I am going to lose my v card tomorrow with a MILF I met on tinder and I am fucking nervous, pls halp.
I am going to lose my v card tomorrow with a MILF I met on tinder and I am fucking nervous, pls halp
Awesome! She will probably know what to do. And be honest about being a virgin, that's a lot more adorable than trying to act cool. Enjoy the ride some of us will never get to take.
I just finished talking to her on the phone, and it was a rather naughy call, I think I just set her expectations too high and now I will mess it up.
How old are you user?
How old is the milf?
i am 18 and she is 49
23 but I look 19, she told me she is 32 but to be honest she looks 40.
That's ok. The key is to go slowly. Like when you're touching and kissing, do all those things way way way longer than you think you need to. The anticipation is important. But honest communication is the most important thing. Ask what she likes, but also it's ok to receive pleasure too. Don't forget that. You don't have to do everything. She wants to hook up with you.
she most likely already can tell he's a virgin
Why do people do this
Sir, you're under arrest for faggotry and larping.
That's a good advice, she told me she works in a spa so I told her teach me how to do a massage, and she said I could try on her, I plan to use that in my advantage as much as I can.
I joe that's tru, because it would make things easier.
This is not me.
sauce on pic OP? looks like a girl I know
Definitely the massage stuff will be a good way to get started. It will be hard not to rush. But do your best not to. Savor how her skin feels, pay attention to how she moves her body as you touch her, let that guide you. Don't forget her feet.
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Why dont you get a youthful, nubile girl instead of an old lady?
make sure to get off this board and never come back afterwards normalfag
nice dude. does she know?
thats actually pretty funny. godspeed.
Enjoy her cavernous, old pussy.
thats actually pretty funny. godspeed. (wrong post last time xd)
>Savor how her skin feels
You mean savor her flaccid, wrinkled, maybe leathery skin?
these are for Chad only
>Enjoy her cavernous, old pussy.
And savor tyrone's cum