Is the "women are on easy mode" thing just an Jow Forums meme, or is it real? Surely women can't have it that easy

Is the "women are on easy mode" thing just an Jow Forums meme, or is it real? Surely women can't have it that easy.

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it seems to me like you know it's the truth but are desperately looking for someone to tell you otherwise even though you undoubtedly know women live on recruit difficulty

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It's one of these things where I can't tell if it's "the truth" or if it's a symptom of the Jow Forums echo chamber. It almost seems like too easy of an answer. I feel like there should be more to it, like there's no way that women have that easy, surely.

This guy could be more attractive if he lost the weight.

t. Former fat guy

Make a Tinder account with a profile of a fat, ugly woman if you want to find out.

women who have it easy:
>average intelligence

men who have it easy:
>see above

Women who have it easy only have it easy because of dumb horny men

>most high positions are male dominated to little to no connections
>best way to go up is through marriage but though guys who will fuck you are plentiful (+) guys who will marry you are not (-)
>guys are to you what black people and muslims are to whites
>worth is devalued with partners
>everyone expects you to fuck them despite that
>painful process of childraring fucks over any ambition you have. It's either one or the other
>valued the less powerful you are. maximum value requires you to always be vulnerable (compare to men who are valued the more powerful they are, therefore the most valued will have both social appreciation AND great security for themselves)

Attractive women have it a bit more easier than the average man while not so attractive women have it worse.

Men definitely have it worse, that's indisputable. But I wouldn't say women have it on easy mode either. Women are far more susceptible to the Marxist, feminist propaganda we're constantly bombarded with. I fell for the lie that virginity doesn't mean anything, slept with 2 of my boyfriends, and now I'll never become a wife or a mother because I've ruined myself forever. I've known girls to have slept with over 20 guys & I've watched them descend into further mental instability and depression because of it. Modernity has been toxic for both men and women.

There's a reason male suicide rates are so fucking high.

young women definitely have it easier than young men, and for whatever troubles a young woman has, she's better off being a woman than being a man with the same problems.

it's not really as easy as this board makes it out to be. For the most part, you still have to be responsible and hardworking, and sacrifice short term pleasures for long term happiness as a woman, just like you have to do as a man.

How do you get depressed from having sex with people or why do you feel worthless? Makes no sense

Because as a woman, our ability to pair bond decreases with each partner. Our chances of happiness decrease dramatically. And even though I was in love at the time, looking back I feel used and worthless for having sex, because I should've waited for my husband. I should've waited for the person I was going to spend forever with.

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If you have even just a moderately decent body you can cam and seduce your way to the top. Women are easy mode af

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She doesn't even need to have a decent body. I've seen fat and ugly (very ugly) women with hundreds of viewers on cam sites.

>For the most part, you still have to be responsible and hardworking, and sacrifice short term pleasures for long term happiness as a woman

This is advanced trolling

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Woman have it easier without a doubt, but I still wouldn't want to be one. That ease is underlined by the fact that at the end of the day you have to be someones bitch.

you know if you slut it up in your twenties and don't build anything, when your looks go, you're gonna have a bad rest of your life.

I doubt it
t.Former fat guy that's skinny now and still ugly

Women might have had it on easy mode but now they have to go to college, get jobs and do everything else men do. The NEET life is easy mode.

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If you're willing to use your sexuality to advance in life beeing a woman is tutorial mode.
If not but you're willing to use your social status life as a woman is easy mode.
Only antisocial or extremely ugly women will be playing on normal mode or above.

That only happens to woman who don't manage their pussy correctly, its not hard to be a slut for a few years then marry a naive beta male then divorce him if he becomes wealthy.

this isn't really as easy as you think. There aren't as many naive betas as you think

you don't even know who the pisslord is

From a biological perspective, it's riskier to be a male.
>Even in the womb, boy brains are more reactive to maternal depression and stress
>Boys have higher cortisol levels (the stress hormone) after a traumatic birth where they were separated from their mothers, or their caregiver was unresponsive. Kraemer argues that female brains have an early advantage that stays with them throughout childhood
>Social attitudes about the resilience of boys compound the biological deficit
>The male fetus is at greater risk of death or damage from almost all the obstetric catastrophes that can happen before birth. Perinatal brain damage, cerebral palsy, congenital deformities of the genitalia and limbs, premature birth, and stillbirth are more common in boys
>Developmental disorders such as specific reading delay, hyperactivity, autism and related disorders, clumsiness, stammering, and Tourette's syndrome occur three to four times more often in boys than in girls
>Conduct and oppositional disorders are at least twice as common in boys
>Our boys are getting a double whammy: they have the more vulnerable brain, and they get less supportive parenting. It's these differences in emotional support in the first year that Kraemer claimed are linked to men's greater mental health challenges later in life
>females score higher on measures of empathy = female advantage at socializing
>males on average score higher on measures of systemizing - men are naturally more autistic
>the dating world is significantly more challenging for males
>females have a better emotional support system
>Male mortality is greater than female mortality throughout life
>The twin study of Scourfield et al shows a significant genetic influence on social cognition to the disadvantage of males
>males are sexually redundant

