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no fucking shite m8, how did it take you this long to get this sort of narrative
get gud faggot.

>there are good guys

Based and greypilled

He wasn't. But Hideki Tojo was. And Hirohito did nothing wrong.

Socialism wasn't the answer. Democratic Socialism is - that's what they practice currently in Scandanavia (which when polled is the happiest place on the planet currently).

When will you just look at the numbers and data and realize you're promoting genocide rather than love and kindness for all?

>looking at the world as good guys vs bad guys
grow up

>onions npc wojak
>all caps
alright im convinced that this is an AI or a fed

It's like how right-wingers boil every argument down to them "winning". The only successful argument is when everyone wins - otherwise it's just one person lecturing someone else and stroking their ego.

There's no bad or good people. There are people that do bad and good things. Some people only do bad things. But "bad" and "good" are subjective. It's impossible to nail down if someone's a bad or good guy because there's no way everyone can agree on who's who.

Not democratic socialism you brainless fucking retard, but social democracy. There difference being that the latter is democracy for people who have wishes to pay for others' shit, and the former is basically communism except "this time it really will work we swear".

My bad, I used the wrong term. Maybe I should take a break from psychedelics.

>soi npc wojak
>all caps
>alright im convinced that this is an AI or a fed


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>Socialism wasn't the answer. Democratic Socialism is

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Good oversimplification, really nice. For the record, communism would tackle a lot of world issues. The gross economic inequality and living/working conditions many endure, religious issues, community services, and a lot more. Considering how shit the democracy we currently have is, I'd say it's worth the world giving it a shot for once. Look no further than the Cambridge Analytica stuff to see what I'm on about.

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Seethe harder lol. With geniuses like AOC leading the charge, your """"democratic socialist"""" wet dream is sure to succeed.

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You got me confused with someone else? An American too, by the look of it.

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well this has been very cookie-cutter lately so it's hard not to think it's a test for AI shills so Israel can cut its budget for the discord trannies

well this has been very cookie-cutter lately so it's hard not to think it's a test for Al shills so lsraeI can cut its budget for the discord trannies

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cringe. you sound like a teenager that thinks he's got it all figured out
>everyone wins

>well this has been very cookie-cutter lately so it's hard not to think it's a test for AI shills so that Israel can cut its budget for the discord trannies

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> Believing in good

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Yes he was

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I just want a technocratic dictatorship where an AI forces everyone to stop breeding, gets climate change under control, forces everyone to not hurt each other, provides for us, etc. Imagine that world and maybe 100 million of us. That would be ideal. There would be so much land just to play on. Build a house in the middle or nowhere or retire in a city or whatever you want.

>why yes I do enjoy eating sugary breakfast cereals while playing my Switch and watching bone chilling slow burn movies, and then going on Jow Forums where I relax for the rest of the day, how could you tell?

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Scandinavia practices capitalism with social safety nets.

Hitler hated the human species.
He didn't care that he got millions of white men murdered. He was just here to manipulate and use and build for his own pleasure.

I'm glad he shot himself in the end.

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>tfw when deny

for the record, no it would not, you're fucking retarded


not spaghetti

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I looked up Cambridge Analytic but Im not sure what you want me to look at?

Not only is Scandinavia a Capitalist society, they also are homogenous whites. No surprise they're happy.

Boys check this out I made it to make fun of Jow Forums what do you think?

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