I have a question for men

Are some of you born with homocidal tendencies or are you just a product of your environment?

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I was probably born with homocidal tendencies but they awakened after adolescence

If its genetic wouldnt there be structural brain differences between a homocidal person and a perfectly normal one?

What a stupid question
only a weakling could ask such a thing
makes me want to punch you and choke you

>homo cidal
nice try, bitch

There are? Lmao how much of a brainlet are you to be asking these kinds of questions?

Every human has the instinct to kill, it's just muted in a person that is properly raised/psychologically normal. So the the answer to your question is both.

Ive been reading up on a case and some geneticists link MAOA deficiency to violent behavior.

MAOAs job is to break down crucial neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. If left unchecked these potent chemicals can build up in the brain and cause a loss of impulse control and an increase in violence and rage.

What do you think ?

I have never been tested about it so I don't know if there is a difference

I think that is plausible but far from the only cause of violent behavior.

I don't necessarily want to kill homos

It's almost always a result of upbringing or a reasonable man who is pushed to the fucking edge, through either lack of romantic connection, frustration with inner self or hatred for the person they kill, afterall you're more likely to be killed by someone you know

I was a very sensitive, pascivist growing up. I only developed homicidal tendencies as an adult after a lifetime of societal abuse.

I promise I'll never hurt you.

During adolescence, and afterwards, i used to be kind to everyone, got bullied in highschool due to that, and some people forced my hands, and now if i'm a broken person with a deathwish for me and others, well you can thank the environment i've had, and still have to endure, with of course not having an outlet for that stress such as a loving wife.

>Are some of you born with homocidal tendencies or are you just a product of your environment?
I'm a 30 year old man and I didn't start having violent thoughts until I was like 29. I blame Jow Forums and I'm being completely unironic. I think that males probably genetically have a naturally greater tendency toward violence than females but stuff like chan culture can take it from some latent thing to something that's actually consciously felt. I really think Jow Forums has a pretty disastrous effect on the male mind and that posting here is essentially a form of self-harm.

Yes, I hated the fact that I was born. I had a shitty family and I was born in a shitty country. I wanted to make life itself bleed but now I pretty much am becoming successful, on my way to be rich. So yes, men are inherently violent, especially to women.

My mother was dead against violence of any kind and wouldn't let us play with toy guns or toy swords or anything.
I met a guy who knew me as a baby and he told me what a disaster it was. Every book I picked up i pretended was a gun and every stick a sword.

I spend most of my free time doing martial arts now and I joined in the military.

It's just in some people. That's nothing you can really do about it. Environment can't be ignored though. Most boys media has violence involved at some level.

It's a condition of being male; look at male animals and their natural behavior. It's why one male can produce unlimited offspring while females can only reproduce one at a time; our programming is to naturally kill others to try and become the dominant leader. This stopped working like 40,000 years ago though so we invented society, chinks and niggers never got the message and ended up with a shitty gene pool full of samefaces.

I have to kill things to protect you.

Homocidal tendencies are completely healthy and should be encouraged.

I think I was born with it, but it was also definitely encouraged. I would get in fights with other boys even from an early age and my parents were even supportive of me. Thats probably why I'm such a retard now.

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Mostly a product of the environment. We can't change who we are (introvert vs extrovert), but the world isn't supposed to be an Every Man for Himself scenario either.

Also, anger is a normal emotion for anyone to feel. That's what keeps us from being to harsh on ourselves. But you cross the line when you actually create a plan to hurt others, and start manifesting it into reality. There's more constructive ways of channeling the anger that doesn't involve going nuclear.

I don't know, i always wanted to kill someone.
I was a really curious kid back then.
I don't think my environment gave them to me, it would be the opposite and helped me suppress them.

I do not really want anybody dead. When somebody is dead, i cannot bother them anymore. Why would i want to give up causing suffering for others so easily?

OP just talked about homicidal tendencies.
It's not necessary linked to anger or any emotional response.
I'm and i often thought of killing a specific person just by impulsive thought (like hiking and seeing someone near a cliff, just a little push).
It's more about the taboo and the excitement of breaking it than a genuine need to kill.

Maybe the suffering you would indirectly cause to others is worth more than the total suffering you could squeeze out of that man without killing him?

Do you think it's more dominance or just the thrill of a metaphorical hunt? I mean, I was extremely hyperactive and had strong impulsive thoughts as a kid, but I think that was more due to me not having a constructive outlet for all that energy to burn off.

People like that are horrible. They deny their kids a sense of individuality, and see them as objects to control rather than an actual human being.

>maybe the suffering you would indirectly cause
Maybe so. It is difficult to kill a person and get away with it nowadays. The circumstances would have to be opportune. I enjoy seeing the suffering on a persons face when i upset them. Most people learn to cope with the death of others over time. I would compare it to breaking a leg versus chronic tooth pain. A broken leg is excruciating, but it heals. I have had chronic tooth pain before. It disturbs sleep and eating becomes painful. There is no guarantee that the suffering of grieving people is a better tradeoff than slowly beating somebody down over time.

There's as many reason to kill as there's people user.
For me, it's more the thrill. I don't really care about dominance, i just like imagining breaking a taboo.
And there's also the morbid curiosity. I've seen a few corpses in my life but i've never seen the transition between a living man and a chunk of lifeless meat. Just imagining being responsible for this kinda... excite me (not in a lusty sense).

Just combine an unhealthy curiosity and an independant mind that like to do forbidden thing and that urge will happen naturally.

Not him, but I agree. That doesn't explain the genetic connection of clinical psychopaths or narcissists who hijack and control leadership positions (business, abusive management, political corruption, mafia, etc)

What surprises me about it is that MAOA is on the first X-chromosome, meaning that both men and women can be affected by it.

>ITT: Newfag incels respond to an FBI thread.

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That makes sense. Thanks for the insight, man

Sure, it's almost impossible to get away with it.
This is the only reason i've never yet killed someone.
And with a bit of imagination, you can torment someone easily.
Like if you killed a man, whenever his mourning wife would start to get better, find a way to make her remember. Like putting a finger or something somewhere.
But in our society it's impossible.
If you want to ruin the life of someone, you can give them a moderate amount of some poisons that would destroy some organs though.

Don't care, i ain't a burger. Besides, i'll never act on my impulses. At least i think so.

You're welcome friend.

When I was very young (maybe 4) I would have never thought about hurting people or being mean to others as I considered that to be evil in my mind but slowly through childhood and puberty all the way to adolescence I encountered people who hurt me constantly even though I wanted to have nothing to do with them and now I am full of spite and want to return the favor

I had recently thought of a method of torture. If you have exprrience puttinmetal in your mouth, you would know about how uncomfortable it is. By affixing two elemental metals to the teeth, it would generate an electric current, causing constant nerve pain. I have no knowledge of practical dentistry or orthodontics, so it is too difficult for me to attempt.

It doesn't matter if you're an american. It's an american site and they will shut it down

Closest I have to homicidal tendencies is wanting to go on some kind of RPG or action movie tier adventure desu, irl I dont wanna hurt anybody