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For the average person, being a woman is ideal. All you have to do is not be a landwhale, have at least average, hell below average is fine too, looks and no huge mental problems, and you're set. Finding an attractive mate is easy as fuck and all your needs according to the hierarchy of needs for humans are easily met.

However, to experience true humanity or to reach the apex of civilization, it is preferable to be male. Barring top tier genetics, it is much harder to succeed as a male, but the results are much more worthwhile than a woman's. Becoming the most intelligent, the strongest, the most courageous, the most creative person is all possible for men, and not really achievable for women.

tldr; it's harder to be a male but the rewards are better if you find success

>There aren't as many naive betas as you think

Enough of them to make Belle Dephine over 30k selling water.

>However, to experience true humanity or to reach the apex of civilization, it is preferable to be male. Barring top tier genetics, it is much harder to succeed as a male, but the results are much more worthwhile than a woman's. Becoming the most intelligent, the strongest, the most courageous, the most creative person is all possible for men, and not really achievable for women.

Yep. Being a man is like playing dark souls, tough but rewarding, if you're not a bitch.

belle delphine has a global audience. the majority of women don't have a global audience, and realistically only have access to men within a few hours' drive.

Who needs a global audience? Just find the nearest beta with a job or career prospects, men are desperate as fuck. My friend is taking care of a girl with 2 kids who verbally and physically abuses him, she walks all over him because hes a dime a dozen and easily replaceable.

>Becoming the most intelligent, the strongest, the most courageous, the most creative person is all possible for men

This is a really bullshit cope. Most men are not capable of doing any of that either no matter how hard they try. Being female is better 99.9% of the time.

SOME men are desperate as fuck, and also it's still a sacrifice to be with someone who you aren't attracted to because they can provide for your bastards. That woman's options are limited to the weak-willed men who will put up with her terrible personality and other man's children. I'm sure she's very unhappy with that position.

I'd rather struggle and succeed as a man than live life on easy mode going through the dick carousel as a braindead whore

>I'm sure she's very unhappy with that position.

We never said woman are happier, only that they have it easier. Sure shes a miserable cunt, but her life is easier than Tenchu with debug mode activated.

It's not a meme. Women get shit on daily by everyone and treated as inferior their entire lives. Not to mention sexual assault, rape and domestic violence. Also the fact that they have to endure giving birth and most of the health risks that come from sex.

if you want an easy life as a man, and you're not concerned about your happiness, you can commit some violent crime and get sent to prison. You'll get food, shelter, healthcare, and social interaction for free.

*Meant to say it is a meme. I wish I was dead.

I met a woman a while back who supposedly had/is
>severe anxiety
>mild autism
>and was "a severe introvert who had trouble making friends"
And she had a total of 13 friends whom she hung out with every weekend, and a boyfriend whom she would fuck all the time, while every Male I've met with the same or similar conditions are completely isolated and jaded to reality. To go along with that my only issue was that I was super into old games while in high school, and not having anything in common with even the "gamers" and I ended up as a hugless kissless handholdless virgin. Women have it so fucking easy you have no idea

Yeah let me know if there has ever been a instance where women get sent off to die in the thousands other than when there literally aren't any men left, that shit is hardwired into people

The disparity between male and female quality-of-life is getting truly ridiculous.

>But women are more likely to get sexually assaulted!!!
>Women get paid less for the same work!!!

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>if you want an easy life as a man, and you're not concerned about your happiness

Don't play that game with me. For the record I'd much rather be a man than a woman, but woman still have it much easier than men.

I know there's a fuck ton of replies to this thread already, but I'll tell you what I think about it.

