/SIG/ Self-Improvement General

/SIG/ Self-Improvement General
>"We can make it better" Edition

Be a man. Respect, Honor, Love, and be Friendly with the world around you. No more hate, that shit is the wrong direction for your self improvement, and detrimental to your efforts. Realize that everyone is equal under God, we are all His children, and to hate your fellow man (or woman) is to fail in life. Get a grip men, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Pastebins of old editions (so you can start your own when this will be took down by the mods):

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Other urls found in this thread:


opbp and people need to be more vocal about showing appreciation towards their people.


A Dinosaur's Story

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What is the best way to forge self-control that doesn’t involve quitting fapping and Jow Forums?

This has nothing to do with politics dumb incels

Stay frosty, friend

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Med Student. Uni test on Wednesday, studying hard.
No smoke, no alcool, no drugs.
Upper body lifting while healing from a tibial stress fracture. I hope to get back running and boxing in the next 2-3 weeks.

I'd like to read more books (not uni's ones) and start daily meditation.
I'd like to improve my social relationship.
I don't feel the need for many friends and shit.
At the moment I have gf and something like 7 friends, but they're all living in other towns.

I'd like to get in touch with serious people in my area. Someone with goals, interests in culture (history, art, etc..) and not some marvel soiaboy or overgrown child watching tv movies and bullshits.

I think that good but shallow friends are making me difficult to improve myself. I like them. But our conversation are quite stupid. We rarely discuss about something serious or experience something meaningful - mostly because they're quite ignorant.
I am ashamed of myself. I think I get dumber and don't behave as seriously as I should in social circumstances because I fear to embarrass my interlocutor

How can I become cute? Help me

physical activity, culture, meditation and asceticism.

Ei fellow medstudent! I'm currently studying anatomical pathology and arrived at the fifth year I hardly can find the will to concentrate/focusing anymore. Do you have some advice, perhaps, to help a future colleague?

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>Realize that everyone is equal under God, we are all His children, and to hate your fellow man (or woman) is to fail in life.
It should go without saying, but of course this only applies to whites. Feel free to keep hating niggers.

Read "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson
"The Power of Habit" Charles Duhigg
"No Excuses" Brian Tracy

which uni are you?
I'm studying in Padova --> I hope you're not here.
I'm going to the 6th year in October.

You need to get a routine. Study in a library. No smartphone. Get some old Nokia with no internet. Only sms and calls.
Don't smoke, don't drink alcool. They fuck your brain badly.
Wake up everyday at the same hour (I wake up between 8.15 a.m. and 9.00a.m).
Don't waste time chatting in the studying hours. I study from 9.00 to 18.00.
Then close books, practice sport or walk everyday (minimum 30minutes of fast walking daily).
Get at least 8 hours of sleep.
Don't eat too many carbs while studying.
1 day at week fast 24/h.

Don't listen to Jow Forums bullshits. I passed psychiatry and preventive medicine with 30L. This stuff will help you.
(Surf on pubMed for some articles if you want proofs)

Also , what specialization are you considering at the moment?

Anons, recommend me some books about dealing with people.

And I don't mean the basics. I have quite a lot of friends, had a couple of girlfriends, sometimes get laid when I go out. I want more advanced stuff, I want to be a master at talking to people and influencing them.

>inb4 just practice
I already do, I try to talk to a couple of absolutely random people every day.

>inb4 edgy sociopath
No, I just want to get better at something I really enjoy, which is talking to people and interpersonal relationships.

>inb4 read How to win friends and influence people
Read that ages ago

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Yes! We used to have Culture threads where people would post wonderful pieces of music and art. What happened to those?

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Fuck off. You stoic cucks stand by proudly as the world around you disintegrates.

Hey man, I had the same problem and worked it the same way by just talking to people. I also reccomend saying an extra sentence to the store clerks you deal with. For example, when they ask you how you are or if you found everything ok, say yes you did and ask them how they are doing. After you are more comfortable with that, add one more line in there.
The best compliment I ever got from anyone was about a year after I really started working on talking to people, a girl told me I was the least awkward person she ever met. It's now 9 years later and I'm great at talking 1-on-1, but still shit in groups. Oh well.

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Some real culture will help more than chatting around with people, if you're already expansive.

In psychiatry we studied that charisma is mostly about introspection. Social relationship is OBVIOUSLY involved in it, but to get charismatic one must get through a self oriented process. Quite Hegelian, actually.

