Reminder this is everyone who tells you to hit the gym

reminder this is everyone who tells you to hit the gym

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Other urls found in this thread:

How about go for non white girls who haven't been whitewashed

You should never do anything to change your body to impress others, do it for yourself first and others will be impressed.

Had the right idea in the first panel. Get ripped and acquire perfect 2d waifu.

Friendly reminder manlets are not human thus everything is overcompensating when they do it.

Would it have been time better spent if he just stayed on r9k to whine about life?

yep, he would have probably had a better time than being some idiot lifting and putting things down lmao

This, if you do sonmething do it for yourself anything else is bullshit

that's the same argument women use when they say they wear certain clothes, they 'do it for themselves'
we all know its bullshit sweetie

Nice straw man, did you get it at home depot?

Add the feeling of putting a lot of effort and wasting time for nothing, That just pushes him deeper into misery than before.
Should have stayed with his robot fellows whining about shit and getting at least the feeling of belonging and understanding.

This is the most incel post ITT yet

so when a girl puts on makeup you really think she's doing it for herself? how naive are you

It would be more honest that's for sure

>o when a girl puts on makeup you really think she's doing it for herself? how naive are you

Leave your room
Have sex
Get help

sorry for making you aware of your own hypocrisy

Wow. People need to realize either you attract women or you don't. Jensen Ackles or Johnny Depp could be awkward and quiet but if they go to any bar or club, completely passive, even if they weren't famous, I guarantee you they wouldn't need to go home alone ever

yikes there is a lot to unpack here

Based and gympilled
If you're lifting for someone else, just don't.

>Jensen Ackles
Literally who
>Johnny Depp
He's a manlet, strip him of his status like you said and he wouldn't score.

>its a gymcel has a breakdown and starts lashing out thread

Attached: choofed.gif (400x206, 1.76M)

That however requires the effort to leave your room which is more than the average incel is willing to invest

thats amusing coming from someone posting on r9k at 12:40pm on a workday

I was going to make a smug comment and post the gif, but my internet is too slow.

based and truepilled

I don't lift, retard. I just said JD wouldn't get an ONS without fame because he's a manlet.

It's not work time in this corner of the world incel burger

you could have just said you are totally irrelevant, it could have saved us the trouble

>and others will be impressed.
With that being mentioned, it's ultimately the same.

>it's ultimately the same.

Not really, if you do something for yourself and enjoy it and succeed it increases your well being which is reflected in the way you act. People enjoy more being around happy people. If you do sonething for others you are always striving for their recognition which makes you act thirsty in a way

>Almost perfect height and face

Yeah makes sense he'll never score

somewhat, yes, girls like those kinds of things, you have clearly never stumbled upon the youtube makeup tutorial culture
they spend hours a day researching makeup junk, trying shit on their faces, just to wash it off

is a man that washes his car just trying to impress others? or is he trying to maintain the paint to keep its resell value? probably both, making such a generalization would be retarded

>>Almost perfect height
He'd get heightmogged in a club even with lifts. Even if the height google gives you were real, he's probably 2 or 3 inches shorter.

I think someone should screenshot this post it's a perfect example of cope

Back to your kennel, dog.

uh yea no shit its both, people who claim its only for themselves are just lying. a guy gets a fancy car for himself and to impress girls.

I saw an UBERMENCH CHAD today,

he was probably 2 meters tall, absolute beast probably 100+kg LEAN,
most chadface ive ever seen with the 5o clock shade shit going on,

super greece statue blonde hair and blue eyes,
was dressed in the most expensive suit and wristwatch ever

literal god, everyone else in the area looked like literal goblin monsters lmfao

made me feel like worthless scum just walking past him

unfair shit life

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>lifting for girls

Attached: If+youre+lifting+for+girls+youre+already+doing+it+wrong+_7a892abaf3d1a66a8a52742bc8637d9a.jpg (857x1202, 231K)

Are you even trying anymore incel? Fuck off to Reddit

>Muscles only have aesthetic value

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>implying he won't start getting swollested by qtpies

Being muscled will most definitely get you more positive attention than being fat/very thin. If not from girls then from other men.
Apart from positive attention, working out gives several benefits.

-General health benefits(if you're actually serious about working out you will start eating healthier too)
-Mental clarity
-Increased confidence
-Healthier self image
-Depression won't hit as hard
-More energy
-Higher quality sleep/less sleeping issues

Living healthy will have a positive influence on many aspects of your life, it is a step towards a better life.

