Jesus, the normies really do hate deeply the mere idea of monogamy

Jesus, the normies really do hate deeply the mere idea of monogamy.

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they dont want legalized sex work. women have men by our balls rn

I don't care how legal it is, I would rather stay a virgin. If i wanted a shit, cheap fuck I could try hard enough and get something. Even some whale
But I value my life more than just checking a box on my life achievement list

>relies on women's emotional labor to build peace
What's so bad about this? Why so opposed to putting in any degree of effort?

They hate enforced monogamy. Forcing people to get married is just weird. And I kinda agree with the article. Prostitution should be legalized but not to stop mass shootings. It wouldn't even help since the majority of mass shooters aren't even virgins.

I would love to hear their arguments against monogamy.
What sort of despicable people write these articles?

>Forcing people to get married is just weird
>norm for 99% of human history
>it's just weird bruh xD

Both Headlines are about the same thing. Can you spot it?


Oh, and the same people who want sex bots criminalized before they become a thing, Thats right you know why. UGGO Men will want to fuck them, No No UGGOS, not for you!! tee hee heee

Monogamy never works. It just hurts feelings.

For 99% of human history, we had absolutely no freedom. For 99% of human history, it was ok to own, rape and kill people. But since that's no longer ok and we've become accustomed to freedom, these things can't just be placed back into society.

>For 99% of human history, we had absolutely no freedom. For 99% of human history, it was ok to own, rape and kill people
this is literally untrue

did u finish highschool, redditor?

They will be after western civ collapses

Obviously it's hyperbolic but I was using the same number you or that other user used. Stop taking it so literally. But for a very long time in human history, a lot of fucked up shit was allowed. Now that people have lived in a world where these things aren't cool, they won't easily just slip back into them.

The people others owned were seen as inferior due to their lesser culture and lack of technological innovations. They were also probably of lower inhibitions and lower intelligence which isn't good for society

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Idiots don't realize that by women being the gateholders of sex, the are fundamentally also the gateholders of peace and war.

Women are always the currency of victory and defeat no matter who you are.

Men who can't get a woman do what their instinct tells them, fight.

Men are fundamentally designed to be drawn to violence, so that we thin ourselves out. More boys are born than girls, especially after war. Because most men naturally will parish before they get the chance to breed. But when you force them to endure this rather than having monogamy, which ensures the most widespread satisfaction and happiness. Then you push these disenfranchized boys into a corner. What happens to you next?

Controversial as it may seem, I believe society reaps what they sow...their own retribution in atonement for decades of denial and allowing future generations to suffer the punishment of their own hedonistic sins...

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So whites are inferior to Arabs? Everyone was a slave at some point user.

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i.e. i'm a illiterate baseboy into onions

ok fag

>I have no response so I'll just call him a a soweeboy
Big brain energy.

yeaaa because you need to address literal lies and "lol bro shit just wasn't cool back then xD"


The problem is that they dont understand the term "enforced monogamy" and think it's some Handmaid's Tale dystopian idea that women should be forced into marriage with men they dont want.

Which is not what it is.

Did you misread everything I said? I said that these things were more acceptable in the past. That's just fact. There was a time when a guy could roll into a village on horseback, cut heads off, take slaves and rape women and there's nothing anyone could do about it. Now it's not ok. What exactly do you disagree with?

roastie detected


Forced marriage was never the norm and for most of history weak men died before marriage

>There was a time when a guy could roll into a village on horseback, cut heads off, take slaves and rape women and there's nothing anyone could do about it.

Still the way it is in much of the world, america and western europe is an outlier

tl;dr brainlet plebit fag

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If it was successful then it would still exist. It never worked in any country. Even Muslim guys sleep around on vacation

But that's how the world was for the majority of human history. You can't possibly say that I'm wrong.

The article says forced monogamy retards

You're saying "thats not cool now" but it actually is still very much cool in the majority of the world

>There was a time when a guy could roll into a village on horseback, cut heads off, take slaves and rape women and there's nothing anyone could do about it.
this literally never happened, that guy is 20IQ and illiterate not to mention it can still happen

>can happen
>is legal/the norm/average
it 2 different things that even a child could tell apart

>>There was a time when a guy could roll into a village on horseback, cut heads off, take slaves and rape women and there's nothing anyone could do about it.

Is just a plebittor way of saying might is right, and that's usually how it was

"Enforced" monogamy
As in you get punished if you try to bail on the partner YOU chose for any poor reason or if you cheat

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Its happening today though in some countries

Dude why are you responding to me? No one was talking to you at all. Do you butt into every converstaion you're not wanted? No wonder you have no friends

Are there actual virgins in here who barely flirt with any women who think they would have a chance if women were monogamous? Raise your hands and then go play Minecraft forever because you are too stupid for anything else

Literally what the fuck is wrong with prostitution? So many females and robots alike are opposed ro it but I just understand why, if its about forced sex slavery well yeah duh thats a real problem, thats exactly one of the things legalizing should seek to solve. Like drugs, as long as theres demand for it the market will find a way.

Prostitution is at least not illegal in most non bullshit countries. This is just an American problem. Just like mass shootings.

just legalize it already, who cares

Hyperbolic BULLSHIT ffs.

Speak for yourself hypocrite.

You clearly don't care to know anything about real history then other than stereotypes of ye olden peoples raping and oppressing constantly.
Of fucking course people in most of human history wanted security and shelter from warlords and criminals. You make it sound like people from history are just bloodthirsty goblins instead of complex humans. Btw the ideas of "loving your neighbor" and peace and civility are literally ancient concepts in all major world religions and cultures.

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Dude I'm a history major and you have no idea what you're talking about, the guy you responded to more or less had it right

Relies on males physical and mental work to build society or get anything done. Let's see the average woman build a house or fix a car, otherwise fuck off.

Ive been with ten women. Speaking for myself. Monogamy sounds stupid as fuck and would not teach a dipshit to leave his basement

That's literally not what jordan memerson meant by the term, stupid fucking redditor

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>norm for 99% of human history
That came with civilization, so roughly ten thousand years at most. Humans are two hundred thousand years old.

well the left made it illegal in France back in 2014

Did i mention jordan Peterson in my post at all? Im talking about the concept of enforced monogamy in the way described by the words used to describe it on its own you retard.
I swear everyone who uses pepe/wojak and try to invalidate someone's argument by using buzzword of the month is fucking retarded.

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really? why wtf

>I'm using my own special definition, not the definition we've been using the entire thread
>You're retarded for not picking up on this
I'm surprised you have the IQ sufficient to breathe unassisted

>disregard Peterson's idea and argue for the idea of enforced monogamy using the definition that would easily be understood because there are literal official definitions to the words that make up "enforced monogamy"
Yes you are retarded for not picking up on this

>Disregard Peterson's idea which we've been using the entire thread and use my own definition of the same term
>Somehow your aspergers keeps you from seeing the problem with this
IQ estimates are dropping with each reply

>this thread irl


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