Getting some tricks like looking people in the eyes, practicing acting etc.. will not really help if the substance is lacking.

I love this thread.
I've been doing my own long climb to greatness, but I've also been helping out a fatfag friend at the same time.
Together we can get to greater heights.

So exposing yourself to real culture like I mentioned here will lead to becoming more charismatic? How so?

I've got problems in groups too.
I'm good when people are talking about serious stuff or there's anger.. but I'm quite shitty at chit-chatting in a normal group conversation.

Thanks user, but I wouldn't say I have a problem. I already talk to store clerks, in most of the shops around my place they know me by name and we chat about stuff everytime. I'm talking about small shops of course, not supermarkets overloaded with tourists.

Ever since I managed to escape social outcast life I've been obsessed with improving my communication skills, to the point at which I'm learning two languages right now (already know three).

Now that's what I'm interested in. I still don't know much about myself and would love to improve the "substance" you're talking about. I'm already doing the practice - I have hobbies, do so much stuff I have almost no free time. The only time I "cheat" is when I browse Jow Forums, but that's a habit I've had for a long time.

So, do you have any theory to recommend me?

Hating evil is commodity we as humans should cherish if I see a human doing evil and degenerate behavior I correct him. Because I know it’s not him himself that is evil it is his brain that I’m against.

Being charismatic does not mean having a lot of culture.
But the act of craving for culture is more likely to get you challenging many of your previous ideas. It's not about changing your opinions, it's about developing solid roots.
I.E. I don't want immigrants on italian soils.
I never wanted them and I still don't think is good having them here the way it is.
In library I met a boy from bangladesh studying IT.
He started talking to me a lot about his country, his family, his origins, etc.
He's quite weak, he's poor and he's a good guy.
This brought me to know other people like him, I got interested in the history and the art of that part of the world but above all I got interested in him as a human being.
This challenged my previous ideas of immigrants. I just hated them.
Now I still think Italy should stay "italian". Culture is good because it's different and not a melting pot. I don't feel good when I hear about immigrants suffering: they live a shitty life.
Still I know that they're presence here is not good for me, for my family and for my people. Is not good for the history of my country and Europe. Is not even good for the ones that come here, actually.
But to call for a genocide of them all without having being involved with all the truth is quite unfair. I still voted for League and I'm in favor of mass expulsion and stopping with armed force the ones that are coming to Europe.
It's not nice at all. It's terrible. But it needs to be done.

Now, when you talk to someone and show that you know about art, about culture and that you have had many human experience, people will find you charismatic because you have challenged your previous ideas and got deeper roots.
They'll feel it. That's charisma. Is being "robur" (latin term for oak, strengt, vigor).

Being shallow will doom us to failure.

--have patience: my english is quite rusty and I'm typing from a smartphone--

type Real Social Dynamics into youtube

Well, fasting is something useful. It's been widely used by asceticism.
There's also an interesting link between asceticism and anorexia: in both there's the will of change and purification from the corruption of body.
Anorexia has its roots in a self image that has developed from a social image of the self, it's an act of hate.
Asceticism is the will of getting saint (i.e. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokushinbutsu).

There are different factors involved in developing charisma, and they're quite well represented in religions by latin term of "sacerdos" (priest): sacer --> sacred dos ---> acting.
It's the act of existing between the reality and the divine.
It doesn't mean you have to be a monk.
It means that one have to go through experience that make him develop a deep personal philosophy -- in an existential term.

Telling ourself which are our real weakness is a good point to start.
Often is useful to meditate and practice in order to get some kind of archaic perception like hunger, cold, fatigue, pain.
But mostly it's important to become "sacerdos" by developing sensibility and the feelings of beauty, eternity and death.

Stop LARPing please.

Isn't that just pick up artist stuff?

Interesting. I've heard of similar things before, especially while reading about traditionalism.

I used to meditate, I guess I'll have to start doing it again. Fasting isn't really something I'd like to do, I'm trying to follow my diet plan.

Could you recommend me some books about this? I prefer to get a grasp on theory before practicing something.

Shitty racebait

I'm in Milan. Thanks for the advice, I will try it!
>I hope you're not here
Is it that bad? Here is just full of pretentious pricks

Anyway, I'm interested in psychiatry but I would consider infectivology, I really liked studying it. What about you?

