This video makes America look like a war zone...

This video makes America look like a war zone. And there is definitely a second shooter by the sounds of those bullets coming through which they havent caught yet.

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Oh yeah there was that one shot that sounded completely different and went off while the one main gun was going. Weird.

What was this shooting about?
The El Paso one was probably something anti-immigration

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only in america

Not true.
This is common in war zones as well

Gun control was much more lax in the past, yet these kinds of things didn't happen. There is something fundamentally wrong with contemporary American society, and I'd say it's been developing over the last 30 years. Banning guns won't fix it, as much as the democrats want to believe. Their proposed solutions completely miss the root cause of these shootings.

Someone is going to reply to my post and blame the jews, mexicans, niggers, or whatever.

>you will never be american
feels fucking great man

Holy shit, another one? I really hope this faggot is not a white guy...Its getting to be a really bad time to be a white guy in america.

Its a white male.
Skip to 2:20, police confirms it:

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Of course its gonna be a white guy.

most of those mass shootings are false flags made by the illuminati

As long as you dont carry or own guns no ones gonna suspect of you being off

Is it even surprising people at this point? Just another "lone wolf" acting off "his own motivations" with a manifesto and a social media footprint identical to all the other unstable bigots that are straight white severely unpleasant psuedo-Christian men.

Wait. Another fucking shooting? Right after the El Paso one? This is surreal.

thots and prayers XDD

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How much you want to bet the shooter was a white male in his 20s again?

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Really? They didnt expect that? In fuckin Texas. Where everyone and their dog his armed?

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>Describes the suspect as heavy set
>"is at large"
Made me lol irl

As a non-american that's what it's seemed like to me for a while, you guys are all angry and wanting to kill eachother all of the time, some of you just do ahead and do it regularly anyway.

>several magazine clips

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I love how these guys shows up in full tactical gear and then just stands around since the shooting ended literally hours before they even got there. happens at every single shooting.

This is another mass shooting that happened in Dayton Ohio, several hours after El Paso.

why did he get out of his car instead of driving away?

t. brainlet

"yikes" thank you for letting us all know you're a faggot

also he's probs alt right as fuck

Or cia as fuck

The party is over. Incels can buy guns now and are old enough to rekt your shit.

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where the video link you dumb niggers

I'm honestly getting scared, why does this keep happening? I don't believe people who try and blame the actions of these killers on being virgins, it has to be something else. Why does it feel like everything is coming apart at the seams?

It happens because people are easily influenced and believe stupid shit about how oppressed they are when they really aren't.

Time to ban the guns. This shit has gotten way out of hand.

gun control doesn't necessarily mean banning guns, just for instance making hen harder to obtain.
Reducing the proliferation of guns would definitely help reduce the frequency of these events, but that should be trivial anywhere but in the US.

3 shootings in 3 days. 33 dead.
Gilroy, Texas, and now Ohio.
I would not be surprised if there is another one tomorrow.
>Why does this keep happening
Because there are over 400 million guns in the hands of hundreds of millions of testosterone driven civilian men. This is what usually happens.

>Since 2013, there has been only one full calendar week - the week of January 5, 2014 - without a mass shooting.
>The longest respite was 11 days between January 8, 2013, and January 18, 2013, when no mass shootings were reported, according to the Gun Violence Archive.

ths is america

dont catch you slippin tho

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Sad that the president thinks everyone should have access to guns, even the mentally ill.

What other major change has affected this country other than massive demographic shifts? Ethnic conflict is inevitable.

>ywn get shot when going outside
feels fucking good being a eastern european once

also, who cares about the shootings, those things happen daily

Is this from the Douglas park shooting in Chicago?

Fucking hell, another shooting? This is getting out of hand. I'm legit concerned about where this is all gonna go in the next year.

1. First feminize the country
2. Take away their ways of self defense
3. Sow discord
4. Slowly invade
5. Take over

This is the plan of a certain country who wants America gone. This has been done to Rome before and other great civilizations.

