Yellow fever is natural

It is natural to find asian women highly attractive to the point where you exclusively date them. Yellow fever isnt a fetish. Prove me wrong.

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yellow fever ruined my life

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It is natural
They have more pronounced feminine characteristics

Asian women look like little kids. Their features display sexual immaturity.

>what is neoteny
Found the faggot

that's fine, just don't get upset when white women do the same

White women getting with asian women is fine by me

>what is neoteny
Yeah exactly, you shouldn't be attracted to kids.
By your logic, toddlers should be the most sexually attractive because they display the highest degree of neoteny.

White women are more neotenous than black women. Guess the entire male population are a bunch of pedos then lol

The "cute" reaction you get from neoteny is not one of sexual attraction but of an evolutionary desire to protect your young and infants.

the reading comprehension on this board is below the fucking basement.

These women have bleached skin. Why are you even calling it yellow fever?

I meant white women dating asian men, since yellow fever is natural and all

>toddlers should be the most sexually attractive because they display the highest degree of neoteny.
Neoteny is the retention of juvenile features into adulthood. Kill yourself, retard.

Is it racist if I have a fetish for attractive women

tfw high neoteny for a white femoid
good feel

I have no problem with that. I have an asian male friend who I have set up with white women in the past. He helps me get with asian women.

>In a cross-cultural study, more neotenized female faces were the most attractive to men while less neotenized female faces were the least attractive to men, regardless of the females' actual age.[16]

>retention of juvenile features
Yeah exactly. they look more like kids.
The definition doesn't really matter in this case, we're talking about the nature of the features themselves.

Like I said hereThe "cute" reaction is because you are biologically programmed to be protective of children.
Whereas women will develop a whole new set of sexually attractive facial features as they mature/go through puberty. Neoteny is not one of them.

its natural for white men to be attracted to asians some are not but most are

true i cant find any other women attractive anymore they all seem beastly now

>Dating North American born Asian women

you are the absolute defintion of faliure

Same. Literally dont find white women remotely attractive anymore. I dont feel angry or jealous if I see a stereotypical hot white woman with some other dude

>Neoteny is not one of them.
Why are you spouting nonsense?
>Males show a preference for neotenous or youthful looking features in women, such as; big eyes,[28] a small nose, and full lips.[29] These features act as a signal of fertility as they are caused by high estrogen and low testosterone. As a result of evolution these features are deemed as highly attractive as they would indicate a higher chance of successful reproduction. This male mate preference for neoteny has been shown in research [30] in which men were asked to morph images of female faces until an ideal face was achieved.

>it is natural
>not a fetish
>prove me wrong
Please tell me your not baiting user.
If you like asian women, then you don't have to prove anything to anonymous virgins on Jow Forums. Just own what you do and be proud of what you like. Don't rely on people here, or anywhere, for validation. I believe women of all races can be beautiful and people are allowed to like whomever they please.

>Yellow fever isnt a fetish. Prove me wrong.
i can't

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Neoteny is selected because we have a higher degree of protectiveness for neotenous faces. We may percieve them as "pretty" but they really aren't sexually attractive.

Are large flat foreheads, round eyes, and chubby cheeks sexually attractive to you?
Cute? Yes. Sexy? No.

i still feel that burning the coal is bestiality and immoral but i cant find white women attractive

Why don't you faggots ever post natural asians kek.
It's always some model or plastic k-pop who's been sliced open

okay by me but i don't really get why an asian man would want a white girl. white women are retrograde genetic shit with no place in the future world.

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its natural to find asian women attractive but neotany for men usually does not work. even "attractive" asian men get cucked by average looking white guys

-Forward Projection of the lower two-thirds of the face
-Warrior eyes
-"Hollowed" cheeks
-Pronounced Cheekbones
-Pronounced jawline
all of these are features that develop when someone sexually matures, and are seen as universally attractive in both men and women.
and there are others which are a little more specific to men and women.

