
comfort pets after storms, edition

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another friday another day to live and wait my scottish friend for !

he will come back sure today, to browse this thread atleast ! i was so happy that chika wasnt his bf , he isnt degenerate and chika wasnt good enough for him not enough submissive lol :) im better than him for plump

he should take me back its been almost year since i post ! he will pity me and add me we will watch and talk about aiktasu friends log horizon star butterfly pokemon dragon ball dragon quest and list go on !
GUYS tell me why THE FUCK he doesnt want to get back with me ? because i cant gift him anything because poor and no bank account ? or uglybrown algerian ... while he talk to nice skinny twinks or hot girl ...or masculine guys
why dont he marry me .... impossible love....

come back my dear lovely darling , ill abandon everything to become scottish citizen live with you

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Based OP being based

>its been almost year since i post

thunder/lightning hit right over heard, woke up at 5am and heard my dog open the door downstairs and cry for dad
bless her, feel so bad for her :v

>scottish weeb poster hates chika
Nonce deathmatch it is then

Lads. North Cornwall here. Boardmasters got cancelled and there are notably fewer cunts on the roads. Fucking lovely.

>it sure is spooky in this pyramid yo
Meh. The setting was different at least and some of the kills were cool. Watch As Above So Below instead.

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its devotion to my scottish plump

no i like him infact he made love my scottish friend to me stronger because he wasnt good enough for him ! thats nice i thank u chika

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(Illegal) Alien vs. (Child) Predator: whoever wins we lose

had me hair cut on dinner hour and now have itchy neck all afternoon

Downer lad, if you haven't gone back in get a quick pint to take your mind off it.

Lads, i had some insane(1000+) sudden expenses and i have like 280 tendies to hold me over for 2 weeks, minus a bit of transport, taxi to the airport and perhaps a 50-70 downpayment on something.

My bank(firstdirect) statement shows

>overdraft : 250
>current funds : 300
>available funds : 530

Does this mean I can safely go -250 on my statement before being charged money?

Will ATMs and online payment still accept my card even at the negative?

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Yes lad you can still use your card on a cash machine provided you dont go over the 250 limit on your overdraft

Redpill me on UHT milk

Will an escort still accept it even when overdrawn?

It's shite, tastes like shite, smells like shite. Just don't buy it unless you need to store it out of a fridge before opening (when camping etc).

Why does ebin buy it?

So my plans for the whi*oid species?

Sexy white bfs for all trans women

The remainder of the mildly attractive once will be used as domestic servants, in the olden days, they were called "house niggers", the term will be brought back

The less attractive ones will be used as cattle and for more brutal slave labour

It's due to my living arrangements

Besides, Pakistanis and whites have different mouth shapes, so I'm not able to change my voice sufficiently

>thinking voice training has something to do with your mouth shape

>escorts accepting card payments

wew lad aren't we a bit posh?

what are your plans for the ethnically vague amongst us?

I saw the girl who I lost my kiss virginity to in town. she fat now

This is how you react when someone doesn't outright treat you as a bloke

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I'm 100% sure mine is fat with a bunch of kids by now

>making good decisions

They pass more than most /britfeel/ trannies do 2bf.

Why do people look at you like you're some kind of alien if you don't have a smartphone?

only poley looks as bad as them. Not saying the others look hot before anyone starts

I only drink uht

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Proper ugly cunt stop breaking the one main rule of Jow Forums

Just going to remind all you lads that selfies are against the rules

Not like there's a sticky just dedicated to that rule though, is it?

this is painful because it reminds me of when schoolgirls used to whistle at me and say "hi sexy" and I didn't realise they were taking the piss

I consider escorts the type of girl you take out for a meal and the night costs a minimum of a few hundred bong. It's prostitute if handing over 40 bong for a quick 10 minute fumble

Who is your favourite character in Pobol y Cwm?

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Not a selfie when my friend took the pic :^)

>I didn't realise they were taking the piss
Girls do not know how mean they are sometimes. It is like they think men do not have feelings.

had to go back lad was a big que

>Girls do not know how mean they are sometimes. It is like they think men do not have feelings
Yeah mate, it's not like men ever say hurtful things to people.

/looks over /britfeel/ and the wider Jow Forums and walks away whistling

Cachau bant. Dim Saesneg.

>Yeah mate, it's not like men ever say hurtful things to people.
Most of the people who said mean things about me to my face were girls. Like, about me being ugly, weak, looking gay etc...

you should have gone to my school if you think lads are less mean than girls

Based a cymraeg pilled

Most of the people that have kicked me in the shin have been speccy middle class ponces named Oliver, am I supposed to extrapolate any meaningful data from this?

stay tuned for another exciting incels vs normies debate. coming right up on /britfeel/

>speccy middle class ponces

It would be so easy to replace a 'p' with an 'n' there

Been nofap for the past 4 months but just had a sex dream and im tempted to give in, should I fap?

Dwi ddim yn hoffi coffi. Dwin casau saesneg achos maen ddiflas.
Dwin dwlu ar Cymraeg achos maen gwl.
Ga i fynd ir ty bach?