>-Mental clarity
>-Increased confidence
>-Healthier self image
>-Depression won't hit as hard
>-More energy
>-Higher quality sleep/less sleeping issues

Aside from discipline and health benifits , I wish the rest of those were true. Hell, I even lift now because its an extended form of autism.

what a bunch of bullshit. healthier self image hahahahhaha, if lifting is so great for your self image then why do so many of the guys do steroids?

Some lifters have bigorexia were they want to get as big as possible but just because some lifters have it, doesn't mean you have to have it. So as long as you are reasonable about the size you want to attain you will be ok, so stop being a little bitch making excuses.

i'm good with how my body looks, and seriously no one wants to be you. you lift and you still post here. good job

Sorry to hear that man. Lifting combined with healthy diet did a lot for me. Depression and anxiety affect me a lot less now. It's still there, but less severe.
How is your diet? And I hope you don't lift to late in the evening. Adrenaline remains in your body for a while after lifting, it might influence your sleep.

You argue like a 12 year old brat.
Lifting won't fix all your issues, but in nearly almost all cases will it have a positive influence on your body and mind.

>Lifting won't fix all your issues, but in nearly almost all cases will it have a positive influence on your body and mind.

youre such an inspiration, you lift and you still post here. damn can you sign my mousepad lmao

I remember a black guy at work said it the best to me and it rung true

A rich minority is only as good as a poor white guy.

Asian women rather date a poor white guy than a rich Asian guy

of course when you look like baljeet white women will pick chad over you, shitface fucks

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Holy fuck, the cope here is pungent.

Sounds like your parents didn't love you enough. I hope you'll get to a better place in life.

that cut so deep bro

I know this is bait but you realize that if it was true over 80-90% of all men would not be humans. Basically only 1% in most third-world countries.

gymfag here.
OP's pic is 100% true.
I started hitting the gym because I wanted to be proud of something and I'm proud of what I have accomplished. I'm still a virgin, still an autist, but my body is Jow Forums and muscular. People often tell me "Wow user you're jacked!" and I'm very happy with that. Girls don't really care and one even giggled when I told her I was hitting the gym. tl;dr if you can't get women, gym won't change a thing

>Land of the free

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>tfw people actually called me baljeet irl.
I live in a 95% white country.

You're doing it for others anyway if you're doing it "for yourself" because that way others will be impressed, you dolt

>some of these things are unlike the others
improve the quality of your image eurocuck
at least we can say nigger without getting arrested

That wasn't my image. Just something I found online. There's a million ways western-european countries are better than Murica and if you don't realize that you're either uneducated or willfully ignorant.

Just try to give me one solid argument for why Murica is better. The "saying nigger without getting arrested" is a non-argument and bullshit. We can say it in public just as much as you can. You can't say it on social media or in any official space any more than we can.

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>at least we can say nigger without getting arrested

makeup is a hobby.

What is that supposed to mean?

Origin of amerimutts

OP are you forgetting that Zyzz was a brown man and got plenty of girls after getting jacked?

>highest incarceration rate in the world
a lot of niggers held up to white standards
>homeless population over 600,000
so? total population is about 400,000,000.
>health insurance is $40 and $200 a month
so minimum $480 to $2400 a year? Pretty cheap to me, and I'm a leaf.
>80%of americans struggle with financial insecurity
because of jewish banks
>welfare pays better than minimum wage
P E R C A P I T A , N O G .
>13.6% of adults aged 25 - 34 live with their parents
because of debt thanks to jewish banks, a lack of overall economic freedom, and the college meme.
>pays those in tipping jobs less despite tips being an unpredictable source of income
service that pays you hourly shouldn't be a primary source of income. Hit the union. also "welfare pays better than minimum wage."
>majority of americans are against atheism
>many americans still against other religions
good pt 2
>same sex marriage mostly illegal
good III - the final chapter.

Why did you edit the third panel to make him skinnier? And why does he care about 3DPD when he wanted 2D?