Women and men cannot be compared to each other. Women have a pussy, men have a penis. Women take the fucking, men give the fucking. This is just basic biology and is a simple dichotomy in not just sex, but everything else. Although women can get away with doing nothing all day, what do you really expect a woman to do? She's weak mentally and physically, from the age of 12 she's had everything in life handed to her, and she's known for a long time she can get away with everything because she's "daddy's little princess" and even if she doesn't have a beta-bux chump for a dad, she'll have no dad to begin with and will be the biggest whore ever with no moral compass, as no positive male role-model has set it for her. Women are very stupid, and it's only natural for them to leech off of successful males, but only beta males put up with a woman who does nothing BUT leech. The woman can create life, and that is her ultimate purpose. A woman who will not or cannot create life is useless. Basically, women do not create material things to better their surrounding peers and environment. Instead, they lay around and leech because not only do they know they can get away with it, but because it's their nature.

The women who have hard lives are the ones who are one of these, or a combination of all:
>not a majority race (white in US, jap in Japan, etc)
These are the women who cannot get away with being a lazy cunt.

And to answer your question, the meme is real, but only if the woman is truly worth giving resources to, or if the man himself providing has low standards and is an idiot.

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While I'm sure some women have it harder than men, and some men have it easier than women, the average is painful to acknowledge. Hell, male genital mutilation is still common in burger town, and you don't see anybody getting their panties in a bunch over it, and actually doing something about it, do you?

I'm really wondering if Western countries should just pull a reverse-China and start aborting like 50% of all male fetuses, as well as refusing all male immigrants. I really hate to say it but I'm starting to suspect that men are now by and large useless and unneeded in modern society and we don't need that many anymore.

i never disagreed with you on that. All I added was that women still have to work and live in reality for the most part. It's not the fantasy life anons here imagine where they get free shit and validation just for existing.

It sounds nice to have guys competing for your attention, but they'll compete for your attention even when you're not in the mood to give guys attention, and you don't know what it's like to deal with a sea of sexually aggressive guys constantly shoving their dicks at you and getting angry if you don't reply.

>unstable mood
>easy to beat and rape
>both encouraged and shamed for being whores
>conditioned to hit the wall and becone infertile cat ladies
I don't know dude.

Is getting compliments from thirsty betas on social media really all you fags are asking for?

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Here's your obligatory (you), now go to bed the school year is starting soon fag

You think, buddy?
A few days ago there was a thread in here discussing people who donate to e-girls, and surely in that thread some "girl" literally just had to write a short description of her and someone asked for a paypal link.
Wrap your head around this for a second, all she had to do was say she is a girl and she got some money from a random ass simp from here.

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not trying to be rude but you will have more self worth and live a better and more wholesome life if you undo your brainwashing.

it's not a game, she is right. You can live as easy as you want if you ignore your personal desires.

>It's not the fantasy life anons here imagine where they get free shit and validation just for existing.

They do, but I see your point. They're not all Belle Dephine tier and can get rich off of e thotting alone.

>It sounds nice to have guys competing for your attention, but they'll compete for your attention even when you're not in the mood to give guys attention, and you don't know what it's like to deal with a sea of sexually aggressive guys constantly shoving their dicks at you and getting angry if you don't reply.

Exactly why I'd rather be a man, woman have it easier overall but it comes with too much bullshit. They bleed and smell like a corpse once a month, are physically inferior, have to dodge dick 24/7, and primarily valued for looks over character and accomplishments, and are hardwired to find men who are likely to abuse and kill them attractive. No thank you, I'd rather be an expendable male any day.

Think of every hardships you have ever gone through.
Now think if every hardship you had, you had a consistent network of sexual fulfilment.
Yes getting laid is not the be all but a whore can use her phone for 10 minutes and get a phone book of dick delivered for free.
Female struggle is a meme.

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That's what a man would do in that position, not a woman.


Women have it so fucking easy like holy shit do you even leave the house? I know ugly fat chicks that have a line up of guys wanting to fuck them AND buy them free shit too.

>live in literal gender hell
>"a-at least guys want to rape you and maybe you'll get a free coffee"

R9K memes the hell out of it because above average, somewhat attractive women can honestly get whatever they want as long as they don't have any shame in current society. They can sell nudes, foot pics, etc. online.
Does this mean every woman has it easy? No.
Can any woman get sex on demand if they download tinder? Probably.
Does that make every other aspect of their life 'easy'? No.
If sex is your pure criteria for the question, then yeah, women have life on easymode. But a below average, unattractive woman or a fat woman is not going to have the same success, or much success at all, in life as attractive women.
Ugly women can be refused jobs purely on their looks in any sort of customer service position, if you don't want to wear makeup you can be refused a job. Thin, young, attractive women will almost always be picked over ugly or overweight or older women for the same job even with less experience/qualifications.

can you consider the total balance to be in favor of women though, with all that extra bullshit they have to deal with? How much of it is just "grass is greener" mentality?

