Holy fuck why does winter exist. Proves god is nothing but an ass hole

Holy fuck why does winter exist. Proves god is nothing but an ass hole

>sitting outside in the shade
>having kratom coffee and smoking
>fresh air feels nice
>winter fucking sucks
>and then fat fucks and retards come and say BUT IN THE WINTER YOU CAN THROW ON MORE CLOTHES
>what the fuck are you talking about you god damn retards
>i cant stand outside in winter for a fucking second
>in the summer i can literally just sit in a chair in my yard and soak up some fresh air and sun
>in the winter i cant even stand outside in fucking 40 degrees with a fucking coat mittens and a cup of coffee
>in the summer you can literally just dip. Your feet in a pool or splash some water on yourself

Are people retarded? Wtf

Attached: E8595B8E-AC16-4678-8735-2FFBAC31EA26.png (645x773, 9K)

Just the opposite for me. Even a bit of heat annoys and bothers me massively.
Winter is just the best. Just put on some more stuff, jacket, blankets, whatever and get totally comfy and enjoy the beautiful snowy view.

You dont sit outside in the winter your lying

>he's not white
No wonder you can't stand the cold. In my country we don't even know what a jacket is, it's an alien item.

It cant be that cold then the winter here is like -30 you will die

Why would you just sit outside? If you have that much free time then play in the snow, and drink your kratom bullshit inside while heating up wrapped in two blankets and watching a movie.
Winter > summer

Because my house is a broken down piece of shit and the indoors and fluorescent lights are god damn depressing

I can sit inside in the summer too. Just push a button and turn the ac on. It is better than blankets and cold

Where do you live? I don't know a single country that goes below even 20 at worst

Then you do not even know cold

Where do you live. I know you're bullshitting me, my spit freezes before it hits the ground at -17 where do you live?

>40 degrees
maybe in kelvin
t. a guy born in puerto rico, living in florida who easily leaves the house in shorts in below freezing weather.
the only problem with cold weather is it hurts if you breathe heavily from exercising.

Dude fuck off I live in the coldest place in the world

Attached: 1BE1D46C-DEFB-4935-81B6-6B7949958F34.jpg (480x360, 30K)

What? If you lived in either of those places you have never felt cold before

Say it faggot. You lied, you live in a moderately warm climate. Faggot you're just sensitive to a little bit of cold.

I've been to new york in the winter. winter may not exist in florida but I wish it did. I'm saying that even though I've spent so much time in places that should condition me to enjoy the heat, I don't find freezing temperatures cold enough to complain. summer in florida is unbearable. winter in florida is tolerable. I need to move to canada or something. maybe greenland.

Are you talking about f or c? I am saying -30 degrees f. It goes at least -10 and -20 every night and 20 degrees is like warm. Fucking snow up to my mailbox. We get -70 degree wind chills here

Just go up a few hours from New York. Coldest place in the world. High minimum wage and you can get a full house for 75k

Coldest place in the world literally. Me and my friend from Canada do nothing but scream about winter and fucking hate life

try having a bmi over 15

Winter has a purpose. It's one of nature's population control mechanisms.

C of course. You don't experience real cold in America so anyone who uses f. has never experienced real cold. Cumshots freeze and turn into deadly projectiles mid air at -17

You said the coldest it gets is 20 in any country. That is 68 f. How

Winter>>summer and here's why:
>tap water is in PERFECT temperature for drinking
>girls don't wear bras a lot of the time so you can see their tits jiggle in their shirts or you might get a glimpse of a nipple if they bend over
inb4 you can go to the beach and you might find topless women there. It's hotter when you know the girl, for example if she is a coworker, cause you always wanted to see her tits and you get to do just that
It's true that it's better when they do that in the summer cause their shirts are thinner but they don't really do that very often in the summer
>no need to pay for air conditioning. If you feel cold just throw on a blanket if you are in the house or wear a jacket if you're not
>no mosquitoes or cockroaches