I am denied the right to have sex despite having a big penis

I am denied the right to have sex despite having a big penis.

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you would kill them
they don't have a libido

Might makes right nigga and you a pussy ass bitch

It's not hard user. Just find some dumb bitch online if you can't match up with anyone on Tinder and she even might pay for your airfare. Sex isn't everything though

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Those girls look about 12 years old. They're definitely fucking themselves with hairbrush handles.

Show it to us, user. We want to see it!

because of peer pressure

No, probably because of biology, because they've hit puberty.

that doesn't happen until towards the end of puberty

How about we both quit making blanket statements

Then how will you justify taking advantage of children?

On an individual basis, of course

I'll pray someone is there to tell the kids the only people "attracted" to children are predators that only care about themselves.

I'm not into kids, but I love young women.

nope they are children
their decision making part of their brain isn't fully formed
what you're wanting is half-rape

The decision making part of my part isn't fully formed either, what's your point? We're perfect for each other.

that doesn't mean they are at your level

More details please. I've sorted out my life mostly but I still haven't had sex.

I'm developmentally disabled... so is it creepy if I date somebody younger who is "on my level"?

No one's at my level. And that's exactly why I'm able to take the liberty of romancing pubescent girls.

they aren't on your level you're still an adult. I'm sure you'd have no problem roping a young girl into ruining her life. The resources you have, the knowledge, it's just not fair. You overpower them greatly. it's just not fair to let old men be able to prey on young girls.

or women/boys