Some preteen roasties laughed at me after I walked past them today

>Some preteen roasties laughed at me after I walked past them today
>Turn back, ask them if they have a problem and tell them to fuck off or I'll kill them next time
>Get to the same area to see how they react this time around
>Reach near them, they are completely silent, heads down, not a single movement
>One was walking my way at first but noticed it's me, turned around and walked away, only to completely change the way

So this is it huh? I should have really known about this psychological fact when I was a child and I wouldn't get mentally fucked from all the humiliation, mockery and abuse I had to go through.
Whatever, feels good. I made sure to scare them even more by opening up my spring knife the 2nd time I walked next to them. It really is like in that saying, that if you are a wolf, people treat you like a wolf. If you are a pray, they treat you that way.
And if you are a prey and you behave like a wolf, they will not fuck with you like they wouldn't fuck with a doe that has rabies.
So to all the robots/betas/prey out there, or whatever... just do this. I know you want to just snap finally and not hold it anymore, go for it! It feels fucking good.
Now watch the facebook, twitter and plebbit shills and normalfags going apeshit ITT, like I am SUPPOSED to keep getting spat on and pretend it's just raining.

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How do you know they were laughing AT you asshole? Far as you know they were pre teens being pre teens and laughing about memes or something

>>Some preteen roasties
Pic related

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>How do you know they were laughing AT you asshole? Far as you know they were pre teens being pre teens and laughing about memes or something
They were quietly anticipating my approach and only AFTER I passed them by, they laughed. I turned around and they were looking at me.
Consider suicide normalfucker.

imagine being such a sensitive pussy that you need to threaten kids with death for laughing at you...grow up. just walk the fuck away and chuckle at them.

Do you have 'my name is not importan' printed on your documents?

>Imagine feeling powerful after threatening little girls

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Good job.Fuck beta faggots above.

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I no longer feel like such a loser after reading this

You showed them OP! preteens are one of the most cruel bunch out there. BAAAAAAAAAAASSEEED

Yeah, how could anyone in this world enjoy dominating a little girl?

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You don't know how it hurts when shit like this made you a schizo with multiple mental illensses. I bet you are the same guy who says that on the other hand cat calling is destructive and vile and should be punished.

Yeah it does. Actually it's not the first time I have dony anything of this sort and previous times weren't with kids, but it doesn't matter.
Kids are vile and should be punished for shit like this, HEAVILY.

Yeah as I said in my main post
>Now watch the facebook, twitter and plebbit shills and normalfags going apeshit ITT, like I am SUPPOSED to keep getting spat on and pretend it's just raining.

Also, lovely pic, where is is from?

this is actually a good strategy for conflict avoidance most of the time. rather than getting in a physical fight, just act crazy and make the value proposition that much worse for the opponent

not him but that picture is from a shooting some time ago. theres surveillance videos of it somewhere, he set off bombs and then walked in with a rifle shooting. It wasnt in america so most anons never heard about it. I think was in eastern europe
maybe russia

It is Kerch school shooting. The gunman was pretty handsome so he got his own fandom after suicide.

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>be underage
>act like fag
>FBI is watching

Nice man lmao kys

>this is actually a good strategy for conflict avoidance most of the time. rather than getting in a physical fight, just act crazy and make the value proposition that much worse for the opponent
Right? thats what I'm talking about, a doe with rabies.

Wish I heard about this before.

It is a shame that I can't download webm with sound on Jow Forums. I've got plenty of good quality content on that event.

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yeah man. too bad eightchan got raped. it was a better website.

God fucking damnit, why only gay american shootings have to be popular? Just looked it up and I LOVE IT. The fact that it was actually real and not some jewish hoax for gun control makes my pp hard.
Gonna need some more.

Ikr. Hope that Jim can go through this and restore it.

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lmao when one of those little girls tells their chad cousins/brothers and they come and beat your ass to death. Hope I don't ever see you doing that shit incel.

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Do you have a discord? I am not a native english speaker so I'd like to just talk/play some games with an american. If you don't mind.

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This shits life fuel, for sure. And I've even had similar shit happen like that but I passed it off as kids being kids.

Is there anything more cringe than an unironic gigachad post?

Cope harder whitey, speak up on the internet since you won't be doing it irl.

I've never been mocked since i'm 9 because the last person to ever ridicule me was sent straight to the hospital.
I think normalfags can feel when someone doesn't care anymore.
As i always said, "lack of respect and decorum deserve to be paid in fear and blood".

LMFAO, he will be going GURLGGGHGHGHGHGHG when I slit his throat with my trusted spring knife, normalfucker.

Either way, back on topic of that Crimea shooting, Russia is actually so badass that they showed recordings of it on their TV.

>lack of respect and decorum deserve to be paid in fear and blood
I am stealing this quote from you.

Feel free to do so, friend!
Spread it even so!
There's nothing more despicable than simple lack of politeness without any sound reason.
I can understand if you hate someone, but just being rude because the person seems to be weaker or "inferior" is disgusting.

I have no hate for those people, i just consider them like trash,

>I have no hate for those people, i just consider them like trash,
I'm kinda in-between. They are both like low IQ trailer park trash, human pests to me, yet I still fuckin hate the fact that I have to share the same place of living with them and that they don't care how fucking ignorant they are.

Yeah, just consider them like insects.
Don't look beneath yourself, user.
Just look forwards.
I'm just working hard so i can have enough money to free myself out of this misery and live happily growing my food in the middle of nowhere.
I have no care for those lowly beings.
As long as they don't bother me, i don't even consider their existence.

Probably talking about something personal that was also funny. You're being crazy.

Oh yeah, "TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING PERSONAL", sure, even though for the 6-7 seconds prior to that, it was complete silence and only one word when I passed them and a laugh.
Oh an yes, let's ignore the part where they were staring at me when I turned around, COINCIDENTALLY of course, it has nothing to do with anything.
Please, suffocate.

It's a known trick which boring and bored girls do. You guys think anyone would laugh for real at you if there is objectively nothing wrong about you? Get a clue

>Implying there is nothing wrong with me.
I even had men/guys laugh at me. And tell me I'm ugly.

Wheter this is true or not, best life advice I have ever had
Thanks man

I swear to god this is true. Why would I lie about something so trivial? Shit like this happens every day. And I'm hearing more and more of this is happening too. Losers are starting to have enough.