Left wing shooter has had gfs

>left wing shooter has had gfs
>right wing shooters are all incels


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Randy Stair was a man hating feminist sjw and he died as a kissless virgin.

Explain that please

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he had a waifu so he's not incel

you already made this thread



>Having a cartoon girlfriend
Stair was your average Incel. You don't have to be a right winger in order to be an incel

>You don't have to be a right winger in order to be an incel

But it helps

>incel != virgin
kys faggot

I support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump despite i hate roasties with passion

i think his other gf was cuter

He was single at the time tho, which is basically an incel to normies

TO BE FAIR Randy was probably saving himself for his OC waifus waiting for him in the ghost zone

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He was saving himself for Mackenzie West. He's soulmate. Imagine after pulling the trigger the only thing that happened was that his conscience disappeared and there was nothingness afterwards. How cruel life can be

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Leftist girls are sluts and leftist men are white knights

Conservative girls arw also huge sluts.

just because he was a leftist doesn't mean it motivated him to go postal, he was probably a wacky faggot but if he wanted to make a statement he wouldn't have shot his parents first

Girls are just huge sluts*

Women have a deep desire to be dominated, regardless of what their over behavior manifests. It stem's from years of selective breeding earlier male sapiens, choosing submissive mates would ensure the survival of our off spring as men would be the ones to hunt. Leaving the women in shelter relatively safe from harm, women who were rebellious died by leaving the shelter and engaging in either promiscuous behavior or attempting to be self sufficient in feeding their children and running from their male captors. Essentially all women were bred with a predisposition to stockholm syndrome. With the rise of capitalism and industrialization this tendency was reinforced as strong men could now reward their loyalty with material possessions. Weak men however would lose their women to stronger men.

>that thing

Don't kid yourself you thirsty incel, you'd drag your dick through three miles of broken glass to hear her fart through a walkie-talkie.

That's where my mind too.

I don't think these girls were really his girlfriend, they all look like huge mentally ill attention whores.

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Troo troo

I mean, I'd rather never have sex again than have to lay next to that creature.