I can no longer stand you impulsive, desperate and brain dead incels/no gf fags

i can no longer stand you impulsive, desperate and brain dead incels/no gf fags.

you rampantly worship immoral ethots who offer nothing past superficial looks and petty gossip and you have to invent buzzwords every month because you have nothing of value to say. You haven't the attention span to even begin to escape your situation. You are not the based virgin edglords i thought you were, you are just rejects. Rejected subhuman normcattle cannibals who would fuck their own gender.

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>You are not the based virgin edglords i thought you were, you are just rejects.

No one has said that unironically. Everyone is a loser here and nothing else

ach, beautifully poot

Damn. Now I wanna go play some tf2, thanks OP.

u wn 2 ply w m?

sorry mate, but i'm no shit sniffing incel like you.

I might. Only issue is that I'm in Korea right now and am going back to the states tomorrow night, so my timezones are gonna be a bit wonky and I'm going to be inactive for a little while. my steam is innisfre_e if you wanna dd me though

I might play in an hour or so, depends on if I get drunk or not.

i fucking love tf2

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Soldier, Scout, Demo, Medic, Engie, Pyro, Heavy, Sniper, Spy.

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Heavy, scout, medic, spy, engineer, sniper, demoman, soldier and the last one

Ugleh thread
Engineer, Demoman, Soldier, Pyro, Scout, Sniper, Spy, Heavy, Medic

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Just curious, why are soldier and demo so low? They are my two most fun classes by far. Also the last one is pyro.

Sniper, engineer, spy, scout, pyro, medic, heavy, demo, soldier

scoot, demo, pyro, soldier, spy, med, heavy, engi, sniper

not him but demo is pretty hard to play for most ppl just cuz you really suck at 1v1s
still my fav class tho

When I first played TF I didn't have a mouse but I still loved the game and wanted to play, so all I would do is go on payload maps and position my cursor in a choke point then spam pipes. Ever since then I've had a really good intuitive understanding of pipe physics so 1v1s as Demo have always been natural. It's also a lot about spacing and using your stickies to maintain the optimal spacing to do a 1v1.

wish I could get good with pipes, it's a pain to understand the physics

demo is all about knowing the game and once you realize pipes are more about prediction than precision then you'd be hitting pipes in no time, friend

Do you have TR_walkway? It's an extremely useful offline training map, I've spend literal hundreds of hours just shooting rockets at the bots, and it definitely helped me gain the type of understanding of rocket (or pipes, w/e) physics that we're talking about.

Pyro, Medic, Sniper, Scout, Engie, Heavy, Demo, Soldier, Spy.

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Demo was my first class so back in my hayday I was a god with him.

Demo, engineer, sniper, spy, heavy, medic, scout, pyro

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I do, I've just mostly been spending time practicing flares and market gardens, both of which I've gotten quite decent at. But I've never thouht of practicing demo on it


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You should try it, or soldier.

Honestly flares have been pretty useless for me ever since the airblast nerf. The only time I use them is when I'm spamming the detonator to charge my Phlog. Other than that I just usually light people on fire with the degreaser and use the shotgun as my main weapon.

Scout, soldier, sniper, pyro, demoknight, medic, engineer, heavy, spy

Demoknight is not a class sir. Sticky spamming is the patrician way to play tf2.

Also, does r9k have a TF2 clan on steam or something ?

Scout and Sniper were the classes I actually liked playing, Pyro was fun because there was a lot of bullshit things they would add from time to time (I remember when the Backburner first came out it would up you to 250 health) and I played a lot of Medic because none of these other motherfuckers would and I wanted to win the match.
I thought I'd like Soldier because of TFC and Quake, but Scout fulfills my desire for speed and movement more.

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flares are fucking great. once you get prediction and leading down you can melt any 125 hp class and punish 150+ hp classes for fleeing. that 90 dmg can do some ouch

I don't think so. You guys are free to add me though, my steam id is innisfre_e. I'm always looking for good people to play with so I don't have to carry the team every round. It says I have 1500 hours on my profile but I have another 1100 on an old account.

But meatshots also do 90 and are WAY more consistent, no?

>he has steam friends
peh, i don't need friends. I just go from server to server pub stomping as a legend that no one dares to look at.

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less consistent, at least for me. and you get that 90dmg at any range