Don't go cold turkey on your antipsychotics dude

Good. Fuck the white race

None of these men have been feminized. Their testosterone is the reason theyre out there slaughtering innocents. Women dont commit these mass shootings. Frankly if they were feminized enough then mass shootings wouldnt be so prevalent

If It was illegal to spread news about mass shootings they would stop happening. One mass shooting leads to another and to another because it gives these people the confidence boost they need.

It's the same thing with suicide rates. News report suicide rates and that day suicides inevitably increase.

You don't think places like Jow Forums make it more prevalent with the constant praise of past shooters and the victim mentality that spreads around here like wildfire? People convince themselves they are being wronged when they aren't and places like here are a fucking echo chamber egging these people on.

Jow Forums is BASED and REDPILLED you're just a KEK and a KIKE

Banning guns will do literally nothing except INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF SHOOTINGS

fucking retards, these shootings happened literally in places where the gun laws are incredibly strict. If everyone had guns, the gunmen would not have killed more than 3 to 5 people max.

Obviously a fucking yank. Obviously here in England we're completely overrun and our gun crime has skyrocketed since we banned guns decades ago. That's why we have more shootings than America, even. Retard.

These gunmen got their guns across state lines, legally. Retard.

>day Antifa begins 10 day texas protests
>3 men dressed in all black, all using ear protection and MASR's
>shoot immigrants and have poorly constructed manifestos


>20 people died yesterday in Texas
>Texas is literally an open carry state

Hello retard. How are you?

also texas and ohio have incredibly lax gun laws, I have no idea what that guy is on

That's true but these people want the attention from the general public. They want to remembered forever by them.

My solution in a perfect world it would work. But you can't really ban the spread of information on the internet like you said.

There is no easy solution to this problem Murica has. Even if you ban assault riffles, how the fuck are you gonna demilitarize 300 millions?

I thought guns are supposed to stop shit like this? When is a mass shooter finally going to be stopped by armed civilians?

oh I was talking about the Gilroy shooter. He got his gun in another state with lax gun laws

America is and always has been a war zone.
No peace on stolen land.

Nah, you still have a white majority. Still have a problem in London with shootings, stabbings, vehicle attacks, and acid splashing, tho. You also only have a fifth of our population.

>Gilroy shooter
shit I forgot about that

lmao holy shit, America had three mass shootings in one week. Can't imagine living in that shithole

I know you are joking but many americans think like this. They actually think the world is a James Bond movie and that they will be able to defend themselves with guns.

In reality the majority shit their pants and run away when a mass shooting happens.

Not to mention that if you need to RESPOND to a shooter, the shooter already probably killed one or two guys. A country that is entirely armed still has like a minimum of two injured per shooting. Kinda retarded to start at that instead of 0 injured.

they do, and often.
you're just never told when it is.
this was completely off the news cycle when this shooting happened.

Native Americans didn't have property rights, therefore land couldn't be stolen

Kike circular reasoning. You'll burn in hell.

OK don't ever buy property then kikefaggot

>used his own AR-15 to stop Devin Patrick Kelley, the man behind what is considered to be the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in 2017.
wow those people who were killed must be really happy that someone stopped the shooter after they were already shot

Right wingers don't shoot with hearing protection? That's the golden, hidden truth? The writing on the wall that absolutely and conveniently confirms these shooters were DEFINITELY NOT on your side of the political spectrum?
I'm just joshing you a bit, here. But fuck, lad. A paper plate with googly eyes could score higher than you on an IQ test.

>this was completely off the news cycle
Then why does the news article exist?

I think last week or the week before some cunt here made a reply to me about a happening that was about to take place coming from the far right. You think this is what he was talking about? 13 spree shootings by far right nutjobs in 2 weeks. Gross.

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No second shooter, the other shots are most likely the cops, they responded almost immediately and returned fire, killing the shooter

>Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million, in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.

>Another study estimates there are 1,029,615 DGUs per year "for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere" excluding "military service, police work, or work as a security guard," (within the range of the National Academies' paper), yielding an estimate of 162,000 cases per year where someone "almost certainly would have been killed" if they "had not used a gun for protection." (versus the 33,000 deaths by firearm, 22,000 self inflicted)


wow someone's surely defensive

With a 30 round full auto snub nose

There's already another shooting going on in Ohio right now

Get your shit together Americans good lord

where do you think Dayton is, retard?

