What's the most painful thing you've ever been told robot?

what's the most painful thing you've ever been told robot?

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when i opened up to my crush about liking her when we first met but regretting not saying anything immediately (she got a bf like a month after we met, after being single for 2 years. i had asked her to meet up to hang out, but before that came about, she got with him). instead of being understanding that i had long running feelings for her and giving me a chance now that she was single, she actually pressed the wound by basically telling me it was my fault for not saying anything. she was a complete bitch about it, and even though it was the thing I needed to wake up to what a shit person she was and cut her out of my life, that really hurt like hell because I have anxiety issues and it's a real struggle for me to come out and say things like that.

That everyone dies alone

That i'm useless

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This is similar to my own experience.

cheer up fren. Hope you're doing OK now

OP here. It was probably my mother telling me than, rather than having me as a son she would've preferred having a disabled child. Or her telling me that I would've ended up like my father (heroine-addict, women beating scum) as a teen for no reason whatsoever.

thanks friend. yeah it was a while ago. cutting her out of my life was definitely the right thing to do.

at the time I even considered offing myself since I felt like a failure

"Hey user, do you have social anxiety"
by some kid who was pretty much a stranger.
not the worst thing someone can tell you, but for me it reinforced the idea that people knew i was weird.

Wasn't told, but somewhat relevant
A while back when I was still in school I had a class with a girl, who to most was probably a 4/10, but was a perfect 10 for me. We had the same interests and enjoyed the same things. Everything was going perfectly and one day she asked me "who my crush was". I lied and said if was another girl, because I was afraid of her not liking me back. The next day she was depressed as shit and I asked her what was up.
"Oh, my crush yesterday just told me who he liked and it isn't me"
I spent the rest of the day trying to help her, expecting it to be some 10/10 Chad, not realizing she was talking about me.
>mfw I cucked myself
I still beat myself up over it to this day. God everything would have been perfect if I was a such a tard holy fuck

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you should've told her that you were afraid to open up at first, I'm quite sure she would've understood and things would have worked out. Are you still in contact with her?

I wish, but that was freshman year in high school and I haven't seen her since. She was in the yearbook for the second year but after that; I'm afraid I've forgotten what she even looks like

That I'll have OCD for the rest of my life

>"You don't do anything but eat sleep and shit!"

My dad told me this three times. Once when I was 9 and was kicked out of my elementary school for poor test scores. Second when I was 16 and failing and cutting class and third, when I was 20, dropped out of college and hadn't had a job since I was 17.

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>Be in last year of high school
>Self conscious whiny virgin
>In class trip
>Everyone around me is making up or getting laid
>Wonder why none of my female classmates ever showed interest in me
>Ask a female sorta-friend
>"What is wrong with me?"
>"Idk user, you're just too weird"
It was one of those moments of realization, you know? When you realize that no matter how hard you try to be liked by others just by "being yourself", it's all useless because your true You sucks. And if you want to be accepted, you'll have to change who you are as a person.

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>land whale (I'm skinny)
>whore (as a virgin)
>stupid (160 iq)

One time there was a new girl in class who was assigned the seat next to me. I could tell she felt really awkward. I never talked to anyone but decided to talk to her to try to make her feel more comfortable. This girl who hated me and was always mean as fuck to me saw our exchange, and immediately walked over and sat behind the girl. She leaned forward and whispered to her, "He's a poser." And the new girl looked at me with such disgust it churned my stomach. Other than that just my mother calling me a "stupid little bitch" my whole childhood and then screaming at me as an adult and telling me the best part of me ran down her leg. Because of that whore along with the others who were always mean as fuck to me for no fucking reason I now hate women and can't talk to them.

All my "friends" betrayed me for a girl that didn't even live in the state we lived in, they spread a bunch of bullshit rumors about me, one day 2 random people i didn't even know came into a class i was taking and told everyone i was a pedophile, then they spent the whole day talking shit about me and they said that all the guys i used to hang out with had nothing nice to say about me when asked if they had any last words to say to me since they thought i'd kill myself after that. I sacrificed a lot and wasted a lot of time for them, i'd put shit aside for them, i treated them very well and so did my family, but they couldn't think of a single nice thing to say about me.

have you been knowing them for a long time?

>"You were my second choice."

Nothing ever broke me up this much.

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i knew them for years and the girl for the same amount of years, they knew her for like a handful of weeks, through text.

he's braindead

I once tried to join in family conversation during family reunion... Keep in mind I was already an adult in that year not just a kid.

