

What? I thought you all said he was an incel

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Actual incels don't really commit mass shootings. Incel is just a buzzword to describe someone who looks like a loser nerd.

that girlfriend looks like a red flag to me

Robots dont want to admit that basically everyone is having sex, and they use fake surveys to come to that conclusion

Anyone who dates a thing like that is probably fucked in the head.

dam he dated Sinead O'Connor?

>left wing shooter has a gf
>right wing shooters are all incels

Makes you think

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Thats a tranny

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>having gf
i warned you about the dangers of this. probably what drove him to commit these atrocities.

Hahaha good one, she's very similar

they touched shoulders so it counts as his gf.

I'd make her my slave desu

>The shooter had a hot Annie Lennox gf at some point of his life
Maybe he shot people because he felt he couldn't outdo her

What, that getting a gf isn't entirely focused on looks and having a welcoming, respectful personality really does go a long way to form companionship?

I would
Gibberish is not permitted to avoid the robot


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How the FUCK did that schmuck end up with such an absolute qt, I don't fucking get it.

Omg she's a movie star!

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i don't know if his jaw is weird it looks really big but maybe i'm just autisticated

You guys are obsessed with trannys, holy shit

You know what, I'm starting to get the feeling random women are just claiming to be his exes for a few minutes of fame. You really think an ogre like that would get an attractive gf?

The left are just really desperate for there to be an incel shooter so they shilled hard for the idea that this guy was incel

>Actual incels don't really commit mass shootings. Incel is just a buzzword to describe someone who looks like a loser nerd.
I feel like this is very true
I mean, if I am terrified of pussy and petite females, why on earth would you think I had the balls to shoot up a bunch of people, including myself, particularly since I haven't had the balls to off myself yet

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>lizard-thing with lipstick

He had to share her with another guy. It was kinda fucked

His broad face reminds me of Kaczynski.

You'd drag yourself across three miles of broken glass just to sniff a fart out of her butt.

>red flags
ok redditkike gtfo