Band names

I need help comming up with a band name
Something akin to Interpol and The Killers

Attached: Evil.jpg (224x224, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Something akin to Interpol and The Killers
So you're a really fucking shit indie band... got you covered.
>The Defecation.

Gay Poofter Cunts

just "The FBI"

>gay ass band name
alright, here:
>Moon Runes

look up a band name generator unironically


"Friends of the Governor"

We Love Niggers Fucking Us In The Ass And Then Farting The Cum Out


Coming up with a name is the worst. Especially usernames. I eventually pick two random words then corrupt them together until it is unique.
For brand names nothing matters except to be memorable. Many company names are nonsense or simplistic. Like, Apple. Hell, "the killers". They pick the first thing that sounds good.

The Gabagools

Attached: Tone.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

Gaylord and the Homos

Birth Control and the Niggers

>The Unofficials
>Killing Clocks
>Black Socks
>The Venomous Variety
>Hating Orchids
>Car Change Organization

>The Feels
>True inceldom

That's all I've got

Menstrual Munchies

This one too

Disgruntled Autitists

If there's only 3 of you, name it "The Unhole-y Trinity"

The Neets
Feel Train

The cum lovers

Attached: 9c90a17de7282ba6951bfeefa1843d4c.jpg (768x572, 50K)

Anal Mutilation

The Inevitable Colonoscopy

instead of just giving you band names i'll give you top tier suggestions on ways to come up with one:

note: if you like a name and you google it and there's already a band with that name, but they're some podunk fucking nobodies, just use it anyway - you'll probably never get big enough to notice each other and if you do, cross that bridge when you come to it

always factor in what your music is like - something long and convoluted signals indie shit while 'deathkiller 5000' is going to be heavy etc,...

take something innocuous and day-to-day, literally an object or something. looking around my room i see great band names. 'Mouthwash'. 'Pocket Knife'

here's probably the best suggestion: take a unique phrase or line from a movie, song lyric, poem or book, ideally fitting the theme. a lot of major bands took their names this way.

hell do it for Interpol and there's a good name, just from skimming their lyrics:
Seven Faces
Slaves to the Detail
Subliminal Love
Words to Sell
Lion's Cage

Thanks user I got so far
Faces in the sand
Revisions of a dream
Inverse achievements
Spectral incentives

I squeezed the cat too hard and now he walks funny

The tiny death

butter pussy

This is my big idea, Thin Ice.

madon! based!

How about trenchcoat mafia

You have to post your music or at least tell us what kind of music it is...

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This would prob be their most well known song

The transnational murderers

No I mean post your music you retard

Or at least what you're trying to make.

Solomon Gumball


Just kidding, there's already a band with that name

The Adversary and The Advocate

Attached: frank.jpg (1600x800, 151K)

The Bang Gangers

Shankill Butchers

pol and killers are trigger words that will get you banned from social media and blacklisted in all search engines

you need to be named something like Fluffy Bunnies

The No-chancers

The Killer Poles

Attached: 887607F2-F8B6-443E-8DBE-130ED4B622CB.jpg (688x627, 47K)

The Office
with album "paperless bureaucracy"

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The Agency

The band name needs to be about the band
Come up with a name after you do some songs and know your direction

Unicorn Blowjob

Porcupine Blowjob

>Platinum Hooker
>Digger Nick
>Ultraviolet Catastrophe
>Stygian Euphonium
>The Ladybois
>Runty Cunt Punts a Grunting Blunt
>Sneed's Seed and Feed
>(formerly Chuck's)
>The Big Guys
>The Masketta Men
>The Heretics

Alcohol Firearms Tobacco

Pick two words out of an acclaimed novel

Indoor Kites
Hot Shame
Children of the preacher

The Dream Snails

kumbrain kollektive

Fucking stealing one of these

John Adams and the Cookie-Wookie Boys

this. reaally really this