Hello, 40 year old professional driver here. Raised single parent house well fare, food stamps etc. Got addicted to World of Warcraft while in college.
> Drop out of college went to trucking school after watching my life get out of control.
> Quit drugs, went to trucking school
> Worked hard, put up with 3 years of bullshit trucking jobs ( paying my dues)
> Get an opportunity to buy my own truck, buy truck
> Worked 1 year as my own boss, bought my dream car, paying off bills getting debt free
> made almost 100k since last SEPT 2017
> No drugs, No porn, No Drinking
>get my daily news and opinion from pol
> Now I hate jews for some reason.

>sex before marriage
Absolutely degenerate

Here's come the difficult part.
There's no path to follow.
If you just want to get a "political" ability: just read Macchiavelli, some basic history and art books and you'll make a nice figure in society.
If you want to get another kind of life, if you want to get kalokagathia - in the greek artistic sense it gets difficult.

I can just suggest you to get some classics like Plato (Symposium) or Sophocles (Antigone), or Evangelii (don't think about "Christianity", you must read it as the story of that human being and of the people telling of those days they spent with someone they loved. I don't believe in God, I'm agnostic, but the Sermon of the Mount is moving and deep.)


Actually this could be a start. Likely, It won't be enough.
You need to talk to different kind of people.
Poor people, cultured people.
Find your limits, bad experience of your life.
You must find your Hegelian negative moments in order to get your roots and become Robur.
You need to feel moved by human life.

A good but overrated book for """beginners""" is Siddhartha (H.Hesse. Another good one is Narcissus and Goldmund). It's often quoted in psychiatry. There are the theme of journey and challenging.
It gets to a good point: everyone has his own history and must develop his own existential space with his own means (Buddha got to the point, actually).

If I were in you, I would read Zen and the Archery (Herrigel).

I told you about books. It could have been art or anything else.

1) Understand yourself and above all find your Hegelian negative: without discovering and FEELING the contradiction of your own life, you will not find changing.
2) To be able to influence other human being, you must not understand them. You must FEEL THEM: hunger, pain, fear, despair. Do not judge them. Act as you want, hate them, but do not morally judge them. If you want to become the sacerdos of other human being, you must become their shepherd. Get the primordial feeling of man (Ted Kaczynski's manifesto could be part of the starter pack).
3) Stop and think about what you're doing of your life. Listen to silence. While you're talking to someone, stop for a second and think about the beauty and cruelty of life, about the eternity and about death (ever watched Apocalypse Now?)

Psychiatry? --> PubMed

SIG success story incoming.
>6 years ago
>Was 250lb
>Arts degree
>No gf
>Shitty call center job

>Engineering degree
>Can lift 1234
>Great job

All it takes is dedication lads. I'd post before and after but don't want to be recognised. The first step to winning the fight is improving yourself. I won't even get into the fact that I managed to make my test level over 2x what it was.

Also no fap. No drink. No weed. Absolutely essential.

Likely I'm going to study psychiatry (I really like it, I've been practicing in the psychiatric department since the 2nd year).
My second choice would be Hygiene and Preventive Medicine. You don't get any glory, but I think it's the one that can help people and the community for real (also there's a lot of management, politic and philosophy behind it).

Padua is the same: pretentious assholes.
I found it worse than Milan (are you in Bicocca or Statale? Had a friend in Bicocca) because Padua is considered the first med school in Italy and one of the most prestigious in Europe. There are many people from other countries (Israel, China, Korea, France, etc.).
This imply that there's a lot of competitiveness and people think they're some kind of movie star that is going to save a lot of life and be the good protagonist of the scene. They don't get is a job like another. If the pay wasn't so good probably 90% of them would not have been studying medicine.
I think it's a media issue.

>engineering degree

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Sounds miserable

nice one.
Don't do "no fap". It could get you troubles. Do not use pornography.
You will still fap less, but won't have brain or prostate issues.

You are shallow.

You are behaving like the miserable one. You do not know how was this person life before.
How's your life? Are you happy with it?

It's been a factor in my success. The degree in itself didn't make me successful. It did give me the money to buy a car and put a payment on a home.

the STEM meme needs to die

Electonics Engineering degree here. Any advice?

It still works in Ireland user. We have a lot of decent STEM employment.

why ?