>a lot of niggers held up to white standards.
Nope. That's republican propaganda. In reality a ton of those niggers get put in there for virtually nothing or something actually nothing. Look up or watch "When They See Us" on Netflix for reference.
>so? total population is about 400,000,000.
Nope. Wrong as usual. Google says 327.2 million. 600,000 might not be all that much but it's more the way your homeless are treated. Like rabid dogs who aren't even allowed to sleep on public benches.
>so minimum $480 to $2400 a year? Pretty cheap to me, and I'm a leaf.
The image I posted must be outdated. This is more recent:
HMO: $230
POS: $244
PPO: $251
EPO: $254
And that's JUST for a 21-year old. It goes up when you get older/sicker. That's a fuck-ton!
>because of jewish banks
The cause is fucking irrelevant. The point is that the country is shit compared to others. And it's not like "non-jews" can't start banks too.
>P E R C A P I T A , N O G
Elaborate or this is a non-argument. Why should it matter that it's per capita? The average low income worker just knows that they can choose between working for X amount of not work for X + Y.
>because of debt thanks to jewish banks, a lack of overall economic freedom, and the college meme.
These are all things that Murica has itself to blame for. The people should have realized this was shit and changed it years ago.
>service that pays you hourly shouldn't be a primary source of income. Hit the union.
A lot of people have no other option, you nitwit... and unions don't exist for this shit everywhere. Maybe it would just be better if restaurants actually paid their workers instead of relying on the guilt/compassion of their customers?
>good that they're against atheism
You're retarded. There is no logical argument against atheism and a fucking ocean full of arguments against christianity.

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Holy shit user, you can stop. They've been fucking massacred.

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>good pt 2
So christianity (despite being another shitty religion) is somehow better than other religions for some arbitrary reasons? Give arguments why or concede that it isn't. I would argue that buddhism is better in every conceivable way.
>good III - the final chapter.
Explain why discrimination and inhibiting personal freedom is a good thing and I might agree with you.

No joke I look basically exactly like the white guy in the last panel, but I never got girls because I had social anxiety, terrible fashion sense and a bad haircut. I super duper alienated myself too.
My only point is you still have to be able to hang w normies and not be a sperg

I do it cause it helps me with my sports.
Nobody makes me. Nobody cares if I don't. I do it cause I love trucking people and you need to be swole to do that in rugby.

You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza

Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing".

Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE.

Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING

Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?


Face it, face is EVERYTHING. HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME are literally ALL that matter.

>i'd like you if you were more muscular!

Gymcels are so fucking stupid, seriously.

You can gymcel your ENTIRE LIFE but it won't change these SET IN STONE, GENETIC factors that MATTER THE MOST. Really the only way working out will make you look better is if you're already overweight and losing weight reveals previously hidden cheekbones/jawline, and therefore improves your FACE. Thinking women like guys with autistic bulging muscles is stupid as FUCK.

STATUS and MONEY may make women want to DATE you, but Iiterally the ONLY THING that matters in terms of SEXUAL ATTRACTION are ALPHA LOOKS which means a good HEIGHT, FACE and FRAME.

Oh, and as for personality, just fucking LOL. Personality is just another word for looks. Chad stands in the corner of the room and says nothing. Women go crazy over how "mysterious" he is. You do the same and they call the police.

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>Nope. That's republican propaganda.
no republican has said that.
>Nope. Wrong as usual. Google says 327.2 million. 600,000 might not be all that much but it's more the way your homeless are treated.
so? still a fucking minuscule amount.
>The image I posted must be outdated. This is more recent:
do you expect a leaf to understand your weird alphabet shit
>The cause is fucking irrelevant. The point is that the country is shit compared to others.
the cause is relevant you retard. if someone keeps getting sick, and is licking fucking keyboards at the library, do you honestly think we should care about the fact he's sick, or the fact that he's licking keyboards lol
>Elaborate or this is a non-argument.
because the average is better for comparison retard
>Maybe it would just be better if restaurants actually paid their workers instead of relying on the guilt/compassion of their customers?
i mean that's a good point.
>There is no logical argument against atheism
...except for the fact that christian morals were built to retain society in such a way in which it doesn't collapse (e.g. family unit)
>So christianity (despite being another shitty religion) is somehow better than other religions for some arbitrary reasons? Give arguments why or concede that it isn't
it's white. white religion for white people.
>Explain why discrimination and inhibiting personal freedom is a good thing and I might agree with you
because homosexuality is a choice
can confirm

Attached: assband.png (500x320, 351K)

So is sticking a jar up your ass

stick a jar of dicks up your ass

Women are liars though.