I think for the most part men and women have it about the same, and life is easier for each for different reasons. What puts it over the edge in my mind is that society and culture seem to care about the problems women face. The political movement that champions women's issues gets a lot of mainstream play and the male analog gets used as a term of derision.

>getting laid is not the end all be all
>female struggle is a meme because they can get laid whenever they want
which is it brainlet?

Yeah women live life on easy mode. ATTRACTIVE women. Women who see themselves as pieces of meat or fuck buddies. Everyone else, life fucking sucks for. Grow up.

Are you trying to say that you're fat AND a girl?


>says the incel who never leaves the house

>can you consider the total balance to be in favor of women though

It all depends on what criteria we're going by. Men are stronger than woman, woman have it easier than men these are just truths, but doesn't mean being one is better than being the other. This thread simply asked if woman have it easier, I believe they do, but would still rather be a man because easier =/= better. 1st worlders have it much easier than some hut monkey off in Africa, yet we're the ones blowing our brains out after going on a killing spree.

Of course, something like this gets no replies, while every other post in the thread is just retards screeching. Every time someone drops fact bombs, it just gets ignored. Yes, women have it easier, that's a fact. Best part, they would victimize themselves, even using tragic or traumatic events to do it and take an entitled stance if you even alude to that and there's also white knighting faggots who will support that. Everything is fucked on a fundamental level.

Theres an utter heifer of a woman at my job
Shes the most insufferable person ive met
She has a boyfriend and a kid despite being a rotund ugly cow

ive wondered which men coud fap to hideous women like there are some on camsites but then i realised that there are some men with too much cash for every and any type of women even the very ugly ones.
in that regard women have it easier by hundredfolds
>imagine a fat ugly old guy camming and how much money he would get from girls that not only are into that but have money to spare

>If you're willing to use your sexuality to advance in life beeing a woman is tutorial mode.
that is the absolute truth
a hot (or even okay looking) woman can fuck her way up pretty much any ladder or out of troubled situations (mainly because men are almost always in the leading position at hand)
>get job/payraise - fuck the manager
>fucked up and want no consequences - fuck the policeman
>fucked up test in college - fuck the prof
>cant pay bill - fuck the respective guy you owe money to
and so on
>now switch the manager to a woman and the one wanting a job to a guy
now the guy is a sexual harasser and gets punished

If you are a women and are above a certain thereshold of attractiveness your life can be funded simply by selling pictures of your nude body to horny underage boys on Snapchat. Ugly women while still being able to be lucky enough to have a desperate man accidentally impregnate them can easily suck the life force of that man for a good 18 years give or take.

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It is a wrong assumption based on IGNORANCE ABOUT WOMEN. Young women of today, DO NOT HAVE IT EASY. As a matter of fact, they have it harder than any previous generation of women. After all, young men's sexual demands have become so abusive and violent, that they harm any young woman. That is why young women are forced to be facially abused, anally fisted, strangled and beaten up if they want to have a relationship with a man. And relationships they need to have, to be able to get some friends to post pictures of on their social media pages, to be able to get following, to be able to get a job. As no one wants to be friends with a woman who has no relationships, and no one wants to follow a friendless loser and no one wants to hire a loser with no following. Thanks to Mr. Suckerberg.

But there is an option for young women: they can "turn into lesbians", in other words start having relationships with women. Doing that they will get friends, to post pictures of on their social media page, as gay people are more accepted in society than sexually failed/ inactive people, or women who have no relationships.

And if very young women are capable of sucking money out of their orbiters for a few years of their lives, it does not mean they live on an easy mode. After all, they need to have relationships too, to not drop out of society after the sucking is done. And I mean long term relationships as short term ones will only label them as whores.

Yeah, JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION. Won't bother to check the replies as nothing worthwhile will be found in them after all.

women have some privileges but so do men. true friendship is almost impossible to find for a woman. self defense is also easier for men, unless youre a manlet. all in all im glad to be a man.