>Oh user, what do you even know about it? >You don't even go outside. Go back to your computer.

What's worse is that the topic was close to me. Couple of days past, they mock me because I was so quiet and detached during the reunion.
That was the last time I ever wanted to see any family member ever.

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>Been told i would be a failure at life and wished that god didn't give me to my mother but rather someone else.

My mom told me that when i was around 7. Sometimes i get this vibe off my mom that i disappointed her by not being the son she wished she had. Looking back now it made more sense now that she had always idolized my friends or classmates for being more successful than me.

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My father used to tell me I'm useless almost every day as a child, I blindly loved him and kept making gifts and trying to cook him dinner. He had a business trip that took about 9 months, when he came back I went to hug him welcome, shoved me aside and told me to "man up".

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my own mother said i'd probably die a virgin.
jokes on her, i've been with my gf 6 years.

is your wholw family like that?

>What are you fucking gonna do now huh?
>Kill yourself
>We both know you're too much of a pussy
Honestly I love my bro and he helped me through the hardest of times but still sometimes I want to punch him in the fucking face

I honestly don't know. Because in my early 20s I started making an effort to stop remembering those things. Because it was annoying to not be able to sleep due to hearing the things in my mind over and over, like an endless tape. And because it doesn't make any logical sense to focus your mind on this bullshit.
Reading many of the things people wrote here, most of the "baddies" likely had no bad intentions. They were just socially awkward too, worried, clumsy or had other standards.
Some of the things actually are positive, you morons. Someone noticing you are socially awkward? They noticed you. They maybe even can relate. Someone telling you they wish you had approached them when they were emotionally available for you? means you are likeable, just your timing was bad.

What is more relevant and more productive to do is to pay attention to what you yourself say. I know I have said horribly hurtful things, countless of times, without meaning to or even noticing. Often I found out way later. And I think that applies to ALL people. So I do spend mental energy now on trying to avoid being "that asshole who said something unforgivable to me that haunts me for the rest of my life" as good as i can.
Seems more productive to me than treasuring and reliving the memories of how people did that to me.

>Why are you even here? No one wants you here

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>Are you sure you can handle going back to college

From my mom after I flunked out of my freshman year, and had to write to the dean to get back in. It was a sincere question, but I have never felt like more of a disappointment than I did at that moment.

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That I am a 5'4 manlet

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>you're like a discount version of him
made me want to kill myself and everyone around me instantly

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My 6th grade teacher said I had a void inside me just before I graduated and went to middle school

>you are like a SISTER to me.
The thing is I'm a guy.

I hung around a group of girls in highschool because I never had any guy friends. I thought they liked me. They did not. They said I could go bowling one time with their other friends. They all looked so disgusted to see me there. I had no car so my dad dropped me off. I wore sunglasses all the time because the light hurt my eyes. One of them said something about my face and they all started talking amongst themselves. Anyway they asked me to take my glasses off. "Yeah you're pretty ugly" then they all started laughing.

I don't get off to that sort of thing, but I would've gotten a boner because of the setting.

My boolean algebra teacher said "You should focus on what you're good at", keep in mind i was already struggling with Algorithms II and his own class. That made me question if i should really keep attending, ultimately i dropped out. One of the most hurtful things you can hear is that you're untalented in whatever you're doing

People will always be dicks. No offence but if that was enough to make you drop out, then industry was waiting ahead with a baseball bat.

Yeah, before he said it i was already sure i wasn't cut out for this, him saying it was just the wake up call. I wish i could just be talented/patient tho.

That women are equal to men.
Yeah and niggers are equal to dirty animals.

That hurt... I hope u feel better now, man. This was... really hard to read

Pretty much only mothers side, fathers side is even worse but in different way. They are like snakes. They can only lie, speak about you behind your back ... fake people.

girl blocked me after i sent her a photo of my face which she asked for
i thought i was relatively attractive so that kinda blew

that's hapepned to me 6 times already, get into a conversation with a girl, she calls me all the time, I tell her I'm not interested I'm ugly but rather than showing my face, I just play along and let them talk to me and keep chatting back, after awhile, 6 months or so, after she's run the gamut of other guys she tells me she loves me and wants to be with me, and I tell her I love her back, because of course I do, then I turn on my cam, and she realizes all the times I said I was ugly I wasn't lying, why would I lie about something like that
and it ends

>wake up at 6 pm
>lay in bed on laptop for hours
>ignore texts from friends
>run out of mind-numbing content to absorb
>get up and shower
>need food but its 2 am
>fast food place
>filled with contempt for myself and everyone else in the niceyburger junction
>eat in bus
>walk in big circles around my city for 2 hours
>get bored and go home

