We fembots are taking over r9k which is rightfully ours! Boys can still post but they must be respectful. Anyone who steps out of line will be shot.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I only knew one single actual fembot in the entire history of shit posting on r9gay and she was some lunatic who wanted to gas all men. I imagine she's killed herself

Try you fucking cunt the only one with a gaping fleshwound is you.

Honestly the only boys who should be allowed to post are paypigs who worship femanons.

Of course, my queen. I am here to obediently and respectfully serve.

maybe if femanons spoke up sometimes about how shitty women can be, maybe just maybe you wouldn't have so many problems on this board. you're all so silent on all this shit, maybe because you condone it and don't see a problem with all the skank behavior.

>We fembots are taking over r9k
You holes are outnumbered you have no chance

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Okay. Will you assign me a fembot gf OP? Please?

>not taking the power of orbiters into account
we outnumber you

I will gladly die as a loyal orbiter soldier for the cause.

fuck off baiting cunt suck my 7 inch cock

get back in the kitchen cunt

chock on my willy beta cumhole

up yours tranny

How can I find femanons who will let me do this

girl here
it's our board now

enough of the cat calls and pityful crying over not having girlfriends

every boy will work out, learn to cook, learn poetry to entertain us, get a professional haircut, a high paying job and be loyal

shut the actual fuck up please.

Sure as long as you keep spreading those leg

Yes please I want to live in a matriarchy.

Please please please. Women are delightful angels that deserve to rule over us and have only the best

Shut the fuck up before you ger decapitated bitch

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>Women are delightful angels that deserve to rule over us and have only the best

Yessssss. Thanks user. Finally someone gets it. Life would be much better under rule by women

Too bad the women will never realize their true place in this world

Shoot me then

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fembots, would you fuck Hitler?

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Wish they would.

It would be pretty easy for them to control the world if they just tried. Women dont understand their own power.

I'll yield if we make a trade. One femanon for my surrender.


Tits first

the only "fems" I'll tolerate is mommy gf
no roasties allowed

Listen little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

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Put one right between my eyes you damn cunt

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Fr fr. They already control men and who gets to have sex with them. If they collectively withheld sex and other important things they do for men.


I've been saying this for years. Men should not be allowed on r9k. They are responsible for all the school shootings, murders, and suicides on this board, and they are also the reason we got flooded by normalfags and stacies. Then they flooded in again when their stupid inkwell hangout got booted and spammed this place with so much anti-woman nonsense that /lgbt/ and discord trannies retaliated by spamming girlyboi conversion trash here.
FRIEND/GF/BF finder threads belong on /soc/
gay/tranny threads belong on /lgbt/ and /b/
incels don't belong, go back to lookism or PUAhate or wherever you losers used to hang out

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can i step out of line on purpose so i can die without my family thinking it was on purpose?

as a Female who now Controls this board, i DEMAND everyone post pictures of their cats NOW DO IT NOW

I do not have a cat, my queen

if you don't have your own cat, google image is Fine

Okay, here is a picture from google

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

this is a cat i saved from the streets

are you appeased, my queen? i only want to prostrate myself at your feet

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-02-11-25-51.jpg (720x1280, 452K)

Ok, now allow us to assert dominance over your cringe thread with our anthem:

Now that we're men
We can do anything
Now that we're men, we are invincible
Now that we're men
We're going to Shell City
Get the crown, save the town and Mr. Krabs

Now that we're men
We have facial hair
Now that we're men
I changed my underwear
Now that we're men, we have a manly flair
We've got the stuff
We're tough enough to save the day

this is an excellent cat. what is its name

Now that we're men
We can do anything
Now that we're men, we are invincible
Now that we're men
We're going to Shell City
Get the crown, save the town and Mr. Krabs

Now that we're men
We have facial hair
Now that we're men
I changed my underwear
Now that we're men, we have a manly flair
We've got the stuff
We're tough enough to save the day

That's right brother! sing it with me!

this fucker is getting stomped because of you

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shut up and pet some more cats bitch boy

eeeep! y-yes ma'am, right away

Whenever we do this, guys will say shit like: ''oh you must think you're so special''. Am I mistaken? :/

Those guys sound like real jerks.

they treat pickme girls the same way they treat the rest. bianca was a pickme who bad mouthed other women and they cheered when she died. there's no way to satisfy them and shit talking other women certainly won't change their hatred. the user you replied to is a cunt.

Other girls are not the enemy. Bianca should be praised for landing another male in prison. She died for it, but that is ok.

