Today's my birthday, say something nice to me

Today's my birthday, say something nice to me.

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something nice to me.

happy birthday baby let me get you a pizza

Ooh how old is mr. birthday boy?

Happy birthday fren
Hope your day is well

Fuck you hope you die

have a good birthday user, hope your year's been good

Some of my better friends are Leos, happy birthday friend.

The big old 20 + 1

Happy birthday fren! Congrats!

a happy and joyful birthday to you, fren!

Buy a big bottle of hard liquor and chug it

Yo no way me too!!! Happy Birthday Birthday Bro!!!!

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Happy birthday frend, take some virutal pizza

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Party at my place later tonight and you're all invited.

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>didn't even congratulate
>still get invite
t-thank you fren
u deserve the best

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Finally someone invited me, thank you.

Big coincidence! My birthday too!

Big ol happy birthdays. Hope all of you enjoy your slightly more mature weekend

Umm something nice.......

Happy bday user! Can I come to your party too?

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I bought you an ice cream cone for your birthday. It is content candy flavor and I asked the man to make it a big scoop since its for a birthday. It's starting to drip so eat it quickly!

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Happy birthday OP. I don't know you but I think it's nice you were born, and I wish you a happy comf day with yum noms.

All these frens get to come to my party too

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happy birthday fren! lots of tendies for you!

I hope you enjoy your day user, birthdays are gifts and are meant to be cherished

Happy birthday fren. Hope you're enjoying it. If you ever get lonely remember we are here. (We are literaly here forever, cant escape this place.)

Happy burthday dude i hope yourbnect year is better than this one .

Happy birthday, user! I hope you have a fantastic day and get to eat some yummy cake!!

happybiribrhthdday annnnnon

Best of wishes to you, user! Hope you have a great year to come!

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happy birthday user would give you some neetbucks if i could!

You mind if my sister comes bro? She recently transitioned and needs to meet new people.

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damn OP is my birthday too, very nice, how is it going? I'm alone in my room now and haven't eaten

happy birthday, here's a poem I just made for you:

cock cock tits
tits tits cock
remember user
we love you much

enjoy your presents
enjoy your food
i believe that soon
you may get some boobs

cuz it's your birthday
and we all hope
that your end comes not by rope

I've been at work all and here for 2 more hours. My frens are coming over to my place later tonight to party though.

I dont kno u

Happy Birthday user, peace be upon you.