We get on the same train every evening

shes sat next to me a couple of times, mostly just goes to the first empty seat, i usually stand by the door staring out the window.
we always make some sort of eye contact.
she puts her headphones on and watches youtube for the 20 minute journey.
i dont know her name, where she works or anything else about her.

we've only ever said hello to each other a couple of times.
yet i think about her all the fucking time, in my head ive come up with hundreds of things to chat to her about but i dont want to annoy her on her relaxing youtube time, on the platform we both show up less than a couple of minutes before the train. maybe one day when theres a delay.

should i just throw myself infront of the train tomorrow?

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Just wait it out, build up the courage you got from all this time and one day you'll talk to her without even thinking about it

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i mean i could settle all of this by just finding out if shes even single, its already a tiny % chance she is, i feel like i could find some peace from her constantly being on my mind if i could just write her off.

If she's not single then just be her friend and hope they break up in a few months lolz, always worked for me

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how would a female even want to be approached in this scenario

You have to find an opportunity where approaching her wouldn't feel like an approach.
Or you could just stop hiding behing fake excuses like :
>I don't wanna disturb her
and go fucking talk to her

Have you ever seen the movie Swiss Army Man OP?

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I agree with this user desu


i mean assume from her clothes she works in an office with other people, so shes probably dealing with trivial bullshit all day, i know if ive had a shit day all i want to do is stare at the world going by from the train window.
plus if shes sitting watching youtube videos on her phone on a train, shes probably busy when she gets off the train if she has to use that time for it.

i know its an excuse but its true, maybe i could say "i know you like being left alone but....."
what should i say?

>I can't talk to her she's busy doing her boring morning/evening routine.
Adding some positive (if you don't fuck up by being overcomed by anxiety) change to her train ride would clearly ruin her day.
Plus ahah look you have to understand I'm exhausted no energy to do that ahah


Maybe ask what she's watching? If it's something you're unfamiliar with, ask what else she watches.

none of my business though isnt it?

theres a real consequence to speaking to her and fucking it up, in that id probably start getting the later train thats 20 minutes after the one we get now.
5 nights a week, 45 weeks a year, 20 minutes a time, thats 75 hours of my life a year

You're overthinking it, it's just a little bit of conversation, one line. If she reacts enthusiastically, it might be a sign to move further, if she replies in a 3 word response, just say cool and drop it

what are the words i should say?
"hey user, ive been having fantasies about our future life together for the past year and sink into depression every friday night knowing i wont see you playing on your phone for 3 days, want to come back to my place when we get off?"

fuck we dont even get off at the same stop, i get off first

bro, just say hello to her, ask if shes single, wtf

Practice by taking to random strangers, that's how I got over my fear.

Take a day off work and follow her to see where she works, then follow her home to see where she lives. If you do it on friday you can use the weekend to look at what she does outside of work. Make sure she doesn't see you though that'd be weird.

>follow her
ive been tempted in the past but never followed through, maybe I could stay on the train to see where she gets off

wait if i follow her and she sees me, its over isnt it?

Act like nothing is on your mind, put up a blank expression and keep going forward, then change into a random direction and disappear, if the same thing happens again, use the same route.

As a stalker, this always works for me.

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I just love how healthy this place is


>muted for 5 seconds for lack of originality

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