>no republican has said that.
Correction: No republican has ever officially and publically said that. The undertone is completely in line with the republican political agenda.
>so? still a fucking minuscule amount.
And like I said it's more about how the homeless are treated rather than the amount. Don't focus so much on the one thing that's irrelevant on the pic.
>do you expect a leaf to understand your weird alphabet shit
I'm not even american and I can still understand it just fine. All you needed to do for further clarification is go to the source, but fine... I'll spell it out for you. Minimum $200/month for a 21-year old and it can go up to as much as $450/month meaning $2400-$5400 per year. That's a hefty fucking chunk of money when you take all other costs of living into account.
>the cause is relevant you retard.
I suppose I phrased that poorly. The cause is relevant. The fact that it is voluntary and SELF-CAUSED is what makes any surrounding factors irrelevant.
>because the average is better for comparison retard
The average per state or in any other way? Also provide a source or I don't believe you.
>i mean that's a good point.
Of course it is. It's common sense in any civilized country. The japanese even take leaving tips as an insult and will go out of their way not to accept it. I'm not a weeb in any way but americans sure could learn a lot from their culture.
>except for the fact that christian morals were built to retain society in such a way in which it doesn't collapse (e.g. family unit)
So you're saying the average person needs christianity to keep them in line lest their morals go to shit? That means americans are either inherently retarded/uneducated, in which case the country is shit to begin with, or they have no moral character. Both indicate that the country is shit and that atheism is preferrable in any civilized group of people.

>come to the white man's country to leech off our society
>complain when you get cucked by the white man

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>it's white. white religion for white people.
Buddhism has very little ties to culture and is not invasive in your lifestyle unless you go hardcore buddhist. But that goes for all religions, really, so it's beside the point. You know what isn't a non-white religious concept though? Atheism. That's just pure scientific-based logic. Something you'd think white people should have no problems adopting.
>because homosexuality is a choice
It isn't. Did you choose to be heterosexual or did you just start liking curves on women/girls around the time you reached puberty? Of course it's the latter. It's the same for everyone. There are some people who can choose to be gay for the "thrill of the taboo" but those people are a very small minority.
>can confirm
Oh this oughta be good... Go on, senpai. Tell me your story.

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Now listen up nigger, you can be a 0/10 but a 0/10 and fit is better than a 0/10 with a shit body (or fat)
Just work it out, sure there are people who look like models but that's just relative. The guy on the left is a fag to me and the guy on the right just needs a smile, haircut and maybe cooler glasses (and a shirt)
Try it out, user

Fucking white whore using gimaxed manlet to post it in instagram , the one who draw this comic now them perfectly .

Why do white womans really like apart of status maxing in social media someone inows?

I'm not the user you're replying to but a smile, haircut and cooler glasses won't put that guy on the right anywhere near the one on the left. His facial structure, height and frame will still be the same. Not to mention his life time of mentally scarring experiences that will leave him with less confidence than the other guy who simply walks in and trips into a pussy without even trying.

Working out will make you look and feel slightly better, but it won't change your genetics. The bottomline is that genetics actually is 99% of everything in life. It's about time you grew up and accepted that. Once you understand your place in life it becomes easier to fit in and be happy.

Just do it for yourself and try not to mind if anyone else cares. It's good to accept that people don't really care about each other deeply.

>you cant enjoy something strictly for personal satisfaction
You have to either dumb or projecting

What's the difference between working out for myself and working out for others? All others will see is a guy with a fit body. It's not like they'll read my mind only to find out I do it for other people and be put off.

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they really violated mexican midoriya

Seven hours and nobody has said this so I guess I'll tell you incel faggots:
Yeah. Thats the way it works because you aren't a fucking girl

>i wear it for myself

Attached: main-qimg-90681a9f44875ca03d71c02d49f83b8b-c.jpg (443x332, 15K)

>Lifting for girls

I unironically lift so I can masturbate to myself in the mirror because I'm not a bitch.

>faggot in denial
Ok, champ! You do you. Literally.

Based and height supremacist pilled. 6'4 master race. I probably should hit the gym though, i'm a skinny twink.

5'10 is the cutoff imo. At that point, most girls will be at least 3 inches shorter than you, making you seem more desirable than if you were about the same height as the average white woman (5'5).

I'm a 6ft 160 pound skinny dude, like the guy on the right. I was always insecure of my skinny frame as an adolescent but now I've realized it doesn't really matter and working out to look better is a stupid concept anyway.

Average girl in America is 5'3 to 5'10. Add that they wear heels while you are wearing your normal shoes and you are fucked this side of Tuesday if you are 5'9 or below

Most guys who do get women who are taller than them have women who have their own laundry list of problems or just need a new toy to use.

I have a friend who is short (5'4) and every girlfriend he had used him and treated him like shit and he took it because he is happy to even have female attention, even negative ones.

As long as you look good, being skinny is not a problem. specially in the long game. When you are 30-40, you will still have a better frame then all your now fatter fellow man.

But if you are ugly, well....... at least you got toys, video games and Marvel movies till the sweet kiss of death right?

Well if ur fat then you have to hit the gym, because zero women on this earth like dudes who are not at the very least fit

Can I get the image with the anime bros oogling him in the last panel

>literal repost from Jow Forumsbraincels