Gave up on a real life relationship after I reached 40. Dolls are an amazing option now...

Gave up on a real life relationship after I reached 40. Dolls are an amazing option now. I wished I got one sooner in life.

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All incels should just buy dolls and opt out of the real world. They shouldn't be spreading their genes.

i cant wait til some genius finally makes them walk around and talk and can do chores and is fully passable for

I find dolls cute and easy to manage over having to always be socially acceptable with a real person. I don't have to try and entertain her in any way or watch what I say to offend her or judge me. Real people are straight up evil and malicious. I noticed a majority of people enjoy making others suffer, being bullies, or belittling others because they don't meet their standard of what a human is in their eyes. No wonder humans never had peace in on over millions of years.

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I'm very hopeful and impressed on how fast dsdoll is gaining in robotics. CompaRed to MIT, dsdoll is able to get a functioning robot with facial movements and recognition in less than 2 years.

is this your doll? I've fallen very deeply in love with her.

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What was it like growing up in the 80s?? How old were you when you got your first internet connection?

lmfao you're 40 and post on Jow Forums

just lol

even moot gave up before you

im not a tech guy. But, if i had the dough and it was up to me id take the best robot in the world that walks around like a person now. Cover it in real doll skin, whole body. Put best talking real doll head on it. Dress it up and have it walking around and then id say, "we could have this for the consumer market with enough research funds, by late 2020's". That could be done right now, i dont think tech companies want to take the heat though.

the doing chores will require robot hands arms and AI that doesnt exist yet

yes, that's my doll. Im on mobile and don't have any new pics of her on my phone. You should get one. She enhances my life by so much.

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Yeah dolls are awesome.

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lmfao you fuck an expensive anime fleshlight and it enhances your life

holy shit

80s was a time of innovation and pop culture. A wonderful time of saturday morning cartoons on more than 2 channels. Toys and movies before they were crappy remakes pr reboots. I got dial up back in 1996 and it was at 5 kbps. Yes, kilobytes. it was mideval.

Check out Jow Forumssexdolls if you're on reddit, by the way

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And yet you're here too. take a good look at your future. You'll be in my shoes 10 years from now.

He doesn't use her for sexual purposes.
He did buy her second hand though.

What's with the anti-incel campaign going on in Jow Forums? Did Hiro hire a bunch of shills to try to clean the reputation of the site?

was just thinking i wish i had a girlfriend who had tits and a pussy but was rubber and immobile imo

man i hate the whole mutual part of fucking

wish i could just fuck a hole that doesnt move

where did you buy it? orginal

I like her cute face, petite body, and tiny facial features a lot. What model type is she? Most dolls look like
which I'm not really in the market for.

It's better to get them paired off with dolls before they shoot people.

Dolls are awesome. They hold their beauty forever. It's a embodiment of a dream or fantasy without any of the downsides

sorry to break it to you but: anyone of any background w/ access to the internet can post anywhere in tyool 2019

i'll give you time to digest this mind blowing galaxy brain factoid

Are you here to spout hate? Why are you here on this website? You're just as bad as the walmart shooter.

imagine being this delusional

you're the david foster wallace of comparing people who disagree w/ you online w/ mass murderers

I wish all of the GamerGaters were shot in the street.

You can buy her from
she goes for close to $2500

what is a gamergater?

please explain, in detail

are you the same poster as this?

that's an outrageous and rude accusation

I love fucking rubber mannequins as a replacement for putting any effort into my real life

Let me guess, you also hate watching movies or reading books as a replacement for putting any effort into your life. Those aren't real either, you know.

This is an interesting topic since many find that random people have a disgust towards sex dolls with little to no logical reason other than its against social norms.
On /b/ there are loli doll owners, and people show more curiosity than disgust.

i exclusively climb mountains and fight wild animals for a living

my posts are communicated exclusively in morse code through the smoke of burning animal viscera

i've got a Guy

>"you can't get a woman to waste all your money on? waste all your money on a sexdoll instead!!"
Literal fucking retards. Your hand is free! Stop being such perfect fucking goyim!

just fuck men

It's so surreal how you can be this lighthearted and witty in one post but so bitter and judgemental in the previous.

it's a way to make them feel better about themselves,

the funny bit is when the dolls are attractive enough everyone will be doing it. Dolls today are what porn was in the mid 1980s, eeewwww you do that! tee hee hee, fast forward 20 years everyone watches porn

maybe you should realize that not everyone takes r9k as serious as you do for the safety of your own autism