>blame other people for your problems

Keep larping fatty magapede

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I'm a fatty and I want to lose some weight. I stopped drinking soda and cut dairy consumption in half, and I've lost about 15 pounds in a month. I'd like to lose a lot more weight in a shorter period of time, so I know I need to exercise. I'm too fucking out of shape to go run or whatever, and I'm pinching pennies harder than a dozen Israelis to make ends meet. What are some good easy exercises I can do at home for free to start off with and work my way up? I've been doing sit ups and push ups but I don't think it helps much. I can only do around 30-40 of each before I exhaust myself, which is fucking terrible.

Also mods are gay as fuck for moving this off Jow Forums

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Fuck off.

Go back.

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Fuck Jow Forums

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If you faggots really want to improve yourselves, take this to a website that you need to register so you can all monitor each others progress. Anybody can make shit up about what they are doing/not doing on an anonymous imageboard, this is dumb as shit. Anybody and everybody who contributes to these threads is either making shit up or exaggerating their accomplishments. You're like a bunch of fat girls bragging about how you've been eating healthier because you had a salad for lunch 2 weeks ago.

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I like the concept of self improvement and I must admit this is the most consistently good imptrash pol thread but ffs mods these threads belong on pol

This. Blame the mods not the /sig/fags.

Med student: 15 pounds at month could be enough if your BMI is below 30.
When you hit BMI of 25, get to 2kg per month.

You have to alternate anaerobic and aerobic exercise.
Sit ups, push ups, squats are good.
LONG fast walks are good (at least 1h).
Running and cycling too.

Some days you won't have time to practice sport.
Remember: the minimum is 30'-40' of fast walk a day.

Eat a lot of vegetables. Beware of sugars, dairies and red meat.
Remember: if you have to eat something like that, make sure to eat many vegetables before: it will decrease the amount of fat and sugar your body is going to absorb.
Also, eat slowly.

And fuck gay mods.

Why? They aren't political, and if they are political they shouldn't be. Improving yourself to fit the"requirements" for your political affiliation is cringey as fuck. Improve yourself for health, longevity and the pursuit of happiness but for all that's holy don't do it because you're trying to be more "based and redpilled".

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They are political. Read

Cringey as fuck and the reason why you'll never improve yourself at all. Your reason for improving is because some tards on an anime website convinced you that da joos are keeping you down through shoddily thrown together infographs with questionable sources. You're going to outgrow this phase and you'll be the same lardass you are right now. You need to do it for yourself instead of trying to slap some political label on everything you do. Jow Forumsddit cancer in a nutshell.

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>Read my wall of text
>I'm literally cancer trying to inject politics into everything, even fittness.

>Self improvement thread

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>b-b-but its CRINGE

It's political and you know it.

No, it's not. You're an angsty young-adult rebelling against the world so you cling to fringe politics. You'll outgrow this era of your life once the sparkles and shine of being "a part" of something fades on you. Best to approach self-improvement like a real adult, not as some whiny little shit who's upset because SJWs want to ban you from saying "nigger".

Of course; medicine is seen like one of the last degree that will grant you a solid job with a good pay and that is enough for people to go mad about getting it. Tv series like grey's anatomy and house m.d. just makes them more disillusioned about what it means to work as a doctor.
Nice to know I'm not the only want-to-be-psychiatrist, anyway (here where I am it is not very much appreciated, sadly).
Oh, and I am in Statale, San Paolo hospital

(Also, I created a medicine general on /sci/: thought it was a good idea and surprised nobody started it before. Check it out if interested)

To put it simply, you will ultimately fail because your being driven by a politicized rebellion against a boogeyman that lives mostly in your head. This is the same rationale that SJWs use when they dye their hair purple and pierce every possible appendage. Getting fit is a much more respectable transition, but the motivation you tards put behind it will ultimately lead to disaster.

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In addition, the drive behind this "self-improvement" is to send a message, not to actually improve oneself. The only reason the focus is on self-improvement is because you idiots unironically believe that it will piss off the people in power. You faggots would cover yourselves in feces and run naked through the streets if you thought it would scare off da joos.

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Well because self improvement is an important part of many ideologies that have a large user base in Jow Forums e.g. White supremacy, Nazism, fascism ect.

>tfw every Jow Forums autist thinks their thread is political
>tfw because everything is political is why shit spills into other boards
>tfw the mods efforts are futile because Jow Forums is retarded

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