I was a broke loser with no car or job so I joined the fucking army and it's worse than any wagecuck job I've ever had...

I was a broke loser with no car or job so I joined the fucking army and it's worse than any wagecuck job I've ever had. Recruiter ratfucked me into thinking the infantry was cool and I'd be doing cool stuff and shooting terrorists. Dear god what have I done?

Ask me anything

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How's it feel to be a dumb piece of shit

try not to die in the coming Iran invasion

Recruiters are like car salesmen except they sell you to Israel

I would have been on the same boat to hell if my autism would have allowed it. Now Im chilling at home with my own business and Im going to order a high end sex doll soon.

Life couldn't be better for me. Sorry Op you fucked up

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How's it feel to be a stupid piece of shit

Is joining the army worth it if you have a MOS like 25S? I ship out on the 19th, but I dont want to sell my soul to kikes straight out of high school.

No MOS is worth it. You're doomed to the government's bitch work by way of contract.

don't you feel like it's bad karma to join the american military?

Yeah that shit is cake, PT for non combat MOSs is easy as fuck and everyone's generally chill. And the job skills transfer over to the real world

I picked fucking 11b because I wanted to be a badass. Found myself having to run 5+ miles for PT, injuring myself from carrying 80lbs for like 20 miles, sleeping in the fucking swamp with spiders and flies and mosquitoes and ants and chiggers getting 3 hours of sleep a night, sitting at a fucking machine gun for guard shifts trying not to fall asleep and contemplating sudoku. I managed to graduate but it was the absolute worst times of my life.

They've got my ass for 3 years. I dont know how I'll do it. Now I'm a fucking holdover because of my injury, I'm stuck at the training barracks and I cant even fucking leave and go into town. Might be here for months until my shoulder heals.

Then I'm going to airborne school.

oy vey goyim shut up!!! the military is great goyim!

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What MOS? I was an 88m, not bad just lost my wife, children, agency to consume alcohol, got strapped with an ankle monitor for six months, got a pulmonary contusion and suffered third degree burns to 34% of my body, shrapnel in my shoulder and head, and did some extremely terrible shit I would not divulge here.

Gained a nice license plate and drivers license that commemorates my Purple Hearts, you can not purchase those!

Might re-enlist if I can pass the physical

What did you do? Now I need to know

How'd you get hit? By an IED?

What business do you have? How long did it take you to build it into a sustainable income?

What country are you from, OP? I'm from Ireland and the type of shit the military does is just peacekeeping since we're neutral, so I wouldn't mind joining up for that briefly.

How the fuck have you been on Jow Forums and not realized you were signing up to be an obedient goy?
How long is your commitment?
Discomfort aside. You could come out with better economic prospects. Unfortunately that requires you to internalize the bootlicking perspective so you can be an attractive hire to conservacucks. Keep your head up, mouth shut, and do your time.

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why don't you just volunteer for the most dangerous, hardcore assignments? That way you'll either get pussy or die

i would do anything to be in a pysical and mental shape to be able to be in the infantry. I feel other branches or jobs are just fucking around. It's not the military if you aren't pounding ground. Thank you for your service user, and I hope you come home safe

It'll be worth it once you get out. Good luck user

Thinking about joining Marine Infantry, am I making a bad decision?

No you should go for it. A lot of pride in being a marine!

>bro sign this contract and sell your soul, you'll get to shoot terrorists like in vidya games
>look at this cool CoD xbox and leather jacket we may or may not ever really give you for joining
you actually fell for it

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oh God user
I feel the same. I joined the Marine Corps. now I am so depressed. I wish I could take it back. but I have 2 years left

kek , have fun dying for Israel ,cuck

What's your MOS?


3051. (i know what you're thinking). but it's still not worth it, being in an infantry unit.

I'm being conscripted by Lithuanian army (moved to Ireland back in 2014), I will fucking dodge as hard as I can.

Get it all written in medical. Try to get yourself a sleep apnea diagnosis and try to kill yourself (in minecraft), only to get caught and sent to a looney bin for a week. Go complain to medical about back pain, knee pain, etc.

You can net anywhere from 850-3100 in neetbux for life plus free VA insurance

Oh gee being an ant peasant on call 24/7 for 12k a year sucks?!?!? I tell everyone this no one listens

How long you got left? How long you done it?

Well what ARE you doing then nigger? Also any tips and expectations for someone who's going to join?

>body fucked up beyond use
>waste tons of money for literal no good reason but to further corporation kike interests
>actual working americans are now forced to pay for my living expenses and i got these cool little trinkets in return bro check it out
Holy fucking shit

Top fucking kek

God damn

What made you want to go Army? I'm personally thinking Navy myself with my experience on commercial fishing vessels (if that even applies). I do enjoy being at sea though.