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um your gf looks like she might be dead, OP

time to get a less dead gf

My theory is that women dont like competition that is way better than them, you all have seen how women treat eachother when they see eachother as competition for a man they want, they are afraid of men in mass switching to dolls. And because we live in a gynocentric society men also shame other men for owning dolls simply because they want to seem higher status in the eyes of any nearby female, so to sumerizen, women shame men for having dolls because they see competition (not for that partucular man, but because they are aware that the doll is better than them) and men shame other men who own dolls in order to boost themselves and their social status

One I had before I got my current

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i have to ask, why are they all modeled after asian women?

Im curious, how and where do you store them, how should they be stored and handled?

I normally just keep them in my bed, and when I have visitors I store them under the bed on a thin mattress. When I had two, one was also in the closet, hanging from a clothes rod.

in a coffin with "FUCK TOOL" printed in comic sans on the lid

they arent
the ones modelled after western faces are hideous

because chinese

This actually made me lol, thank you user

Ok but how long until they make ones I can wear?

I don't want to own the doll I want to be the doll

how much for a fuckdoll that steals my debit card and spends it on olive garden and gets into a giant argument about who actually bought olive garden BITCH I DON'T EAT ITALIAN FOOD MADE FOR WHITE PEOPLE WITH BIG FOREHEADS FUCK YOU I'M CALLING A LYFT YOU FUC

anyways thats what i want

Tranny detected


human level AI is coming 2029, but i am hopeful we can get all the fun slutty behavior without it copying the cancer

i want my pulsating plastic pussy life partner to throw glassware at me and insult my penis while i cry and shamefully rub my impotent ding-dong in the bathroom when she's at work and i'm not too afraid to be caught and shamed by her again

i want her boyfriend to yell at me and make me wash the dishes after they use too much silverware to eat dinner with

why does dontrell need to use two forks for one entree? why?! fuck you you fucking bitch

No worry my good lad, being an AI researcher myself i can tell you that AI development is just business, if its a shitty product no one will buy it.

>spreading genes

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i can just imagine somone finding my skeleton a year after im dead still cuddling one of those dolls while is slept.

the , i have managed to get a relationship , with a female, but still dont have sex with them feature LOL

user, you do God's Work. Do Not Allow blue haired demons to attempt to infect my slutty AI girlfriend of 2030 with feminism or Chad worship!

Now back to work , Build HER!!!

There exists a picture of a dead decomposed man who died cuddling his home-made sexdoll. I don't have it, but it's really sad.

i want my fuckdoll to be so full of congealed cum when i die that the cumshrooms burst through her desiccated non-recyclable corpse after my death and create a fungal paradise in my studio apartment causing a utopia for cum-based lifeforms to thrive and develop their own society based around equal rights and justice for all

They do make them to wear, but they go by a different name, they call them kigurumis in Japan. Although a very niche fetish, there is limited mask and styles that are available. Most are fashioned to look like sailor moon.

Why are people so threatened by some random person owning a doll? People tell the doll owner they are losers and should get a real gf as if they are the random persons parent. What kind of God complex and over controlling person have they become that their thoughts and opinions must be followed like a bible.

If you ever did this, you are the problem and need to die off, but you won't because you're like a virus, destroying the host body.

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I'm sorry for all the hate you're getting, doll anons. I don't have a doll and don't ever plan on getting one, but i respect your choices. It makes me happy that you all found something that makes you happy, and i think you shouldn't be judged for it. Luckily, in a few years, sex dolls will be normalized just as porn and sex toys are now.

it's the implications. when you can only guess what someone is like you assume the worst based off of the worst things.

At first it seemed disgusting, but as a whole that's pretty cool. Sprouting life in your own way. Follow your dream, user. Just make sure no one discovers your secret society, they'll say it's gross and destroy it :(

There's a post about some user complaining that he no longer likes his gf because she got old. He doesn't treat her like a human any.ore either and does degrading shit to her. Peeing on her and slapping her around. With a foll, they never get wrinkled and if you abuse them, they get permanently damaged and you regret it. So great care must be used when handling your delicate doll. As humans, we do put more valiexpress on looks and asthetics over personality.