I haven't been hurt by what people said about me but I've been hurt by people saying nothing to me.
They act friendly around me but they plan outings and gatherings without me while putting up a fake picture that they are friends with me.
I've gotten used to it but it still hurts guys feeling alone in the end

I've been called too nice a lot. Especially when it comes to why I'm single, but also just from friends. Idk if I'm nice to the point of suspicion or what but this thing I thought was a good quality is one of my biggest problems socializing. I dont have it in me to be mean

This is EXTREMELY relatable. This has happened to me more times (especially at reunions) than I can count. If they want me to get off the computer, why don't they let me get engaged in a conversation or join their activities? They only see what they want to see, and refuse to believe I have anything else in life besides vidya and damn computers.

My dad is similar to this. I would not cook for him, but I remember when I was younger I would try to get him to do things with me (hobbies like drone flying, atv riding, fishing) but he always told me to man up because hobbies are a waste of time. He also hated hugging or signs of affection. I'm not the keenest on those either (at least in public) but he straight up hated that shit.

That is very painful. I can remember people telling me to take my sunglasses off all the time, especially when I wore them indoors. I also hate it when girls are so cruel to invite people to something, but in reality never wanted you there, or they just wanted you there as a laughingstock to be ridiculed. Fortunately I've never followed through and gone to something like that because I could usually tell if they were insincere.

My mind telling me how pathetic I am after fapping and crying to this


"Bre it's for the best"

holy fuck robot. Why did you spend your time with such a toxic person?

>"you're cute."
It means she likes you but not in "that way"

>gets texts from real life friends and ignores them

>user I dont get you because you have all the means to succeed but dont anyways
I never cared about what things this person ever said but I still feel like I got cursed by hearing this.

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OP here again. I enjoy the fact that you've been sharing your experiences so I'll share some of mine again.
>first and only gf ever told me "you're not my type of guy: you're not tall nor attractive" after telling me that I'm a nice guy that has been treating her better than any other guy has ever done in her life
>my father not remembering my age nor my birthday as a teen
>girls in high school laughing behind my back and mocking me for things such as the size of my nose
>my mother saying that I'd end up as a failure after I got a bad grade in hs
>a guy in the gym has once walked up to me and directly asked me if I was autistic whilst laughing

>tell crush that I like her and have feelings for her
>she goes on to tell her friends that user confessed to her. They ended up telling the whole fucking school and kept laughing at me....
>Oh Becky? Yeah she'll get a atheltic boyfriend for sure, not some nerd like you

I've never confessed to a girl since and remained a kissless virgin since...

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maybe you would've gotten further if you treated her like shit

literally the nicest thought I have ever found
People telling me to kill myself because of my illness + the fact that I'm ugly

Your mother is a horrible person for saying that. Hope you know that those things aren't true and you deserve kindness and love. I hope dealing with her made you stronger.

she cut me off saying that "she was too much of an egoistic fuck and didn't want to change" lol

she's always been venting on me and my sister. She didn't get phisical often, she would just insult us and make us feel worthless for hours

"I like user when he's drunk"
"You're fun when you drunk user"

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I'm quite sure she didn't even realise what she said that time. Thank you for the reply btw, I really apreciate it :)

If I was at the gym and over heard some asshole saying that to someone I swear I would lose it. Not trying to be a hero but that makes me so fucking angry.

we are all born alone, we all die alone.

yeah it's painful
i thought i was actually attractive, sadly it seems she didn't think so
i had mustered up all that confidence and then it ended in me being crushed

>It doesn't really feel like we even have a relationship anymore and I've been seeing another guy

"I hate you user"-crush

both a painful and liberating thing,
but that everything we do while alive will eventually not matter once we die.

it hurts because on one hand it makes me want to be more careless, but i am just too nervous and afraid of the consequences. also sad because you ponder about all the time wasted working or in education just to support yourself

They were going to take down my shrine~! OwO

what do you do in life robot?

For me it was when my dad said "why you are not like you older brother?" when I failed a test he was able to pass and I'm not. Even after I enter the college before him I was never praised or acknowledge

not much right now until i start working a wagie job to pay for car insurance and get out of the house

recently i have been trying to put effort into getting better at skills or hobbies, and going for walks, but it isnt always easy. especially when you have so much time to think and you question if the effort is that worth it

and you?

Me same but someones actually texting you.

