Would you rather be a 5ft 4 manlet who makes 500k a year or a 6ft 3 Chad working at McDonalds? Both age 30

Would you rather be a 5ft 4 manlet who makes 500k a year or a 6ft 3 Chad working at McDonalds? Both age 30.

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First obviously, money trumps height

6'3" chad. all i have to do is get myself to network and connect with the right people.
from my experience in life so far, civilization is a joke, we are still animals larping as being sophisticated.

5'4 manlet. I actually want to be shorter, getting that 500k/year is a nice bonus

>have loads of money for doing absolutely nothing and sit in self loathing for the rest of your life knowing that people only are interested in you for the money
>be a God amongst men and have the experience of working up to your dream career and banging whoever the fuck you want along the way

gee i dont know op

you choose

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>First obviously, money trumps height
>Then we said Stu had made millions by age 25.
>Not for me.
>Nothing worked.
>How come nobody picked Stu?
>He's too short.
skip to 7:24

I'm already the 2nd one, minus the chad part.
I'd rather bank a lot of money and be shorter so I could buy happiness rather then be tall and broke.
>inb4 you can't buy happiness
You can and I could if I had money

No amount of money will make you a Chad. Being a Chad is priceless.

Depends on how much money you have. 500k/year is not enough if you're the height of a child.

Paul Simon, Prince, Dio, Thom Yorke. All based. I would give literally everything to be a 5'2 God, fuck women's opinions.

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I am a 6'2" with a masters and making 80k a year in Texas, full benefits, and 4 months vacation.

I would still rather have the 1st. I don't know why so many people think being short is so bad. Being tall has a lot of shitty problems. Most people who are taller end up having spinal issues FAR earlier than others.

500k a year is way more than enough. You can buy a very fucking nice house every year with that. You will never want for food nor entertainment. Within 10-20 years you can likely just buy a pair of prosthetic legs to become taller.

Yeah height can seriously fuck you over past 6' or so especially in middle age. I'd say 6' is the ideal height personally. I'm 6'7 and it's just awkward as shit most of the time. Not looking forward to getting older.

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Save for a few years and I'd have enough for a lifetime where I live now on a 30k yearly salary in a 1room rental.
Or work a bit more and buy a plot of land and the house I've always wanted away from civilization where there is peace and quiet and no one that requires anything from me.

I'm a simple man, I want to be left alone but society is the opposite of that where work and obligations determines ones value and you have no say in it as you cannot afford to buy your own freedom

Oh no no no. Every single one of them are brilliant, talented and famous musicians who make significantly more than 500k per year. Just 500k isn't worth it. Watch this .

Yep, even with only 6'2", I already have 3 major disc problems. I am middle age.

I highly suggest you work on good posture. Learn appropriate ways to bend. Pick up your plates to eat (when you can), instead of almost bending down so far. Etc...

>Not picking 6'3" chad and then immediately quitting your McDonald's job to earn money through Chad means.

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A nice house if you already have a nice house and aren't very strapped for cash. Food should never be a problem either unless you're very poor. Entertainment is definitely nice but you will still never be attractive to women above 4'8 ever again. Think about that. That stripper you got dancing on your lap is actually disgusted by you on an instinctive level.
>10-20 years prosthetic legs
What the fuck? No. You mean like real, fully functional robotic legs? That won't exist and neither will their prosthetic equivalent. Or do you plan to chop off you legs and get tall prosthetics just so you can look taller but not run anymore?

5'4 and 500k clearly. who gives a fuck id just shitpost and eat takis all day

Ok. I suppose if you're an asocial freak who doesn't want to live in society the 500k is a no-brainer. Good for you, I guess.

The rich guy, I don't really care about women anymore and that's the only thing height affects.

I'd say 6'1-6'3 is the ideal male height. Any less and you might not get back problems but you won't get any relationships either.

I'm already 5'4" so I just take the money.

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You're legitimately fucking retarded if you believe this

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>only thing height affects
Just no. It affects how you're treated by everyone in society, including other men.

None of them.
I'm a 6'5 scientist, I'm glad as I am right now.

I was using hyperbole for comedic effect. Height won't have any significant effect on your dating chances unless you're 5'6 or shorter.

I don't care about men either. originali

Take it from a 6'3 ugly lanklet. Height is not that important. I've still never had a gf and get rejected constantly if I try. Only way I can get laid is hookers. So of course I'd trade my height for money. You'd have to be pretty retarded not to. The order of importance for attractiveness are as follows;
Of course getting a gf is not the end all be all for life. I'd take the money over the attractive face and body because well, I wanna live a comfortable lifestyle.

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>i can't get laid
>let me tell you my inexperienced opinion on what is important
What is wrong with men? Why are they so self-important?

