Why are mass shootings so common in America this year? What the hell is causing this?

Why are mass shootings so common in America this year? What the hell is causing this?

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If we removed them, the list would dwindle. If we removed spics, the list would also dwindle, and removing both niggers and spics would eliminate a few of the white shooters too as they would no longer have a motivation.
Funny how everything wrong with America can be boiled down to minorities.

more and more frustration over group ideals is boiling up.

Some people just can't handle the absurdity of it all
Or maybe they just want to contribute

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You say that after two white people just massacred almost 40 people over a single weekend. Fuck off with your race baiting bullshit.

No one race is responsible for this, despite what Jow Forumstards like you claim.

white shooters happen because of women bro

>21 in chicago

The fuck? If I lived in Chicago, I wouldn't wanna go to school, I'd just drop the fuck out or take classes online or something, fuck that shit. People are horrible.

>if we remove all minorities, racists wouldnt hate on minorities
you're right, but thats not really the solution most people want

Yet not a single one of those mass shootings makes the mainstream news. That's gotta be one of the worst things for the people living there, the fact that no one even cares or is trying to do anything about it.

The shootings are just accepted as a normal things that happens.

The El Paso shooting would never have happened if America wasn't full of spics, maybe read the manifesto instead of being an uneducated retard.
There'd still be a handful of shootings but 13% = 50%

>Niggers shooting at other niggers in gang violence
>Bystanders get injured
>Incel Jow Forumstards have virgin rage
>Go in public and kill people indiscriminately so people will read their poorly written manifesto
I wonder why everyone is worried more about the latter. Must be the Jews.

If we removed pavement apes the rate of gun violence in America would drop to the same levels as any other Western nation :)

Im sorry sweetie. But niggers clearly commit more crimes than whites do. Plus each nignog up there has killed at least 4 people. Tally them up, and they have killed more people than whitey.

thats only because blacks usually dont take more than 5 people
whereas whites always go at least into double digits

while niggas go and shoot one guy a day, a single whitoid will just shoot 30 at the end of the month, so they catch on.
All americans are violent savages and promote being violent, the whitoids yanks are just more subtle about it because of higher iq

Translation: Gang shooters almost always only kill black people so I don't give a shit because I'm not black.

Sorry, but I think that a mass shooting that kills a bunch of black people is just as bad as one that kills a bunch of white people. It's sad that most people don't see it the same way.

What you fail to understand is that porchmonkey lives don't matter.
So what if they make good five dindus? That's worth less than a single human life.

No one cares about nigs shooting eachother. When inceloids explode in a krispy kreme we need to freak out. lol no


What about that garlic shooter guy that was all over the news a week ago. Didn't he only kill one or two people? That's below average for mass shootings yet it got more attention than any of the black committed ones.

>while niggas go and shoot one guy a day

We're talking about mass shootings here only. Not shootings in general.

>one dindunuffin white guy is as bad as 10 nignogs combined
christ, crackers are fucking horrifying

That's a cute strawman. I said people are more worried about being shot indiscriminately at a suburban store than they are about ever being shot in gang violence in Chicago.
People know they aren't going to be around gangs. People don't know if they're around a permavirgin with a gun.
Keep ignoring the facts though. You Jow Forums tards are great relying on feelings

>People know they aren't going to be around gangs

Yeah, white people in nice neighbourhoods know that. We're not all so lucky.

I didnt catch that one, flew over my head so i dont know

>People know they aren't going to be around gangs.

That's easy for you to say, Kyle. Don't assume everyone lives in a gang-free area like you do.

Understand this: No one WANTS to be around gangs. Those who are don't have a choice.

I never said whitey dindu nuffin. Obviously all of these people are sick in the head. But do you see the frequency in the race of people in that infograph, I sure see a lot of niggers.

That's fine. It doesn't change the fact one is gang related shootings, which is an entirely separate problem to a random white person going into a random white store and randomly shooting people.
You asked why people talked about the white shootings more, and I gave you the answer. You don't have to like the answer, but it is what it is.

no it wouldnt my man
it would decrease for sure (less people= less shootouts)
but for sure it would still happen, cause americans are almost all pretty fucking savage. You forget a few other troublemakers like the irish, the slavs or the italians or literally any other non anglo elite race will just take that niche

yeah but I'm talking percentages
average nig kills 4-5, average cracker kills 10-20 or more
purely kill count wise they are nearer than you think

its correlated to american capitalist induced poverty
look at it
ever seen a rich black guy indulge in gang shootouts? Meanwhile poor white people are just as shitty, especially where I live (polish gypsies)

of course if you build a society that is built on survival of the fittest , combined with weapons for all, the bottom ones in poor shitty neighborhoods will feel like isolated subhumans and behave as such and just act like savages.
In the UK or France or germany they have parts with just as much minorities, yet they dont have as many murder and crime going on, because the system there isn't fucked. They still got a few, but thanks to the government actually caring, lack of savage capitalism culture and more regulations they are more tame, even the minorities, partly because their history with them went much better

>the system in the UK and France isnt fucked

Oh you poor naive fool. We're all going down hahaha. Enjoy the ride ;)

As compared to the US, europe still stands great, this thread is only about shootouts and other related crime
of course europe also sucks in its own way, especially when compared to its former glory. But this case was only regarding crimes enabled by the mindset, which welp seetie america is just far inferior in. so in that case its just you whos going down. I actually cant find a single aspect where america isnt more JUSTed than the UK

Yea keep debating little side issues and having fake victories while ignoring the big picture, dip shit retard. But it's ok cause amurrica amirite xDD

you're just as fucked as ameritards you ill-informed loser

lol there are literally fucking no-go zones in France
Meanwhile German women are raped en-masse and nobody cares.
Whites are a minority in London, where paki rape gangs groom underage children.

