General thread

General thread.
all goes, as long as its not a shitpost.

what are you:
listening to
fapping to

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Other urls found in this thread:

op here, checkem.
trying to be productive and learn haskell.
listening to something great: the guitar in the first song is amazing..

I'm sitting at my desk browsing Jow Forums because other my other boards are looking particularly shitty tonight. Trying not to fap because I think I've damaged me cock.

Why are you learning haskell? CSfag?

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An introduction to the works of Carl Jung, I'd like to read his books. Also reading Overlord LN and Higurashi VN when it comes to fiction.
>listening to
Lots of different things, at this very moment I'm listening to some soothing OST from Nier. "Ashes of Dreams"
>fapping to
I don't masturbate.
Listening to the aforementioned music and browsing arcanine.

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i'm a loser NEET, it's just an interesting language. I haven't made anything noteworthy in any language but learn basics.

currently rereading the eisenhorn series
Yuru Camp
>listening to
Kino - Dozdh' dlya nas
>fapping to
2d titties
replying to this post, but I recently finished my workout for the day.

I'm the same, Jack of all trades, master of none.
So, did you get up to much today?

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Sorry I forgot to follow the template
About to start reading Tokyo Ghoul again
Cherry Crush ASMR
>listening to
Cherry Crush ASMR
>fapping to
Cherry Crush
browsing Jow Forums

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stop hogging all of the dubs. also post better anime(if you have better taste..)
Nah. masturbated once or twice, lost some cryptocurrency being a degenerate trader. days are passing by and I have no measure to separate them from one another. what do you daily?

I like a few tracks from Nier Automata soundstrack. i'll get around to playing it one day.

this thread, also v and pol just for fun

movie trailers

"let it happen" by tame impala from their current album

nofap since the 4th

supposed to work on my thesis but feel like ass for personal reasons

Jow Forums /v/ and /ck/
some gay ass youtube memes
>listening to
>fapping to
skirt suit and office dresses
waiting for overwatch to download

I am switching to another device so I will change my *vatar . I m NEET until college starts so my day is wake up, post on Jow Forums, have lunch, pace around the house and stop occasionally to watch YouTube video essays, get tired and browse Jow Forums maybe nap. then dinner and bed with more Jow Forums. Its been this way for months

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Wikipedia articles, Captain Alatriste and the 2nd part of thus spoke Zarathustra if i feel like it.
Ig photos of girls i know, tho I want to stop or at least to reduce it
Laying on my bed

A Confederacy of Dunces (for the third time)
I have An Officer and a Gentleman paused on Amazon
>listening to
The Rolling Stones
>fapping to
trying and praying for me to stop so nothing
browsing 13 threads on arcanine

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Just finished The Grapes of Wrath, and am now about 100 pages into 11/22/63 by King

Violet Evergarden, Attack on Titan, and then a feature-length movie my friend made

>listening to

>fapping to
Think I might fap to milfs tonight.

I just got off work (salaryfag) and finished writing. I'm a hobbyist writer, so I put out a few thousand words a day.

>A Confederacy of Dunces (for the third time)

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my autist friend got me HoMM 3 yesterday, just finished a necropolis game and had the time of my life stacking power liches and RP'ing Dio in my head as i teleport everywhere on the map

pic unrelated

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what major? CS?
I already failed uni due to being a lazy idiot, don't make my mistake. could be going into my 3rd year now..

sapiens: a brief history of humankind
rewatching westworld
>listening to
>fapping to
girls' assholes
eating dinner

im watching generation kill

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Yes CS
That sucks you had to drop out. I am almost on the same path but entering second year. So many of my friends have had to drop out or restart due to being lazy and prioritising drinking over studies, its a shame thats all university means to some people.

Just got into terraria, its pretty fun. Dont have any friends to play it with but o well.

If its not more than a couple of coins I can buy it an play with you on occasion

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>sapiens: a brief history of humankind
written by an Israeli person, my nationality.
pls no bully.

anal is anal, whether it's male or female. it's kinda gay to wish to fuck butt, because fucking a guy butt would be the same.

I got it for 6.99 (gbp) on steam so its not much. How should i contact you

Discord might be best, Ill try to get the game tomorrow hopefully I can save a feew pounds by purchasing it outside of steam

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>listening to
girly pop music
>fapping to
wearing heels, thigh highs, and postin'.

Whats your discord?

Where are you at with sapiens and what do you think about it?

im fooling arond Jow Forums while im wating my bus from leaving my home town, ive here for vacations the last 6 weeks and now i have to return to one of the main cities of the country in wich im living alone, studing, working, no friends, no family, small deparment, but anyways have to keep it goin

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tell me a bit about life in Mehiko fren

t. male


Just finished Lord of the Rings just started the Tao of Seneca practical letters from a stoic master
Just finished kono subarashii so not watching much other than Styxhexxenhammer on youtube
>listening to
11am by Kris Konn
>fapping to
Absolute degeneracy like studiofow, plenty of R34 degen shit. Not traps tho, I'm not fuckin gay.
relaxing after gym on Jow Forums

going to bed m8, fuarkin knackered I am.

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i'm nearing the end. great read imo, it ties all of history together and offers good insight.

A history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind
They will not grow old
>listening to
Alexandra Savior
>fapping to
ifunny egirls
browsing boards till I get tired

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well it depnds what you want to know,
you'll learn to dodge bullets eventually, so it desnt matter that much
it really sucks from a point of view of someone in other country, but for the status quo mexican who only care about small things and not doing anything in his life, its ok
people are stupid, not so well educated and thats a problem for several reasons, we are not as conspiratives idiots as american but spiritual/superstitions
>geting laid (cuz it matters so much in this place)
lot'o ugly girls/duds desu, so evryone fucks no matter what, and well by something called "malichismo" (reverse of xenophobic) the less brown you're, the easiest you'll fuck


very interesting.
did you meet any descendants of native americans? (Maya / Inca)? do you get taught about them at schools?
so how far in life can a person in Mexico aspire to go? can he travel to Europe for say two weeks if he saves up money for half a year?

Your post
>listening to
Supernatural dialogue and background music
>fapping to
Considering suicide desu

decndants, yeah they're a lot on the streets selling "artesanias" handcrafted mexicans suveniers, they speak spanish and their own tounge

in every state (of the 32 that we have) in 4th grade we take a class of history specific of the diferents pre colony cultures that existed

in Mexico theres no thing as racisism, but thers clasism and a lot, poor ppl are too separated from mid class and thety from rich class. Someone poor cant aspire to do much, and as they're aducated to think small they dont even make an effort, their life goals is to get enough money to rise their childs so they can give them a chance to scape pooerty, maybe get his own small bissnes like a store or a "food truck" of tacos. Mid class ppl are often from families with scolarships, these ppl is who disgusted me de most cause they only thing in get into collage, graduate, get a jod (that their parents get from him) for 30 years and live out of retirement pay, and well the rich, they basically control the country, you get to that point and thats it, by the people you would know the relationships will always support you unless you fuck it up badly

No, if the person is poor sometimes they dont even leave the state. If someon mid class get to travel outside, most of the times would be the only time they do and would spend the rest of his life braging about it

fuck, that sounds depressing. i hope your country gets better regarding cartels and corruption.