Femanons why aren't you at manager (or at LEAST supervisor) level yet?

Femanons why aren't you at manager (or at LEAST supervisor) level yet?

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Because females are fundamentally privileged in almost every other aspect of life. It's only fair for males to have one area of privilege.

My father is ridiculously rich

can i lick your asshole for some of that daddy bucks?

Are you a fat guy in an overcoat

Can u pls dominate me and make me a stay at home bitch financially and sexually dependent upon you

I'm too timid and get emotional easy. I cried the other day because someone raised their voice at me. I'm honestly surprised I can hold a job at all.

no im a skinny guy in basketball shorts

Can I be your bf and comfort you whenever someone yells at you?

If you haven't seen this movie you're probably too young for me user

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but im the clit commander?

Can I quit my job if we date?

I'm a different user who has seen that movie but probably still considerably younger than you
Can you be my sugar mommy?

It's about 90% likely that I'm going to give the order to kill everyone who ever appeared in my presence disguised.

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I'll try to support you but I don't make that much sorry

No I'm not interested in sugarmomming some robot, or anyone really sorry

I'm self-employed.

Where can I buy your bath water

How about we spend my money for our regular expenses but you pay for expensive vacations?

Because I fell asleep on in our breakroom and there's only a handful of us working there anyway. I'd be the manager of coffee if anything.

how does one become the manager of coffee

That's fair.
I guess I would feel too guilty if I had someone take care of me financially anyway. Just take care of my emotions, that's all I need.

I don't know. I just always make the coffee so if I had a managerial role it'd be coffee related.

Not original in the least bit. This one line that says "kek" isn't at all oregano, rosemary, OR thyme

Don't feel guilty
Once I make enough I'm fine with you staying home
But rn it's just not feasible

Can I pay to watch you take a bath then?

be my gf and make me coffee?

I was on the brink of promotion,
but the ast. manager that originally had my recommendation in took it away because she had recently been demoted from manager to assistant, and was mad that they were going to give me that position outright, instead of building me up from assistant, to manager.
Became NEET, but am actually working part-time now, because women hate each other, and most warehouses are dominated by women in positions of power, and these Patsy's all wanna shit down everyones throat cuz they're ugly cunts that don't want anyone doing their job better.

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Alright you can be my boyfriend then user. I'm warning though, I cry a lot.

It's okay if I can just hold you while you're crying

That sounds like a dream jeez

can you please hug me and soak my shirt in your tears

That isn't what I do but for 200 dollars I'll let you drink spit out of my mouth with a straw.

>most warehouses are dominated by women in positions of power
Never understood this. All of my warehouse managers were 20-something females.

I would do that because it sounds comfy. As long as you smell nice.

I make pretty bad coffee user. I only do it all the time because they have nothing else for me to do.

well i smell like clean laundry because i just did my laundry

bitch just make me lipton tea

Back off pal she's gonna cry on MY shoulder

fuck off shes going to going to cry on my dick and jerk me off using the tears as lube

I work as a hit woman so essentially I have no supervision.

>taking advantage of her sexually
You fucking jerk

Fucking kill me lol

Why not kill yourself for free and save a dime?

It's extremely confusing to me, too.
I don't understand? Since most of them don't work as hard as they should - I was there for six months and they fast tracked me to management because I wasn't holding onto the same petty values as most of the other women were.
Makes me sad, user. Makes me extremely sad. It was a $10 raise :(

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Do people even get promoted anymore? I don't really speak to anyone but the catty old ladies hate me and get me in trouble. Going to quit soon anyway.

>people tell me i come off as antisocial and aloof, cold and unfriendly
>used to be fat at that place of work so people are still semi repulsed by me
>am thin and semi good looking now with the exception of having dermatillomania scars all over me
>have adhd / major depressive disorder so i come off as a scatterbrain sad gril to boot
>they don't want people like me as managers at a fitness club where appearance and pep are everything

can i please hug you until you feel better

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thank u user (berry orergonally)

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But don't you want to boss around your beta employees?

everyone who works there is a hs student, or in uni. management there is usually people who flunked out of uni, or have meme degrees.
the only perk of management is the living wage, being a lifeguard / swim instructor is fine atm