Out of the seven deadly sins, what describes you the most?

Out of the seven deadly sins, what describes you the most?


Choose only one. I'd go with pride

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Either Sloth or Envy
Probably Sloth, I'm not envious, I'm extremely jealous though.

Envy prolly the most.. Lust isnt far behind.

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From greatest to least


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I've never been a confident person. Growing up with two brothers that always were better than me in every way didn't create a good foundation. Now it leaks into other parts of my life and it's the deadliest sin for me.

Then sloth, gluttony, wrath, Lust, greed.
I just don't have envy

Wrath, easily. The rest of the sins are minuscule compared to my lukewarm wrath.

I jack off too much
I eat too much
I am greedy person
I am ultra lazy
I am envious and jealous
Everytime sometimes critizises I just stop talking with him/her

I am going to hell, fuck you God, you are biggest asshole ever

Close tie between Sloth and Gluttony but I think Sloth wins.

Interesting to hear, anons

Honestly I think Lust is my greatest one

>Envy tied with Greed

Gluttony is my biggest sin. Followed closely by Sloth and Lust. The rest I've mostly gotten out of my system as I've grown up.

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Envy and wrath

Greed, lust and envy.

Pride Sloth and Wrath

sloth 70% of the time, wrath and pride 30% of the time

Most: envy, sloth
Kinda: gluttony, lust (probably working with an incorrect definition of lust here)
Least: pride, wrath, greed


Difficult choice between sloth and gluttony.

On the one hand, if it wasn't for my laziness I'd be doing so much better

On the other I have poor self-control when it comes to food

I'll have to get back to you in the next thread OP

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Wrath but only when I'm alone

sloth, my biggest dream is to become a NEET

sloth since i have been proscatinating on career for 9 months

Wrath, I am mostly known for having shit tier anger managment, its become a meme among my friend how bad my anger is.

sloth or envy for sure

>I dread ever moving anywhere

Sloth, i took some shitty cuck buzzfeed quiz my friend sent me a week ago about which sin describes me best and i got sloth.

envy with sloth close behind :[ i always compare myself to others and envy them when they have what i lack

Everytime someone criticizes me, even when clearly not being serious, I can feel my head heating up like I'm in an oven and my hands, which can't even make a fist normally due to being constantly numb suddenly feel so powerful that I swear I could demolish walls if I didn't have pain receptors

Sloth, most definitely. original

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Greed, I can be described with pride, lust, and envy but it all stems from my insatiable greed.

Gluttony cause I'm fat

>Out of the seven deadly sins, what describes you the most?
Oh yeah
Oh yeah

Going to hell for being a lazy and fat I guess

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wrath or envy
why am i alive

Wrath. The normalfags and degenerates must pay.

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I literally just came here after jerking off

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I guess wrath and sloth followed by "controllable"
(i guess i can i just chose not to because im slothful)
It used to be gluttony too but i got really fit over the years and now my cheat calories are reserved for the hooch
Plus when your tall and fit people are more likely to tolerate your 'tism because "muh jock" even tho i suck at sports and every thing else

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Sloth, probably. I'm being a lazy fuck rn instead of doing useful shit. Lust is also a big one. Im a cumbrain and I think about fucking almost every girl I know. The only one who's safe is my mom, but I'd totally fuck my aunt or my sister