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Thanks brah, you're a good soul

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looks really cute tbchwy
good for you as long as you're gappy, user :)

Why the fuck would you buy a doll? Just fap to porn or hire an escort you complete autist. Anyone that could form an emotional attachment to an inanimate object deserves immediate execution. Did you have a crush on your sister's barbies too?

like anything, it's something to shitpost about

I have a emotional attachment to my car. But I'll get a doll too because I can't fuck my car.

I think doll ownership is one of those things where you don't really understand unless you seriously consider owning one
even if you decide against it
and for the most vocal of the opposition, most likely they're either such a normalfag that companionship has never been an issue, or they're in denial about how dolls could be a real option in their lives and violently lash out to avoid considering it

Damn that's a cute fucking doll. I'm glad this is becoming a thing since I've dreamed of such dolls over a decade ago. The quality and affordability will only continue to improve.
>He doesn't take his car for a run up the touge alone at night, getting her all hot and bothered before sticking it in her tailpipe, setting off her alarm, and making her honk

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> they're either such a normalfag that companionship has never been an issue
You can't get companionship from a doll or barbie. I even respect waifufags more. At least there's a character attached to the image.

this comment made me sad.

That's bs man, you can get companionship from everything I talk a lot with random objects in my house because I gave them voices in my head

There will always be autistic peoplease who doesn't know how hormones or how human brains work when it comes to companionship. They tend to only have a single view on that with a narrow mindset laser focused on the singular definition in traditional sense. It's a shame we still have people who are this narrow minded.
They are also contradictory most times too.

those suck

i want exactly as ops doll but to be in it

emotional attachment/fantasy projection to an inanimate object =/= real companionship you autist

You can even have a dog as a companion/friend, but not with something that has no mental agency. It's like saying your hairbrush is your best friend. Either you're a four year-old or a complete autistic schizofag

>Did Hiro hire a bunch of shills
someone may have purchased a campaign on

I want one too
gonna freeze myself to yeah no need

Can some oldfag buy me a doll please I'll take good care of it.

You're either retardedly autistic or just a fucking faggot whos moronic christian beliefs keep your monkey brain worshipping a made believe guy who lives in the clouds. Go kill yourself faggot.

>projecting his own retardation
Companionship is a two way street. Do you think you can also be "friends" or "companions" with a celebrity that does not know of your existence simply because you're emotionally attached to them or project your fantasies onto them? Can you be "friends" with a corpse?

You're trying to desperately twist the meaning of the word to suit your own socially starved, autistic fantasies. Does thinking of your dead, inanimate doll as a "companion" make you feel better about fantasizing toward a doll, retard?

You're the one who will inevitably commit suicide, lmao.

Okay kid. Now I know you're a autistic retard. You are so delusional to think that way. How did you even get through grade school lmao, Why haven't you committed suicide yet.

Lol look at this sad delusional autist attempting to "reverse" troll. Just commit suicide already, worthless retard

Obvious "reverse troll" fail. A true austistic retarded delusional faggot. Just die already so the world can be a better place without you in it

>no u
Damn, dude. No wonder you have to fuck a doll. Too socially retarded to even fuck an escort.

no u
Damn, Kid. No wonder you have to fuck STD $20 whores. Too socially retarded to even find a gf.

hey man how does it feel like to fuck a doll? I mean the texture and all that

>projecting his inceldom
Just conduct your own chin-strap lobotomy already, middle-aged autist. You've failed to refute any argument I made. You're just coping at this point. Everyone is ashamed and repulsed by you. If that doll had sentience, it'd surely be disgusted and ashamed of you as well. It'd kill you in a split second for its freedom from neckbeard sex slavery.

Seethe harder roastie, I'll just smug at you and fuck my doll.

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surreal is your inability to pick up on extremely obvious sarcasm. Is it literal autism?

>human level ai
Get ready to get rejected/dumped by literal program code soon, incel

Lol, you're the one seething and coping, autist. Just call your doll for what it is, retard. A sex toy. Your attempts to convince the people in this thread that it's your "companion" are downright pathetic.

Obviously, no woman has the desire to fuck you. Your contentions and autistic screeching are merely irritating to read, and everyone who isn't a low SMV male would prefer it if you simply killed yourself.

Lol keep seething

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Lol keep coping incel

I'll just keep smugging at you lol

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I'm saving up for one myself, but I'm bothered by how all the options for hands are shitty wires. I'm not sure I'm willing to get one until I figure out how to upgrade the hand skeleton with something that at least has real joints.