told me she had a crush on me right after I left my ex and just before I moved off to college.
>inb4 I'm not incel enough to post here
by "ex" I mean I once fucked a desperate chick and was too scared to tell her to fuck off. anyways I've just dropped out and moved back home and my old friends are telling me she's single. she even tried messaging me saying she missed me but I fucked that up too cuz depression. deep down I know you're right though, I need to leave this place.
any examples of a nuanced sexual innuendo that won't label me a creep?
>or just let her escalate things
d-do women actually do this
>or just ask
any girl that would fuck me just because I asked is probably a crack whore
When I saw you ask "how do I talk to girls?" I came i to this thread looking for answers.
Instead, I found a load of normalfags that actually talk to girls in real life, but cant talk about sex good.
How do you go about finding a girl you don't know and actually starting a conversation with her in the first place? Where do they gather where they want dudes to come talk to them?
is there anywhere outside you can hook up?
>How do you go about finding a girl you don't know and actually starting a conversation with her in the first place?
Mostly its through friends of friends.
>Where do they gather where they want dudes to come talk to them?
unless you can hang at a club there's nowhere you can go where women expect to be hit on. do what said and make some friends at a concert or convention center
Well I guess I'm out of luck then.
I feel like people usually go those places with their friends already.
I do have one friend, but he's an even bigger virgin than me, and he tries to do hobbies to meet girls and it doesn't seem to be working for him.
>any girl that would fuck me just because I asked is probably a crack whore
No, ask them on a date.
You don't talk to girl. You kind of talk at them and they listen
It's a fine line and you learn by doing.
Who said you're not supposed to want sex?
women don't want guys they find unattractive to sexualize them. its this little power game they like to play.
Honestly I think the PUA community made females way more complex than they need to be. Women aren't actually super calculating they just do whatever feels 'right'. The important thing is to convince them you're going to help them somehow
pua is a fucking joke for anyone other than chadlites. a girl is either going to find you attractive, unattractive, or somewhere in the middle and she's not sure. the only time pua works is in that middle area. if she finds you unattractive no amount of game and bullshit is going to convince her otherwise. if she finds you attractive you can say almost anything and she'll still want to fuck you.