I've realized now that you need a hobby to be happy, something you're longing to do when you get home from work...

I've realized now that you need a hobby to be happy, something you're longing to do when you get home from work. What is your passion robots?

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Redpilling on Jow Forums

Vidya. Tv , cycling and podcast .

Slowly killing myself with lots of alcohol and shit food.

Magic: the Gathering

Forces ya to get out of the house, helps ya make friends, is a lot of fun.

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Unironically shitposting. The idea that people are actually reading and absorbing the utter fucking shite that I put out onto this board just makes me so happy.

Lots of people seem to take shitposts really seriously nowadays, like they believe everything they read and can't detect when someone is taking the piss, it's just really unamusing and boring, sometimes posters come along and shitpost with you to escalate the situation though which is pretty funny.

I have known this for years but i am a directionless loser who isn't good at anything
I have tried sports, crafting, books, writing, drawing, gardening, fucking knitting.
Even i suck at vidya
I just want to sleep

I have no passion right now. Guitar, vids, drawing, biking, movies, books, studying... its all gone.

I'm a scout here in germany since I've been 6 years old, they basically are like a family to me.

>something you're longing to do when you get home from work

correct, you need something(s) you're looking forward to that make wageslaving bearable and life in general.

Most people find this in a family and normie bourgeois activities

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chores, selling shit on eBay, politics

I've never had one. I used to play the guitar but I stopped because it wasn't doing anything for me and I hated it when people would demand that I play some shit for them like a circus monkey whenever I told them about it. I hated performing in front of people in general because it always made me screw up but that seemed to be the only thing that anyone ever wanted me to do with my "talent". Now I just play shitty old video games and browse Jow Forums while listening to depressing music.

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fashion! it's the best hobby because it effects you 24 hours a day, even when you're sleeping you can wear some fresh pajama fits. it helps makes your life easier, and it never has to end, you can keep evolving your style.

Just read books or comics, you don't need skill to do that

vidya is my passion

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Baking, but I need someone to eat the stuff.

I like to jerk off and shitpost

Sometimes I play video games too

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i play guitar and i shred like a fucking monster.

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Guns, vidya, hunting and archiving

Swimming in the ocean until I'm almost out of strenght, makes me feel alive. I do it every morning.
I also like to watch old movies, learn japanese and read stuff about macroeconomics and geopolitics in the newspapers.

I make bootleg rap beats in fl studio and imagine my alter ego selling out 50k shows to rap a whole lot of bullshit that isnt even English. I stay daydreaming even with hobbies

Nothing, user. I'm not passionate for anything. Every day is meaningless, and I work simply to live.

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>Unironically shitposting. The idea that people are actually reading and absorbing the utter fucking shite that I put out onto this board just makes me so happy.
lol, none of us is falling for any of it