The only neotenous feature I am willing to concede is sometimes sexually attractive is size of the eyes, and even then it's not a universal.

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>We may percieve them as "pretty" but they really aren't sexually attractive.
A female with a pretty face is sexually attractive, you dunce. You have already lost this argument. You're just making yourself look retarded.

Here's another good-looking female face. Does this woman look very neotenous to you?
Show me her neotenous features if you can.

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manly ugly boney white women. wouldn't.

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I've heard many people describe some little girls as pretty. I've heard people describe flowers and sunny days as pretty.
No it doesn't always mean sexually attractive. Dunce.

>I've heard many people describe some little girls as pretty.
this never happens lol go away nerd

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We are specifically talking about adult females. Not children. Not flowers. An adult female with a pretty face is sexually attractive. You are actually retarded.

Literal almond-headed, flat faced creature.
she looks like someone drew a face on a mannequin. No depth at all.

>Literal almond-headed, flat faced creature.
>she looks like someone drew a face on a mannequin. No depth at all.

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i've seen a lot of asian men with white women irl actually

asian men dont get modeling gigs or acting roles in the west and a lot of eastern countries still use white male models

>talking about adult females.
Really? because before it was just
>A female with a pretty face

As I said. women of all ages can have a face described as pretty. But there is a specific time frame when women develop specifically sexual facial traits. Sexual selection of a high degree of neoteny is not because men find it overwhelmingly attractive.

Asian women have a high degree of neoteny, yes. But they lack features which show sexual maturity. This makes them look like little kids.

yeah thanks. i wish i was asian so i had access to unlimited qts.

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i do wish i was a tall nippon man actually or just maybe a hapa

maybe you can get eye surgery to look more asian

Instead of cherry picking, let's try phenotype averages.
Here is the nordid, a common phentype in northern europe.

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yeah they're lucky guys for sure.
i don't want to look asian as much as i wish i was born in nipland.

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who cares about averages you gay retard.

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And here is the most common east asian one. Sinid
Damn, that's unfortunate.

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but how do you get one? i asked this last thread and no one answered

say what you want about bleaching native born still have access to top tier that a white man cant get to desu

I personally like south eastern asians the most with Japs a close second.

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>who cares about averages
So you don't care if the average white woman is more attractive than the average east asian?

yeah probably. can't find a trad asian waifu since trad asian girls don't date outside their race.
no i don't.

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>nb4 people bashing you for liking SE

she looks chinese

white femoid who gets called cute a lot and this post is life fuel

i would literally fuck 8 out of 10 japs that are 50 years old and under walking a random street

doesn't look remotely Chinese

yeah i don't get the hate from weaboos obsessing over their anime waifu. South east asians have a similar exotic beauty to Brazilians, and everyone knows Japs are cute as fuck when they're pretty but there are as many fucked up buck toothed gooks in north asia as there are monkey mongoloids in south east asia.

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i think white girls are more attractive on average but asian girls have a higher hotness peak to clarify.

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its the opposite actually. whites have a higher ceiling for hotness out of any race even though i still prefer asian women

I'll accept this even if it makes me a bit sad
I'm uncharacteristically small for a european at least

just like with intelligence whites have some the greatest minds but also some of the most mentally disabled and deranged

don't feel too bad white girls can be cute

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I find it strange that if you find Asian women attractive it's called a "fetish."

Yet when Hollywood and ad companies push black/white, latino/white, and LGBT relationships in film and tv it's not a fetish.

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Can you substantiate that at all?

>white girls are more attractive on average but asian girls have a higher hotness peak
If the asian average is lower but has a higher upper percentile, doesn't that mean the a lot of asian women are really ugly too? Assuming an even distribution of course.

got some bad news for you lad

se asians are not only cute but they have always been super kind to me growing up

lol i'm aware

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same, must be why i'm dating one now

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and I'm pretty sure I am is the thing
it's just that constantly having these threads bully me hurts
ig it motivates me to keep up my intensive skincare routine tho so that's good

I wish you a happy and prosperous life together user

wow you're humble lol. just shift click these threads if they bother you.