>removing both niggers and spics would eliminate a few of the white shooters too as they would no longer have a motivation.

>You say that after two white people just massacred almost 40 people over a single weekend

yeah and 1 was an antifa retard and the other literally did it because he hated whites becoming minorities in their own country

>removing both niggers and spics would eliminate a few of the white shooters too as they would no longer have a motivation.

There's no "no-go" zones, they just take a lot longer to get there because they need to bring extra protection. They will come eventually.

give me examples
america will be nonwhite far before europe, has more crime, more economic fuckery etc. I didnt say europe isnt doomed you utter dolt, but it is and will always be ahead of the yanks
>Jow Forumsmemes/pol/memes/pol/memes
how about statistics or something to back up ur bs? America still has more rapes. America still has more minorities, its all in the numbers, no matter how hard you push a breibart article about a muzzie raping a woman in berlin, that wont unfuck the dozens of rapevictims in new york per day alone

Anyone got the manifesto for the latest shooting?

story on the black girl in the 6th row, first from the right?


9/11 would never have happened if Ameritards read the Quran and submitted to Islam.

False equivalency, America was founded as a White nation. Spics out, Shitskins out, Niggers out.

because of video games!!!

Diversity obviously

>9/11 would never have happened if Ameritards read the Quran and submitted to Islam.

it would have never happened if we didn't promote israeli expansionist policy in the middle east


Is that XQC near the middle

White people brought blacks into America in the first place, Thank your selfish fore fathers for the suffering you're dealing with

It's a cultural issue. America's society is fucked up in a lot of ways. I don't think it's as simple as "niggers and spics!"

If no one race is responsible, why are the overwhelming number of perpetrators in that picture black?

it's always pretty common, Jewish media is just hyping it up lately to try to make trump look bad and promote whatever gun grabber candidate they're going to push.

This is just a build up for what happens in 2020.

Most of Chicago is pretty safe and enjoyable to live in however the poorest part (southside) is incredibly dangerous and poor compared to the rest of the city . News like this makes it seems like most of chicago is dangerous and also underscores how dangerous soutside is .

The boys sparked the fire and soon they will be 1,000+ mass shootings every year. An efficient way of population control if you ask me.

Attached: 220px-Columbine_Shooting_Security_Camera.jpg (220x166, 15K)

removing the non-whites are not going to magically get those people laid (removing chads would do that though) so all the white shooters will still be there

Mental health issues
The fact that similar attacks have been perpetuated by the media with a focus on the killers and their motive. This inspires copycat killers and also desensitizes the public
Increasing political polarization from filter bubbles, social media, and echo chambers
Increased deplatforming of individuals and overt corporate censorship
Identity politics
Increasing disenfranchisement of younger members of society - somewhat driven by socioeconomic decline brought on by automation, immigration, and age demographic slavery created by dependence on a welfare state

Access to firearms, but this isn't a problem in other countries despite the access. It also wasn't a problem in the past despite access to full auto and similar hardware to now.

You are right but its the media who keeps making it racial not some random on the internet.

Utterly and unequivocally based. I hope to god this starts getting posted on Twitter and Reddit.

>gang member
>kill other gang members
>gang members are ready to die
>"WHAT! what barbaric savages!"

>kills room full of innocent people
>they were just minding their own business
>"heh sure so those people they are truly doing a service to the white race"

>gang members are ready to die
You're retarded.

just wait until the next recession hits haha

wouldn't bring fucking guns along if they weren't ready to die

why is logan paul and daddy longneck in the image

Yes, funny how easy it is to oversimplify a problem to the point of absurdity

Poor white areas in the US do not have high crime rates. There is not hotbed of white crime like Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago or Baltimore.

In fact, the poorest white area in the country has a lower rate of violent crime than the wealthiest black one.

So half of these are gang shootouts in chicago.

I heard JonTron say this. Is there a source?

Holy fuck you're stupid as hell

I agree with this statement right here.


Media Contagion is a big problem concerning mass shootings. The media knows the way they report these things causes more mass shootings, so they report it in that specific way to cause tragedies that further their political agendas.

>250 so far this year in America
>3 were done by Jow Forums users
will there be any more from this website?

This ignores the fact that crime has a tendency to accumulate in not only poor but high-density areas. The black ghetto is not only poorer on average but a hotbed of tension in about a million other ways. Even if you make the same amount of money in a rural, white area you probably don't have a million neighbors to bother you, the cost of living is probably lower, you're probably less surrounded by the drug trade (even if you are, there's less competition and potential for violence), your schools are probably better. Crime rates among white ethnics in the early 20th century were quite high due to similar conditions. I'd assume the spread between rates of violence would be a lot lower if geography and class was factored in, you can't just look at race by itself.

