Normalfuckers condone procreation when people have higher probability of creating a genetic fuck up

>Normalfuckers condone procreation when people have higher probability of creating a genetic fuck up.
>They get butthurt when you are even mildly pro-eugenism (in a healthy sense)
>Normalfags are anti-abortion when it's clear the child is going to be a genetic fuck up
>They are buttblasted if there's even a hint of idea for either early-term, late-term abortion, or getting rid of life support post-birth (no matter how bad it is)
>They will eat you if you dare suggesting that it would be a good idea to not make the child suffer.
>Normalfuckers will be the first to make those monsters live...
>...and the first to laugh at those monsters, mock them, abuse and treat like subhumans later on in their life, giving them even more mental and psychosomatic illnesses
>They will be the first to play the victims when that genetic fuck up will finally snap and kill a bunch of them for making him live a hellish life.

I want to shoot these "people".

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your pic has an extremely low probability of happening tho

>This "ARGUMENT" lets this brainlet normalfucker sleep well at night and feel alright about himself.
>"I can continue my shit tactics because some user posted some picture of something that happens once in tens of millions YAAAAY!"
Would shoot/10

he's still more attractive than me. look at that chad jawline

Kill yourself. Seriously, you're scum and you should die.

And people wonder why I can't stand normalfags. Fuck virtue signalling in all its forms.

The thing is, if you made normies like eugenics they'd start doing the HURR EVERYTHING IS GENETICS autism (like h*re) without taking into account if it's heritable or not (because genetic isn't necessarily heritable, *utist)

I do agree on eugenics, however I and a few other hand-picked people should have the final word on it

Eugenics was supposed to be made a trigger term and generally thought of as an evil thing by the Jews. Nazism was actually created by Jews (Holohoax is just that... a hoax) and did all it could to destroy western white countries.
No eugenics? Weaker enemy! YAAAAY!

>be me thunder chadcock
>bully this white loser that can't fuck chicks so i can express my masculinity
>can't bully other races without repercussion because murrican non-white protectors
>comes at school a few days later and shoots me to show he's better than me
>in a killing is bad era
wtf bro chill baka famalam
posting from heaven btw

>be me thunder chadcock
Chads don't bully actually. They don't feel bad about themselves. Only normalfuckers bully others to make themselves feel better, because that's the only thing they can do to achieve it.

lol what did he say that got you so triggered, let me guess you're incels as well?

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Based Adam got to see Ms Johansson up close & personal.

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fuck, what a life he has ahead of him

Exactly. This isn't about helping anyone, to those kinds of people. That requires empathy. Their loyalty is to their own ego, at everyone else's expense.

I wouldn't condone shooting them, thought. They'll just throw more tantrums. I'd prefer the right to separate from them. I don't want to live with monsters and prefer that genuinely decent people speciate from them. One user a while back ago put it in a spot-on way. High elves versus Lesser elves (goblins). I wouldn't do social slavery, but I wouldn't associate with those egotistical barbarians either.

You've literally never had a conversation like this with any normies. Why don't you leave your room and fix your own life before caring about these huge concepts you don't have any political power over?

Zeke, I didnt know you posted here

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>he generalizes the thoughts of hundreds of millions into thinking they are just one large hivemind

You are the very thing you wish to shoot

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Are you a virgin? Your genes should be dead.

>>Normalfuckers condone procreation when people have higher probability of creating a genetic fuck up.

no OP, that's what you get by fucking your sister

I take it you don't talk to anyone in real life and assume internet posts are all sincere?

Eugenics was a concept before the development of gene therapy. So it was mainly forced sterilizations and abortions, with one biased leader making all of the judgement calls. No different than psychiatric abuse.

But it doesn't mean I'm against the practice itself. The same reason why farmers don't let their livestock randomly fuck each other. Because random, unplanned mating puts out more bad traits than good. And this sets our human species backwards on development because of the intermix with aggression, selfishness, and advanced cognitive functions, compared to the rest of the animal kingdom.

Animals are selfish and that's why their lives are shit. We are not supposed to be.

We do make attempts to better ourselves. That doesn't change what other people do to us. Just ask anyone who survived the Holocaust.

lol shut the fuck up you retarded fucking incel

Normies are out living their lives and you're obsessing over some concept you have no experience with

If you want me to stop complaining, then stop being hostile. You know nothing about what we go through, but you tell us to just suck it up and stop complaining. That's an insult.

If you want to know what started this problem, look in a mirror and hear for yourself what you're telling these people.

you're delusional mate, take a sip of water and get off line for a bit

not any of the guys youre replying to but what makes them incels exactly? im curious

I have. People in the real world pick favorites because egoism is king. I've been fired from 3 jobs and denied further employment because of discriminatory practices against anyone who deviates from the majority. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go look at anti-Catholic sentiment in Northern Ireland.

You don't care because you're not affected by it.

You don't care about anti-semitism but it's actually on the rise now.

Said it like a true narcissist. You deny any wrongdoing and accuse me of being the bad person, so you can wash your hands of any accountability.

I've brought forth constructive arguments and you respond with personal attacks and false labels. How sad.

Dude you don't even care about racism and mass shootings which is on the rise because of white incels like you.

The worst of it is over. Once you get around your 30s you just coast and accept things as they are.
t. old

So now you're accusing me of being a Nazi supporter? Not every Jewish person has the same personality. Therefore, you're wrong once again. Nice bait-and-switch attempt, though.

see White incels like you are the problem.

see White inceIs like you are the problem

this fucking chad touched scarlett johannson's face in under the skin.

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He needs to poke that one eye out. Being given vision when looking like that is a curse for himself and everyone else.