Manlet making money. I'm not getting sex either way. People who blame their height for being virgins are virgins precisely because they think that. They're shallow to the extreme.

Go step outside. You're gonna see a bunch of manlets with gfs running around. Face trumps height plain and simple. I'm living proof of that.

>insecure manlet gets triggered by a post that isn't even talking about height

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you're not even trying buddy. I'm too tired to respond to your bait tier replies anymore. I'm an ugly lanklet. Anyway, have a good one.

>be 5'4 smol boi
>become rich trap
what is the downside

The question is honestly too easy. 5'4 is enough to do everything normal person do. You're a fucking rich short guy instead of some chad working at fucking mcdonald's. You need to increase the downside, either legitimately making the first guy full on deformed-tier midge short or depriving him of the use of his legs or something.

>yfw some 5'3 rich manlet is seething rn

Make it 5'8 for 300k and you got a deal.
Being a 5'4 male is hell on earth unless you want to become a trap

You missed the entire premise of the question. It said 6'3 CHAD. Not just 6'3. That means you get an amazing face/body to go with it. That means much more than you can imagine.

>become rich trap
>rich trap
I suppose this is the better option if you're a little fucking faggot.

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I'm already a little faggot, this way I'd be a rich little faggot. One inch shorter but I'm good with that.

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And the other side needs a boost too, there's literally zero advantage to being 6'3". He's just an all around failure.

There's lots of advantages to being 6'3 but the boost didn't JUST say that you become 6'3. It says a 6'3 CHAD. That means you become very good lucking with little to no need for upkeep.

>working at mcd at 30
Pick one.

I agree that a real Chad most likely wouldn't be working at McDingos but in this particular case you become a Chad who does just that. It's not statistically impossible so the premise is possible but not very believable.

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fun and active Jow Forums discord, join now for frens!



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Begone, gaybot!

The manlet you fucking mong, imagine making 500k a year, jesus that would be great.

That goes against the definition of Chad. Chad is someone successful in life and with women.

There are different definitions of what a Chad is. Some just think of it as a man who is naturally very manly and handsome without putting in any conscious effort.

Being a chad is worth more than 500k a year. Easily pick a 6ft 3

doesn't matter, I'm a 6ft2in Chad who makes over $70 an hour.

Both are better than my current situation, but obviously the first one.

Rich manlet obviously. 5'4 isn't even that short.

First one obviously, not a single drawback to it.
I'm gay btw.


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I'm already a manlet and I don't make any money

That's some desperate lanklet virgin shooping.

I'm actually 5'10 myself. Everything that I've seen in life up til now tells me that this chart is actually correct.

Uh, it's a fact that the most successful men are in the 5'7"-5'10" height range. Anything taller and your looks drop like a rock. You almost never see a guy who's over 6' and gets all the girls.

Ok, champ. Keep telling yourself that.

To all the fags saying being a Chad is priceless,fuck off.

Anyone can go to the gym get ripped,and about the facial structure there are exercises and correct mouth postures for it,or the easy way is just winning the genetic lottery.

Getting money isn't easy,making 500k$/year isn't easy,brainless cunts.

>To all the fags saying being a Chad is priceless,fuck off.
No u!
>Anyone can go to the gym
and if you're short that will just make you look weirdly disproportionate and overcompensating
>get ripped
Ha! No. Only if you got good genes. Otherwise you will just end up looking slightly better than before you started unless you were obese before you started lifting. Also getting "ripped" isn't easy unless you're on roids.
>and about the facial structure there are exercises and correct mouth postures for it
Wrong. No amount of facial exercises will change the basic formation of your cheek bones, cranial shape and chin size. You might be able to highlight just a tad but with the exercise crap but that's it. Facial aesthetics is purely genetic.
>or the easy way is just winning the genetic lottery.
Well duh doi, Einstein! You don't say! That's literally the only way and it's part of what makes one a Chad.

>Getting money isn't easy
Depends on your IQ, conscientiousness and connections. If you got that it's not as hard as you think.
>making 500k$/year isn't easy
Of course it isn't. But making 50-150k/year isn't unattainable if you just choose the right field and aren't afraid to work odd hours.
>brainless cunts
Says the guy who can barely form coherent sentences and makes nothing but retard arguments.

Being a Chad is priceless because it LITERALLY CAN'T BE BOUGHT. No amount of plastic surgery, facial creams or other body alterations can make an ugly manlet into a Chad. The technology simply doesn't exist yet.

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This post is overflowing with homosexuality.

Thank you. I jizzed as hard as I could right on top of the keyboard to hit submit.

