Women are not Materialistic whores

>B-But women must be happy.
>you must fulfill her dreams or she won't be happy and she will leave you.

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Weddings are a fucking scam anyways. Just get married at the courthouse and spend the thousands of dollars you just saved on a killer honeymoon.

You would think those thousands would be best spent towards something actually useful, like a decent house. BUT NOPE GOTTA LARP AS A DISNEY PRINCESS WITH ARTIFICIALLY SCARCE ROCKS FOR MUH SPECIAL DAY LIKE THE PEOPLE ON TV

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Land of the Free. Where you are free to die when you can't afford healthcare.

a fucking beta male doing beta male things, died because he put pussy on the pedestal.
and nothing of value was lost that day

It's fucked up that cheap insulin can kill people. The medical community should be ashamed. It should work regardless of cost.

>it should work regardless of cost
Treatments are more profitable than cures.

Insulin is always a treatment, it should work regardless of cost if it's being sold. If it's too shitty to keep someone alive it shouldn't be on the market. It's bad business, less customers mean less money.

are you realy trying to say that it was her fault that he took shitty meds? incels....

yaaaas queen NOTHING is EVER a womans fault
yall incels better remember that...

I feel sorry for her. He was cute compared to her, she's probably heartbroken.

I feel sorry for him. He died to realize that bitch 's superficial wishes.

He died because his medicine was bad and how do you know he didn't want the wedding as much as she did? She's the one that has to live the rest of her life knowing that the person she wanted to marry died trying to make their dream come true. Do you really not feel any kind of empathy for people who lose loved ones?

He died trying to marry THAT?

>how do you know he didn't want the wedding as much as she did?
yea totally

xD Insellit ei vtittutu insellit

Fuck me, imagine being this much of a deluded wanker.

not everyone thinks about looks like you senpai

thing is she'll be on a new dick next week

Incels are pure hypocrites. They're quick enough to judge woman on their appearence and then bitch because women reject them because they're ugly.



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If you really think that's true then you are most definitely a heartless person.

Incels deserve to die alone and bitter.

Hey there's a new Sabaton album

>Americans have to pay for insulin

ok can I at least have a simple pretty white dress for the court house?

imagine unironically getting sick in murrica

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Will women ever stop being evil? They have to much power over men and constantly abuse it.

Of course incels don't understand weddings. You know, for people who are always whining about "muh traditionalism", you're sure against one of our oldest traditions.

Women will become "good" and "submisive" "cute" when men take control over them and use violence, then they are sweetest buterflies, moment you lose power and control she stabs you in back.
Just get sick with woman she will treat you like shit.

I had girlfriends that were insulting me when I had health problems, they just don't have mercy.... I really hope we developed artificial wombs so we can get rid of these defective creatures.
They are just biologically defective , its in their DNA we need to get rid of them totally.

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weddings mean nothing anymore, any promiscuous whore can get married.
they have also always been materialistic.
what are you even trying to prove, faggot

>pussy on a pedestal
You're a retard and you don't understand what that phrase means. It doesn't apply when you're already fucking ENGAGED to the girl.
Ffs these retarded incels watch one pua video and then act like they're chads.

>if you're violent and force them to do what you want then they'll obey but if you lose control they'll take vengeance

>be american
>literally unable to buy proper medicine

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What does her being a materialistic whore have to do with it?

He's a man, he made the decision at the end of the day to get with her. He made the decision to marry her, and he made the decision to prioritise her over his health. You should be glad irresponsible retards like that don't enter the gene pool.

I've said this too. I'm female and did what you're saying, having my family he there seems like a nightmare

>one of our oldest traditions.

Lavish weddings that you can't pay?

you dont know shit, beta

>any promiscuous whore can get married.

I know one who has videos of her cheating on her fiance with different men and still got married.

She only had to tell the poor idiot that the videos pre-dated them dating, despite her having a tattoo that she made while dating him clearly visible in some of the videos.

Perhaps some men like clinging to useless promiscuous whores.
I can't understand it.

It was also common for the bride's parents to pay for it too but that "tradition" seemed to be forgotten and the burden is now all on the man.

>for people who are always whining about "muh traditionalism"

Those are the poltards that leak onto here you dummy.
Learn your board culture.

This, user. Traditionally weddings were done as a small family event at someone's house with only a priest who'd wed the two together. The current idea of weddings was only achieved by nobles at the time, and wedding companies through advertising made people think that they *must* have the same kind of wedding as the nobles did otherwise they wouldn't be good enough. Fuck women and fuck advertising.

Not to mention, the bride's parents would be on the hook for the bill.

Absolutely. The absolute state of society. Say, what do you think of the new 'cancel culture' idea that's been circulating for a while?

It's a form of privatized tyranny. We're not freer than the USSR. At least in that type of system, you knew where the boundaries began and end for speech.

At least the communists were honest about it. We larp as if we have freedom. Yeah, I can call you a nigger but I will become homeless and die due to unemployment. So much better than getting put in a re-education camp and allowed back into society eventually...

Damn. I couldn't have said it better myself. You seem fairly intelligent, what are you doing browsing this wretched board?

>muh incel
The brides family would often pay some kind of a dowry and if a woman cheated she was a discarded slut at best and killed at worst. And even then those weddings were at the very least affordable and not just some cheap attempt to larp as a princess. They were small events with family and maybe a few close friends and officials to recognize the marriage, but none of that matters anymore because things like marriage are all but dead.
Desperation mostly, only for them to be trapped and never getting the one thing they wanted the most: some poon.

Nice job getting brainwashed you fucking moron

>randomly spergs about cheating for no reason
>small events
Ill give you a pass if you are underage but that is some autistic level thinking. Family events were always big in most of the world, and strictly speaking to tradition weddings were frequently celebrated through the church by a whole village or community.

Theres no reason to overspend on a wedding but if you respect the practice of marriage and dont understand how valuable the wedding has always been to people, I wonder what your problem is.

I would never let my husband do this what the fuck
We planned our wedding in a weekend and my mom paid for the whole thing which ended up being maybe 1200 dollars max
Our rings are both plain bands
What is the point of having a massive wedding with a guy you cannot even spend your life with afterwards...

Fuck this country ugh


Seriously, people think its only women who want big weddings, I highly doubt he was forced to take the cheaper insulin by his wife... more likely he chose to because it was important to him and he was afraid asking for financial help from family would make him look beta or whatever

Maybe you could move on that quickly after losing the person you wanted to spend your life with but dont assume everyone is as fucked up as you

Or they blame their appearance because its easier to call women shallow than acknowledge that their atrocious personalities hold them back

Fuck this country

My mom paid for our wedding, but she is a physician and makes pretty good money, it was a very modest home wedding too and we wanted it that way

>be American
>invent said medicine

Get your ass hit over a bitch the bitch aint shit seen a porno clip of the bitch she cant suck dick
But wait nigga use your head, she gonna find another dick to suck when you dead.

He gone give you all his love
He gone give you all his time
He wont let a minute go by without the thought of you crossing his mind

>being American
>not being a richfag
Absolutely pathetic

>discovered by a german
>first administered by a canadian

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>american education
top kek elmao

Thats literally what my wife and I did. spent 200 on the wedding and license. Spent 3000 on a bomb ass weeklong honeymoon

What I want to know is where I can get this deadly insulin. I bet we could use it to murder people if we weaponize it. Who knew a life saving drug does the exact opposite of what its suppose to do.
