Teach me

What's something not everybody knows? Teach me something new.

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When bees nut they die

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The giant squid's eye evolved completely separately than that of humans, meaning the need for sight was so necessary that it happened completely at random twice in evolution. Imagine what else there is we never evolved to see.

Polar bears are left handed

Women had no biological use for morality, and therefore never developed it. Any semblance of it is just a display of social conformity/manipulation/ fear.

More than twice, I think it's 5. Pretty sure the nautilus eye has no common ancestor with the eye of either humans of squids.

Franz Kafka likely never traveled more than a few blocks from the house he was born in. He was a real robot

no doubt about it

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When a foreign object becomes embedded under the skin and remains visible, it is known as a traumatic/natural tattoo. It often occurs due to wood or meta splinters or graphite fragments. I have four of them.

Tahoe is west of LA

There is an imperative in your brain that skews your perception to feel better about the world
The just world bias

I don't understand what you mean be more specific please

fast walker = the virgin walker. of course they are less happy

I walk fast because I have long legs, and the only thing I'm ever upset about is how slow everyone else walks

Japan doesn't actually have a single censorship law on the books, there is not a single statute anywhere mandating censorship of any kind. All censorship is done voluntarily by artists and publishers and studios.

You can really fuck somebody up by jamming your fingers into the space between their orc and their shoulder. You know that indentation right between the arm and the chest? Just jam your fingers into that with the tips vertically aligned along it in a line, as hard and as deep and you can.
It won't knock anybody out, but it hurts like crazy and it's the only pressure point attack I think is practical.

Pec and shoulder
Stupid phone

there are Americans living north of Canadians

Wow, even the blurred out porn?

Yes, all of it is voluntary. What Japan does have is an incredibly vague 150 year old law written in the country's first constitution that is still kicking around somehow in the penal code. This law allows for broad punitive action against "obscene material", but does not define, not even vaguely, what obscene material is. This is because Japan doesn't really have a concept of obscenity. This is a western idea that they put into their constitution in order to seem more western. It's not something the Japanese have an innate feeling for. Combine this with the fact that Japan's legal system also doesn't have legal precedent, so everything is tried as-new, and you have a recipe for totally arbitrary enforcement of a super vague law. Hence everybody self-censors to avoid standing out too much. Nobody really knows what "obscene" is though so the censorship is sorta random and varies a lot from place to place, and can suddenly get more intense if the Japanese police decide to arrest somebody randomly, which they have done on numerous occasions.

Another fact: Japan targets publishers and distributors for obscenity charges, not artists or consumers. Artists are almost never punished. This is another thing they imported from the west, this time from France instead of America or Britain.

It's also probably why child pornography was not even illegal to own in Japan until 2014. Distribution of it was, but not ownership.

I had to look this up and now I'm mad for no reason thanks user

Pepsi was for a brief moment the 6th largest military in the world.

Nevada borders California, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, and Oregon. Approximately 70% of the state is federal land.

it's not Cliff Notes it's Cliff's Notes

The smallest possible number of clues for a Sudoku with unique solution is 17.

The actual Julius Caesar's last words translate closely to "What the hell" or "What the fuck" and Shakespeare embellished.

The pyramids in Egypt are roughly the same age as Stonehenge

In order to properly expose your image, you need to check the F-Stop, Aperture, and the ISO. Exposure is basically how bright or dark your image is relative to the light you have available.

A lot of beginner photographers/cinematographers tend to JUST check the ISO, especially when shooting darker scenes, because it digitally makes the image brighter. Unfortunately with that digital enhancement comes noise, a bunch of weird artifacts in the image which are the result of the camera filling in information it doesn't have. If you're shooting night scenes, I recommend you cap the ISO at like 800, and try and fix the rest through better lighting, the F-stop, and the Aperture.

this is basic shit but hey, not everyone knows it

The scientist who proved the Y-chromosome determined sex was a woman, and the debunked theory about the X chromosome determining sex was a man's.

Fanta was invented in Nazi Germany after they stopped receiving the ingredients for Coca-Cola

based ancap fact

In that case that letter to his father was ballsy as fuck

I keep forgetting about this.

All the plastic that has ever been created still exists, since not enough time has passed for any of it to biodegrade.

The Marbled Crayfish is an organism that can reproduce with itself due to being a hermaphrodite whose both sets of genitals work, so it can self-impregnate. It essentially creates clones of itself, at amazing rates, and is beginning to become an infestations in coasts where it shouldn't be at all.

By waking up an hour earlier and going back to bed you can easily experience lucid dreams.