That is most of the Welsh I can remember from school. Ysgol Abertawe.

later this evening on /britfeel/: are noncehunters actually WORSE than nonces?

Based Oliver kicking the filthy oiks in the shins and showing them their place.

>Girl in a mans body
>Collects gundams or whatever mechshit n sterile white bed room.

Poor bastard lost his way.

Took me years to get a smartphone because I fell for the retarded Xoomer memes like how they break and christ i don't even remember what else. Getting spied on and shit. I have Sony Ericson K750i until 2015 or thereabouts.

People without smartphones are like people who intentionally don't drive (also me until this year). Retards who don't know what they're missing. Smartphones are the single most useful and helpful super device that a person has ever owned since the knife. I can shitpost literally anywhere and everywhere with it.

>Spent an hour looking at houses
>100-150K Gets you an shitty terraced/semi detached
>nice homes start at 200k+
>average wage is 25k
How the fuck is your average person supposed to afford a house? Seems like it's impossible unless you win the lottery or pay an extortionate morgage the rest of your life.

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Are you proud to be English lads?

They get mummy and daddy to buy it for them while they watch S4C.

>hilarious ironic lefty reply

i'm not, because i'm scottish

One single individual essentially can't. Women entered the workforce, doubling it and totally ruined economic living standards forever.

Jealous you can afford to bother looking.

>what is a mortgage
>what is a starter home.

He won't deceive you or tell you the truth
Woman, he'll be no trouble
He won't write you letters
Full of excuses
Come on, believe you have one in a million

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Ah, nid snippy ond poster arall.

Roedd dysgu Cymraeg yn yr ysgol yn wastraff amser, nid wyf yn gwybod llawer.

Ydych chi'n Gymraeg neu'n byw yng Nghymru?

I'm proud to be Northern Irish.

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>he wonders (((why))) it's like this

Yes but I also feel like there's nothing to be proud of today
>tfw not 7th century Wessexian

I'm not proud to be a part of a people that won't defend their own interests. English people are happy to complacently watch the death of their race and the destruction of their culture. Also a lot of my ancestors are from mainland Europe I'll never feel fully English. On the other hand no people in the world has achieved more in science, philosophy and war more than the Anglos.

you can't
the housing situation over here is totally screwed, that's why i'm booking it as soon as i can. honestly, britain is a dead end for us, we better get out whilst we have the chance. the strong british glory is no more.

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>Seething at me for having a house
>Seething at SP for having a holiday

It's grim up Norf

yes mate because historically it's always been easy for English people to buy houses not like it was only Lords and the super rich who owned property

>Are you proud to be English lads?
h-ha yeah

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SP is a spoilt brat though. His attitude and everything.

Why does /britfee/ say I'm ugly when every other board praises me?

Even an enemy on /lgbt/ said I look better than most on there

proud to be welsh
not proud to be in the uk

We didn't all inherit a house from mummy and daddy.

Who cares if he is spoilt? Can't you be happy for the lad having a holiday

fucking starving but only a couple hours till I can break my 12 hour fast

doesn't help I've had to work out and do a bunch of gardening today as well

Lgbt is a hugbox, of course they won't tell you the truth you silly paki.

Your both right. Any argument to suggest the housing market is remotely sane is retarded though. Even after a major recession houses prices were still markedly higher adjusted for inflation than even the 1970s.

If population had dropped as it was naturally doing in the first world we'd all be much better off.


You're ugly on the inside, Moni.
We know you better than they do.

For me, it's being a net drain on society and inheriting enough money to live semi-comfy til I die

Just eat something if you're hungry lad why would you fast. These diet things are getting stupid. You need calories for all the work you've/will be doing.

I'm a fat fuck lad, got put on antipsychotics and put on about 30kg, just got off them and am trying to lose it

how long were you on them for? Ive been on mine for a year now and put on 3 stone.

We (LGBT) still hates your guts for putting hidden cameras in the bathroom of your roommates and then posting their nudes online

Are antipsychotics good for gaining muscle mass if you work out hard when after you take them?

i have 25k in savings just sitting in my bank account, what do i do with it, in regards to ISAs, saving accounts, etc.

Luv the welsh me, go to rhyl every year wiv dazza 'n Gazza in a caravan

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put it on a horse

How do you feel about racial degradation during sex? How would you feel about a ripped white man calling you racial slurs as you gave him a blowjob?

Asking for a friend.

Have you already got a house?

S'ok, some of the other footy lads slid-tackled him for the rest of the match, I spat on his dindins and got off with his sister at the school disco, it all came up millhouse...

Until three weeks later when his sister told me she had crabs. Bricked myself lid, shaved 'em clean off.

don't come to Wales please we don't want you

>three men in a caravan together on holiday

Sounds like pooftah shit to me.

Fresh brand new windows install on a fresh brand new SSD.
I'm better than all of you.

>tfw all Modi posts in Wales are bilingual

going to try whiskey for the first time. what's it like?


>what's it like?
it burns

Tesco arriving in 30 mins but nervous

Lads look what I just saw on Steam:


chose not to go out today,
its started pissing it down
great success