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well ackchyually,

Attached: 1564689317583.jpg (881x862, 86K)

i think human psychology was not ready for the internet in general

USA specifically, it is probably easy access to guns, plus niggerts

That's because most of those shootings are gang members shooting each other over the weekend. They aren't hunting for civilians like white nationalists do. If you're not in gangbanger territory you won't get caught in the crossfire.

>False equivalency, America was founded as a White nation.
*blocks your path*

Attached: native-american-necklace-new.jpg (560x760, 53K)

why are canadian blacks nicer than american ones?

I going to need source because according to FBI statistics this is wrong. Blacks didn't even kill that much overall in 2017 and whites killed much more (may have not been with a weapon).

Are you saying Jow Forums lied to me...
using infographics?!?!?!

i'll never trust again!

because canada doesn't have massive metropolitan areas full of nothing but niggers except in a few major cities like Toronto or Edmonton.

He can't answer that, and won't even try.

In the US, race correlates with crime better than any other statistical metric. It's unfortunate and painful but it's a fact.

There are lots of poor minorities. Poor people commit crimes. This image is meant to distract from the idea that less guns means less gun crime. Sage for not Jow Forums.

Are you sure you looked at that right? Because blacks are listed as having committed most of the murders on that page.

You also have to keep in mind that murders in black areas tend to go unsolved at higher rates according to studies that have been done on the topic. So, more black murders will be hidden away in the unsolved category. When you hear that blacks committed 53% of murders despite being 13% of the population--the number is actually higher than that.

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>What the hell is causing this?

>Defunding of education system for nearly 3 decades.
>Removal of manufacturing infrastructure for low skill labor jobs
>Corruption running rampant in politics with lobbying
>Corporations fucking middle America over and over; housing crisis, auto industry bailout, and the up and coming agricultural bailout thanks to McDonald Trump
>Citizens genuinely believing that getting a degree in anything that isn't STEM or Business will do anything to make them more marketable as an employee.
>Price of everything goes up while the value of the dollar stagnates
>Social media constantly pushing race and gender shit all the time everywhere at all hours

But here's probably what causes a lot of white men to go shooter
>Be born in the mid to late 80s (or I guess even early to mid 90s now)
>Taught all through education about oppression of minorities, and how it was and is wrong.
>I agree with this, because I genuinely believe in democratic values and american freedom
>I not racist or sexist, I've never discriminated against anybody for either
>Start getting towards college years
>LGBTQ marriage equality movement gets hijacked by radfemmes
>BLM bandwagons aboard as well

>Never been rich, my grandparents grandparents were migrants off the boat, have had friends of every race, color, religion, orientation, varying levels of education.

>Now have to repeatedly hear that I, a white male, am responsible for all of the suffering of women and minorities in the entire history of the US, and that because I have the "privilege" of being a white male that my opinion on the matter is also inherently biased.

>Except Radfemmes and BLM don't go chasing after old white politicians. No, instead they pick on the lowest hanging fruit : quiet white men, in whatever community they can be found.

White privilege is a racist slur.
I even say this as a lefty living in Commiefornia.

>But here's probably what causes a lot of white men to go shooter

Did you not look at the image? There's one race that's dominating the mass shooter stats and it's not whites. You don't even have to account for population, which would just make it even more obvious how few white mass shooters there are.

>Did you not look at the image?

You mean the one with no legitimate source?
I'll pass on the home made koolaid, thanks.

>There are lots of poor minorities. Poor people commit crimes.

Why don't poor whites, poor Asians and poor blacks have roughly equivalent rates of violent crime?

They do, we call them white trash. There are just less of them.

Prove it. Show me the violent crime rates.

>There are just less of them.

You're naive and ignorant. By absolute numbers, there are more poor whites in the US than there are poor blacks yet you can't name a single hotbed of white crime equivalent to Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, or Chicago.

>equivalent to Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louis, or Chicago.

There are white people who live in those places too.

If it's fake then it would be VERY easy to prove it so. So far the image has gone fairly viral and not one person has been able to prove even one of those images is not accurate.

The creator of the image even describes the methods used in the bottom right. You could easily use those same methods to debunk it if it were fake.

Okay. Tell me what percentage of the murders in Baltimore last year were committed by whites?

You also said poor whites, Asians and blacks all have roughly equivalent rates of violent crime. I want you to show me proof of that as well.

The source is here:


It catalogs 248 mass shootings that have occurred in 2019, each one with a link to official news stories as sources. If the races don't match the image, you will be able to easily find that out.

what a fake fucking picture

Brenton isnt on there

That didn't happen in the US.

didn't know US annexed New Zealand, fucking brainlet.

It doesnt fucking say america anywhere in the picture only the op

Unchecked Capitalism, individualism gone to far and money as religion.

you need to be a complete cumbrain not to realize its all about us shootings

White suburban incel who thinks he knows jack shit: the dumbening: the post