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>I don't think you'll ever get married
my sister, who I trust[ed] very much with my insecurities

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Haha same it was a girl i wanted to fuck too and my buddy made out with her earlier that day and didn't tell me

Happened to me. In the end I redpilled myself. Most people are a waste of time because of selfishness.

>Shut the hell up dude

Happened while talking to a group of friends. Since then I've become extremely introverted and stopped talking at all, no initiating conversations, nothing. Even if it's not healthy, sometimes I like being alone with my toughts.

>group of seniors I sit at lunch with are going to grad nite
>4'8 asian loli tags along
>having fun at disneyland with bros
>eating gumbo near the pirates of the Caribbean ride having a fun time
>asian loli sits across from me
>asian loli calls me ugly in front of my friends
>no one says anything
>i say i know
>no one says anything
i am alone in this world

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>I was 20, dropped out of college and hadn't had a job since I was 17.

I'm in the exact same position, have you turned things around?

when i was around 13 my dad told me straight to my face he was embarrassed that i was his son, in front of the rest of my family. no one there ever said anything to me about it so i assume they all agree with it

Have you considered marriage?

should have called her a fucking midget, and punch her

Why do bitches think this is ok? I was walking into a school building and there was a small group of people outside. The tall flippy haired faggot who i think i was aquainted with but I'm not sure says "hey, user, something somethin" then i start to respond when the girl next to him says "ew go away you're ugly!"
She wasn't a fucking prize herself and would have been lucky to have me in retrospect. I wasn't attractive at the time, geeky pimply bad mustache lanklet. But she had like 2 kids since, one in hs. And I'm hot af now, tho I'm getting fat. I remember this happening a lot when I'd finally talk to a table near mine and then some girl would immediately start berating me even if she wasn't the one i was talking to. Does this shit only happen to white guys is that we shoot school not me tho, mr fbi I'm 26 now I'm passed that timeframe

"I cheated on you because you are terrible at sex and you have the personality of a robot" - the only girl I ever loved

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Eh kinda. I lived off of student loan money for about a year and then found a full time job renting building equipment and being payed $15/hr. It's ok but having to pay of $53k in student loans is going to be an absolute bitch. I'm on deferrment right now.

>you ask the weirdest questions

From a girl I was talking to on kik. It was basic stuff, like how her weekend was going

I paid off mine in 6 years, living at home and working min wage

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>Bit weird first year, still have smart kid friends
Pretty good, basically normie
>Get put in sped second year bc of one two many pranks
>Try to explain, get known as tard anyway
>All friends ditch me
>Some hang around, awkward excuses, eventually ditch me
>Once I joined a new group, thought I was integrating pretty well
>One day I sit at the same spot, but they stop and awkwardly stare at me when I join
>They knew
>Have to attend tard class everyday
>Learn about mutually assured destruction in US History
>There's this fucking sperg in a green beanie that goes hulk smash fucking everyday
>The soviet Russia to his America is this schizo-autist who unleashes a fucking tard apocalypse when the beanie sperg goes on a rampage
>I want to slit my wrists, social anxiety and suicide ideation proliferate
>No friends but pity friends; people pretend that they never knew me
>Social isolation leads to subhuman neethood in the present

To this day I can't tell whether tard class or my own autism is to blame

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I want to move out as soon as I can because I cherish silence and that doesn't exist in a house with 5 people, of which one is a teenager and the other is a toddler. I think I'd be able to pay off the loans if I stay but I don't know if I'll be able to if I move out.

Damn 19 year old me for getting current me into this.

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Lmfao why most of these painful things have been said from girls or women? Are they that mean and toxic in the real world?

Fair enough. Can see why you'd want to move out. It's just my parents and I, so it's relatively quiet

Women can just get away with it easier. They have no filter. Guys can be worse, but it's usually in jest

>Why don't you have a girlfriend user? You're such a great guy!
Not painfull, but it gets real anoying after a while. If I'm such a great guy then wtf am I doing wrong

during summer I don't basically do shit other than listening to music, playing vidya and working as a wagie to pay off for extra expenses . During the rest of the year I usually study since I go to uni.

i feel you. It used to be like that for me with my "friends" at 14. After I realised people dont care about me or what I have to say I just cut off everybody (not that they cared). I like being alone and thinking, I do it in social events too

blame them. You should've found the right people to spend your time with tho, not those snakes. Best of luck in life user :)

>people can die user, its all natural
It just feels all so surreal when you hear people die the first time until you get numb to it.

>If you put your mind to it, you could be anything you want!
I didn't plan on being a fucking failure.