Rich manlets
Easily all day 1000%
I literally am a 6'4" attractive 30,yo with a hot gf but I'm broke with no prospects jn this job market, bachelor's degree in business administration total meme degree and I'm addicted to drugs but always broke .. desu famalam if i could always afford opiates and stimulants I'm super functional. It's whe I run out, which is always, that i grt crippling depression and lethargy ajd apathy and suicidal

>I literally am a 6'4" attractive 30,yo with a hot gf
Well then it's very easy for you to say. You have actually seen one side of the scenario and now you want the other. You have no way of knowing whether it's better or not though.

Lel. Pick one. A deformed body and face aren't attractive.

>Men who are 6'4" have deformed bodies and faces
What in the fuck is this absurd manlet cope

I also used to work for this manlet millionaire, and his life was fucking awesome. He always hated me for being tall, come to think of it, though. I honestly believe I have the mental fortitude to get past that and enjoy my life.
Seriously everyone who thinks looks are everything, money is the real everything. Also I'm a musician and therefore my ideal self actualization has nothing to do with what I look like, I would prefer to have the life where I'm making that money, able to fund !y ideal circumstances in life.
Women and sex ain't everything either so fuck it, I want drugs and music equipment. It's simply what's important to me in life so obviously I choose the manlet option.
Being tall and poor with no way out of my shitty life has been getting real fucking old as of late, I'm near suicidal, so yeah imma take that fucking bag.

>I honestly believe I have the mental fortitude to get past that and enjoy my life.
>I get crippling depression even though I'm 6'4, handsome with a hot girlfriend just because I run out of opiates
Keep fooling yourself, buddy. You clearly have no will power whatsoever. Life as a 5'4 manlet is a hell you can't imagine.

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>$500,000 a year
I've seen what this can do and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of me based on being a tall handsome yet miserable worthless drug addict.
It's addiction to drugs that has gutted me into a shell of a human being unable to function or get out of my pit of despair, but like I said when I'm on the drugs I function really high and feel happy and content. And it has nothing to do with how tall i am.
Everything comes down to how you make out professionally anyway. Manlets complain they're not taken seriously and thus can't get good employment.
That is a moot point here. I take the fucking money.

id rather kick your ass, faggot

>Also I'm a musician and therefore my ideal self actualization has nothing to do with what I look like
Right. Because being good looking has never helped anyone in their music career. Jesus you're stupid...
>I would prefer to have the life where I'm making that money, able to fund !y ideal circumstances in life.
You may think that now but that's only because you have been able to do everything on your side of the fence. You don't know what it will be like after 20 years when you realize that the music thing isn't for you or that you're not quite as talented as you thought. Then all you have is the drugs and you will probably have built up an insane tolerance by then which means you're likely to overdose. I suppose dying from drowning in your own mega sized pool due to a self-induced drug coma isn't the worst way to go but it's probably not the best either.
>Women and sex ain't everything either so fuck it
Of course it ain't everything. It's just a basic need like food or water. You won't notice how much it matters to you until you can't get any.
>Being tall and poor with no way out of my shitty life has been getting real fucking old as of late
There are ways out of it and you know it. You're just not willing to work for it.

>don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of me based on being a tall handsome yet miserable worthless drug addict.
>It's addiction to drugs that has gutted me into a shell of a human being unable to function or get out of my pit of despair
Oh yeah then I'm sure more drugs is the solution to all your problems. You're so stupid you make me want to beat you to death with a stringless guitar. The sounds you'd make would be would be real music to my ears.
>really high and feel happy and content. And it has nothing to do with how tall i am.
You think that now but in reality you have no clue if that's the case or not.
>I take the fucking money.
Of course you do. Give it a few years and you'd probably suck dick for a hit too. That's only "hit" you'll ever get.

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Chad any day of the week.
Girls would be all "omg i got the cute one to take my order"

I hate work more so than I hate being a manlet, so the first option. However, if I were a Chad work would be bareable and I would have tons of pussy to fuck, so this is a really good question.

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I'm already only 5'5" so I'd happily trade an inch for 500 fucking k a year, especially if it's just magic money and not something I'd actually have to work for

I worked in the music industry for many years. I'm not interested in the kind where your looks matter.
I was in film score and tv background music. I also like producing beats etc for recording artists behind the scenes shit
Whatever though I'm not looking for props obviously or self help advice this is r9k after all yeah I'm a loser addict who won't put in the effort to get out of my shit life. Welcome to the club innit

5'4 manlet, easy. All the things I could do with 500k.

I'm 6'5" and would rather be a rich manlet because I don't give a fuck about girls anyway

I'm 6'1" and would rather die then be a manlet desu, since I hit late growth spurt and know how it feels to be a manlet (was 5'0" at 13)

6'3" chad is an easy choice, quit McDonalds and become a model or something

>I don't give a fuck about girls anyway

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