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thanks, friend, right back at you

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I don't think I'm cute tho
I have just been told by boys I am cute before so I base my feeling about myself on that, if someone calls me ugly I feel ugly for like a week
sorry if I came off as full of myself I wish I was life seems easier for those beauty channels who love themselves :/
and I do hide some of them but it's a morbid curiosity thing and then I end up reading it and getting upset as posts calling me genetic trash for existings
I'm not a feminist and have traditional feminine hobbies and desires in life so i hate i get lumped in with crazy people bc of race idk

>Sexual selection of a high degree of neoteny is not because men find it overwhelmingly attractive.
This is a self defeating statement. If a trait is sexually selected, it's because it's sexually attractive.

white girls are way cuter than asians lol. the people in this thread watch too much anime.

aaa you're making me feel bad. don't let it bother you i'm just a bitter incel.

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I don't want it to be a competition because people saying i'm worse than azn upsets me so i'd rather other people not say whitegirls cuter cuz that'll upset other girls

don't feel bad fren, I just was letting my feelings out because today was an odd day
I hope the rest of your day is okay

>If a trait is sexually selected
Traits can be sexually selected merely because of survival rates too.
If more women with neoteny survived because men felt more protective of them (a result of being protective of children) then it will be sexually selected even if it's not immediately attractive.

Brain volume can't really be sexually attractive, yet it very obviously was selected in humans.

*Higher brain volume that is. Proportional to the body and head.

>chanel bag on the side
pretty vapid/10
I've noticed this a lot with chinese girls showing off really expensive designer clothing, Koreans do it too but less

thanks you too
no idea what a chanel bag is or how it's vapid lol.

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Red pilled. Asian men dont realize how good they have it. Sure its harder fuck white roasties as an asian man but contrary to what people say on Jow Forums its easier to date cute wholesome asian chicks when youre an asian male

This. Preference for asian women is only demonized as a fetish because guess what group tends to date them. Wanting asian women is no more a fetish than not being attracted to black women. Nobody says you have a non black woman fetish if you dont think black women are attractive.

>poster felt bad for making other poster feel bad
r9k is a wholesome board idc what anyone says

>posts picture of supermodel
>as if all Asians look like that
Coalburners will be burnt by the toll, and riceburners will be faggots.
I don't see that. It's just why race mix at all. Don't be a faggot.

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I've met more white and jews that look like kids due to baby fat and high estrogen

no one says you have a black fetish if you DO find black women attractive.

And we all know Asian girls and black girls and latina girls love white men. Ever hear accusations of someone having a "white fetish?" Of course not.

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poc get called out for white fetish constantly are you retarded or baiting

>black girls and latina girls love white men.
this is not true. black and latin women are extremely loyal. most positive aspect of them i think.

Sure, we can happily trade our men/women

>-Warrior eyes
What the fuck are "warrior eyes" haha. Youre just making shit up to cope for the fact you like women with man faces

Here is the truth:

There is no one who is an ex yellow fever. No one gets yellow fever and abandons it. Once you have accepted Asian female superiority, it is there with you to stay. You may still be against racemixing; you may still desire white children, but you at least acknowledge the superiority of the yellow woman, and you live with the pain that she can never be truly yours.

The yellow-pill is permanent. The flip side of this is that the anti-yellow fever posters are in a temporary position. They are new to radical politics. They are reactionary and cannot stomach the pain of yellow female superiority yet. But they are on a journey. They are at the beginning of that journey. And eventually they will see the truth, and either become out and out yellow fever bros, valiantly calling for the genocide of the roastie, or they will be quiet supporters.

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Why is it called "Yellow Fever" when asian women are typically whiter than white women?