This desu. The girls here should just do what makes them happy instead of trying to appease the incels here.

oh yeah, the """fembots""" are taking over
i can smell your smegma from here. you have no pussy, good sir. at least not a natural one

They do...
>maybe because you condone it and don't see a problem with all the skank behavior.
I don't, but I've met girls that started doing it because they felt bad about themselves having standards. Those girls came to the conclusion that they shouldn't judge ''skanks'', they thought they were doing that because they were resentful about the ''popular girls'' and not because they had principles. Some fembots will look down rather than hold an opinion, they feel pathetic for that, they feel they can't judge other women with a more ''succesful'' social life. Can any other femanon confirm this?

^This meant also for
(stop larping please)

we kept her for just few days after takin from streets and found her a home

the owners gave her some lame ass cutesy name

not unless you're gonna mommy me
otherwise why even bother

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>be robot in 2021
>browse r9k to see how it aged
>see thread
>"malebot here"
>think it's parody
>click on it
>people are actually having a discussion and few tell OP to stop baiting
>browse further
>most threads are tranny threads, shunning monogamy or fembots talking about how they had sex with some barkeeper for a free drink
>some orbiters still post fembot worship threads
>make thread asking what happened
>get told to have sex
>commit suicide

Attached: whydiditbecomethisway.jpg (724x724, 74K)

Wow that sounds awesome. I can't wait.

I'm sure your roast is flabbing in excitement

But I am a male. Your post makes no sense.

kill yourself then, cuck

No way. Not when there's such a bright future ahead of me.

Can't we all just be friends? Nice fembots, please post tits.

well you are male, but you are kind of feminine personality wise and not very pleasant as a person.

What do you mean? How could you know my personality from just a single post?

more or less this is your personality
>i can't wait to kill myself
>such a bright future (epic irony)
you kind of fan of verbal self flagellation in order to make people give you attention, ain't even worth bullying t b h.

I'm not gonna kill myself. I just want to see more fembot worship threads.

ok, cant say i care for this, anyway seen any good movies recently?

i had sorta the opposite issue.
around the prime puberty years when most of the other girls wanted to talk about appealing to boys, and sex, and cosmetics, and i was this sort of dumpy short girl with acne who wasn't developing a sense of style. so i rejected femininity entirely.

i was like that for years. i associated femininity with some pre-conceived idea of "weakness" and i didn't want to wear make-up, or dresses, or paint my nails for years. i wanted to be the athletic kid (didn't work out, i was still lazy and dumpy. surprisingly aggressive when i played basketball, though.) and for the cherry on top, since i couldn't make a lot of female friends, i just hung out with my brother and his friends.

it took me until the last two years of high school to really get out of that mindset, in addition to some unique things that helped me build my self confidence. i'm not interested in sex that much myself for a variety of reasons, but to be honest, i don't have a problem with promiscuous women as long as they aren't.. well.. lying about it. i think the line gets crossed when you hurt people with your actions, and go behind the back of someone that trusts you, or string someone along. that's something i don't condone.

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Intersex antagonism is a jewish plot to divide and destroy white people.

Fuck feminism and fuck incel/TRP women hating culture

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Become a pol fag. Its cured me totally of my existential dread and nihilism.

My life is full of brotherhood and hope for the future. I hope yours can be too.




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Here slut, go to your new sluthome

stfu roastie bitch

Thanks for sharing this.

> in addition to some unique things that helped me build my self confidence.
Can I ask what things?

As long as you don't shoot me over something stupid like choice of words.

>high-paying job
If only it was that easy.

>"men are the problem"
>thinks Jow Forums is hateful
Oh the irony

They control the gene pool too. Fuck that, I'd rather speciate

If we let female run this board it would definitly go to shit. So, fuck off and show us your tits you vapid whore

god i want to gently femdom a guy so bad.


what stops you? There are tons of us wanting just that

fembots don't exits though

>not being a dominant man
You "males" disgust me.

You can have it. This place has gone to shit anyway.

oh yea

im still a femvirg at almost 20

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I don't know how to do the act of feeling let alone how to love, having a gentle femdom gf helps me trust her more too seeing as she's not the only object of desire in the relationship.
also having a guide helps, because I have no idea how to do intimate relationships

Stop trying to make femdom a thing. It's never going to be a thing.

What kind of bf do fembots want?

>fembot uprising
>maybe 4 in this thread at most
>less than 10 replies an hour

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Sounds good to me but I won't be able to get that job and my poetry will be abysmal. Can I at least get a hug?

I will not accept female rule, but I will accept death. You will never farm me for my labor, money, and sperm, so Please kill me and end my suffering

fuck off femcel

What does that even mean? You fucked a boy?

?that im a virgin ,sorry wasnt effortposting

I will gladly die for this

why do all my female friends eventually want to have sex with me? women's sex drives are crazy from 20-30

you can have (1) hug

That sounds like a fair deal. I'll even improve my hygiene before cashing that in.

How am I supposed to respect a woman that can't crush me like a bug?

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