9/10 normies think their life has no meaning/purpose

>A nationwide poll has revealed that 89 per cent of 16- to 29-year-olds believe that their lives have no meaning or purpose.

yes and 45,000 Americans commit suicide every year. But people act surprised when 0.1% of them go on murderous rampages?

fucking idiot normies. why do normies seriously think they can let society turn to shit and people won't do anything about it?

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I understand them. Because they're only living sex objects.

i think it's because people are no longer forming families any more. people feel like they don't matter because they actually don't. even if they have some high falutin job that makes a lot of money they are still fundamentally replaceable. but being a parent. not so easy to replace.

>have no kids, too busy at work and on your phone to bond with partner or friends, dont even care about parents or siblings
>wtf why do I feel like I have no purpose

>people are no longer forming families any more
why would they? sounds like a miserable thing to do

i only want to retire. i'd start a family if i was a millionaire though

>people are no longer forming families
and whose fault is that?
protip: its not the jews

>protip: its not the jews
mighty defensive there chaim, is there anything you'd like to share with us?

protip: it's not wholly the jews but they are partially responsible if only for their disproportionate influence in the media and cultural industries

sure it is though

I'd want a gf/wife, not ugly and i'm 6,3 but everytime i look up my local dating sites/tinder it's girls just looking for some adventures and shit, what the hell am i gonna put in bio?
I like video games and anime? Only normal interest i have is skiing/biking and that's it, admitting to what you like is social suicide here, and i'm too shy to go ask out girls in public and this would be just extra weird aswell

i personally am stunned by all the bullshit going on, i don't know how to react or what to do anymore.

i only know how to keep to myself. everything else is the domain of people trying to "get ahead" but getting ahead is them just cutting me in line to get to no where.

people are competing just to have a good life. think about that. that means life isn't good by default, not in America at least.

my god I'd kill people to have her sit on my face and let me eat the peanuts out of her shit.

>Only normal interest i have is skiing/biking and that's it
that's more than enough. be grateful you can enjoy that totally normalfag hobby. i hate those activities

They're not as pleasurable, but the high i can get after working out and trying my best makes it worth, funny thing how forcing my lungs to start coughing and barely able to catch breath rewards you with such a joyful feeling after finishing the route.

You say our society is shit but when people like Bernie is trying to change it to something better yall get offendee and butthurt

Life isn't necessarily meaningless. it just doesn't come with a meaning. You're supposed to find your own "reason" or "meaning" for life, because it doesn't come with one. Most people believe this, aside from religious people, which is why that poll says what it does. It doesn't mean that 89% of young people hate life, or even that they feel like they have no reason to live, it just means that the vast majority of young people believe that life doesn't come with some sort of deeper meaning or reason.

Most people don't think existentially, so no, it means what it means.

Commit Sudoku you fucking commie, communism doesn't work.

odd, i never enjoyed exercising
i still do it to avoid getting fat. but i never once enjoyed it, i actually hate doing it. i wish i could enjoy it though

Realshit? I figured almost everyone would think about stuff like that from time to time.

This is true, though. Life is endemically devoid of purpose or meaning; the only one that exists is the one an individual decides to give it. But of course, ascribing meaning or purpose to your life is not easy.

Why do you think the whole NPC meme happened?

Because a bunch of people from this board (or maybe Jow Forums, I can't remember where it originated), misunderstood a clickbait headline and made it into a meme which spread all too quickly and ended up becoming one of the best memes ever, not because of how funny it is, but because of how ironic it is.

Trying to deflect the blame for your own bad decisions on the suspiciously coincidental influencer. Take some personal responsibility for the choices you've made instead of blaming your bad ones on the boogieman...

>le find your own meaning
imagine needing a reason to live so bad, you have to invent one.

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imagine thinking shooting up a bunch of innocent ppl gives your shit life meaning. congrats fgt, you've graduated from nothing to nothing^2

You know you can exercise a bit of self control and not fucking kill people because your life sucks.

imagine being so pathetic that you typed out this post, and saw how absolutely moronic it was, but still pressed the "submit" button

love seeing incels like you seethe loooooool