They face different challenges. If you look at it from a man's perspective, you might find they'd have it easier in that domain, but they don't even want to compete there so it's irrelevant. Take sex, for example. Most guys are almost indifferent who they sleep with as long as she looks presentable. However, for girls, it doesn't stop at this point. The guy needs to also be smart, charming, compassionate, a promising prospect for the future. So, you have this situation where it's easier for women to sleep with some guy, but they're not looking for that.

>true friendship is almost impossible to find for a woman.
That's a big projection. Female friendships are extremely close, you tell each other everything and trust each other with emotions and secrets. Most male friendships don't allow for such deep moments. I remember becoming close to a man once who told me that he had never been able to talk to his friends about anything important or upsetting because they just don't do that kind of thing. With women it's okay to be vulnerable to each other. With men it isn't.

females have it even easier then easy mode. they are NPC's they are not even playing the game at all.

Where's the thread user??


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>Young women of today, DO NOT HAVE IT EASY. As a matter of fact, they have it harder than any previous generation of women.

that is just in fact false. women rights have been like they are for 2 maybe 3 generations. the entirety of mankind before that women had it much worse
but these days people tend to give all the minorities and previously opressed the benefit in any situation. so much so that men and white men in particular are never considered because in their minds they "always have it easy" but i digress
young women today have it easier than ever before. they are treated with kindness and respect because they are girls and are "brave and strong" when they do anything like you would expect from a man anyway (career mainly)
and if they choose to not chase a career they can just suck a dick, marry and get a child to have an excuse for not working for 20+ years while the man makes the money and treats them like a princess

>Won't bother to check the replies as nothing worthwhile will be found in them after all.
"im right youre wrong i cant hear you lalalalalala" grow up

based schizo foid

it's simple really
add 1 male off of Jow Forums and see how they act towards you
now add 1 female off of Jow Forums and see how they act towards you
if that doesn't satisfy you keep repeating until you have a sizable pool of results then you'll see your trend

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Men out here are unironically believing women have it better than men

>5% of ALL women (in england) have said they've been raped. probably more since few rape victims even come forward (b but false rape accusations...? Make up less than 6% of all rape accusations)
>1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime
And that's only in the west
>girls are being forced into marriages as young as 8 in shit countries
>female genital mutilation is a thing
>women were legally required to be submissive to their husbands in the middle East
>marital abuse and husband-killing-wife in Africa is disgustingly high

While women may have it socially better in the west, in many other areas, not really.

And globally? Absolutely fucking not lmao.

Tldr, women onlt have it better than men in some areas in the western world, and that's what robots want to focus on. Everywhere else in the world, women do not have it better.

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5% seems like a low number. Reality is one in 5 women will experience rape in their lifetime. That's 20%.

No, it's all a myth, user.

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Stop being a misogynist. If you say something women don't like, that means you're an incel.

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most women are reported to enjoying rape and also like being abused thus the records sales of the book 50 shades of gray. they complain about being beat or raped but they dress like sluts and go for thugs like chads and tyrones then complain. fuck off you white knight cuck.

What the fuck women do not like being raped. I wish people like you would hang themselves.

How do roastie tourists always end up on Jow Forums

Why go to the place you're hated most?

I'm not a tourist I've been here for years.

Yes, yes but if you're a Chad you have the easiest mode.

Please show me where you got this info from and I'll believe you.

Until then...have sex or kill yourself incel

>I got drunk and slept with a non-chad omg this was RAEP
lol women

I don't give a shit if you believe me or not you god damn white knight beta simp cuck lord. go do the research yourself

so this poster admits to being a female and no one is gonna say tits or gtfo? Jow Forums sure has went down hill.
Yikes! Wtf is wrong with women?

>I feel used and worthless for having sex
Used how? Did they fool you into having sex?


That isnt how it works. So I'll reiterate.

Have sex or kill yourself incel

Mostly true, speaking from experience. My sibling won't have to work a day in her life due to having married rich. I don't hate her, I'm very jealous of her. I also know woman who are extremely hardworking and smart and don't get what they deserve. It all depends, but overall, it's easier.

Men are such brainlets. Rape fantasy is MUCH different than enjoying actual rape. Real rape is painful and terrifying and takes away ones agency. It is psychologically damaging. There is a big difference between imagining it and living the real thing.

lol, ex-fucking-cuse me?

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Jobs and college are ez mode for them since affirmative action. They also don't work as much as men and practically never do any real physical labor.

>62% of women have rape fantasies


100% of Jow Forums users watch loli porn, that doesn't mean they'll go out and fuck a kid does it?