Mentally ill people are more often the target of violence than the perpetrators. If anything, normalfags need their guns taken away and given to the mentally ill.

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But this isn't ethic in nature. They aren't specifically targeting a racial group yet. Their manifestos are pretty targeted but not the targets. I could be wrong though. I would say a lot has changed especially socially in America.

The white guilt narrative spreading around, demographic replacement, femenism and femenisation of society, men dropping out of society at surprising rates, black president, antifa, boomers not retiring, decline of religion. All of these things are interelated and are signs of a society losing its soul.

That's an easy answer. It's egoism. Same reason why Germany has more mass shootings that Switzerland, despite the latter having more lax gun laws.

In Texas you dumbfuck

user, they already won.
There's no need to invade or take over. Don't they already control the media and the president and all important offices or are you referring to someone other than the jews?

Because normalfags want it to happen. They control society, and they want to throw a tantrum right now, like a spoiled kid. They've done this since they were born.

Exactly. More people in this country are allowing the Devil to spread his influence, and they don't even know it. His fuel is selfishness and arrogance.

>magazine clips

What you are seeing is a country filled with 320 million people starting to implode on itself. The government is a complete mess, corporatism and neoliberalism is running rampant, baby boomers arent retiring enough because they were retards in everything including money management while still sucking the social security tit so dry there will be almost nothing left for future generations, almost an entire generation turning into hopeless doomers for a mountain of reasons, and despite it all no one either understands why so many are snapping or dont give a shit and want to just put a band aid on a gaping wound thinking that will be enough or make them feel better. There are things that are extremely not right in modern American society and it shows, as has said guns were much more lax and available not even half a century ago and yet this shit almost never happened barring a few extreme cases. If you have people who keep on regularly deciding to shoot some place up for whatever reason (and not just gangbangers or suicides, which make up the very wide majority of gun deaths) then there is something very fucked going on. That isnt even going into the giant rabbit hole of things such as the CIA and Operation Northwoods. Now add all of that with all of the retarded shit that is easily spread over the internet plus easily impressionable unstable people, and you have yourself a giant recipe for disaster. But the absolute worst part of this is that the media will happily spread their names and faces for all to see, which is exactly what these people want. They see people like Brenton Terrant and the Columbine shooters who are still talked about to this day, and they know that if they do something similar they too will be famous one way or another to millions of normalfags.
It will make more and more people go full on Medieval like the German guy in the 1960s, or the dude who burned the anime studio.

I'm not religious, I used the word "soul" because I lack a better word. Maybe essence would be better. I feel like atheist (I myself am one) and overplayed their hand. The more I look at societal norms the more fucked up shit I see. Religion is simply a tool to keep these things in check.

From a top down macro point of view society has two choices. God or Devil, black or white, coke or pepsi. This type of thinking, while simple, provides people with the necessary structure on which to make decisions in their day to day lives which are far more morally gray.

People need to start viewing religions and ideologies as medications. Something that can be used to treat something but often have nasty side effects that need to be circumvented.

Dayton sucks. I should know. I live there

Human nature is kind of like that. We seek guidance and leadership, but sometimes can be deceived by it. Empathetic Leaders versus Dictators, and such.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit; especially with the Islam invasion in Europe

>the Islam invasion in Europe
The what?

>almost started crying, but not quite
Damn, she was almost there. Also, fuck your 4th world shithole

>great civilization
Diabetes and mass shootings are not culture.

>that one bullet that you hear crack close to him

Lol why the fuck is he still there. I would have driven the fuck out of there. I never understand why people feel the need to record this shit with their phones when they are at the scene of an active shooting. gtfo of there you idiots.

why cry?
you can't see shit

apparently the kid was waiting for his girlfriend

>you lived long enough for the beta uprising

I guess that's a little more understandable then. In that case at least he stayed in his car and didn't run in looking for her.

it's just banter, la. and besides, more people commit suicide by gun than getting hit by mass shootings such as this