>failed nofap on day 6
I'm just about ready to castrate myself but I'm gonna try again. There goes all my boastful talk about resolve, when lust sweeps over you it acts as a parasite hijacking part of your brain, it comes up with all kinds of rationalizations to act out anyway and it surpresses the personal reasons for which I started doing this in the first place. I'm going to start mutilating myself as a form of punishment everytime I fail and give in to lust, which is hopefully never again. Thanks for reading my blogpost.
Failed nofap on day 6
Shoutout to this user, I was naive.
You can do it user, I believe in you, but no need to hurt yourself over it
even if you failed this time, you are still in a better spot than the degenerates that do it frequently
Don't be upset user, virtually all the supposed benefits of nofap are a stupid broscience meme. But it is vital to build willpower, perhaps the most vital thing of all, so good on you for making it six days. Go for longer if you can, just know it's not the fapping that is hurting you.
Thank you user, I realize that the NoFap reasons are just broscience, I'm doing it for my own reasons, building willpower and the mental fortitude to resist instant gratification being one of them.
Thank you for the encouragement too! I will do it, I still feel really disappointed in myself for failing so early on when I felt so confident though, so I think self-punishment is due if I fail again.
you don't have to go cold turkey, im also doing nofap and last time i went for 8 days my balls hurt like crazy, so i decided to limit to two wanks a week
If nutting is a "kms" moment for you, you're stressing too much and thus making it three times harder than it needs to be
Judging by the castrate yourself thing, you're projecting frustration with your willpower onto your dick. Don't hate your dick user, thats unhealthy. Stay focused on the willpower and your ability to stay active and busy
What did you fail nofap to?
How did you feel during those 5 days?
I think you should go a little easier on yourself. It's like meditation, you got distracted (jerked off), now retrain your focus (nofap).
What finally sent you over the edge and made you fap again? Do you have any activities other than jerking and Jow Forums? Why nofap instead of noporn?
Just take SSRIs and hack your biochemistry. If you lack willpower, there's always an easy way.
Asking the important question here.
Is jerking off almost daily really that bad of a thing? I've been probably jacking off at least 1 time every 2 days for probably like 4 years.
No porn involved, at least my convictions stayed strong on that one. I was just trying to sleep and some friction with the bed happened and one thing led to the other.
You're right, I'm kind of scapegoating there.
I felt more clean and somewhat proud of myself, interesting comparison though, I'd like to strive for a state where I do not get distracted, no matter how unrealistic that might be.
That would defeat a lot of the purpose, just like castration I suppose.
That's kinda cute that you're sensitive
If the purpose is simply to shift the way your body uses energy, then SSRIs don't really defeat the purpose. Either way, the end result is that you'll have more energy and confidence.
Well... that's not really the purpose, so it's still a no.
Uhm, thanks? Hehe
Not OP
I guess different ppl have different reasons for nofap.
For me and probably OP, it's more about taking control over yourself and practicing discipline.
user, please don't hurt yourself. The point of nofap is to better yourself, improve your mind and strengthen your body. You will destroy all of that by harming yourself. You're doing this for you. You should cherish your own being.
I would like to have a very sensitive boy on my lap so I could reach around and tease him you know?
I get that. I used to nofap for months at a time actually, even before I got chemically altered. The fact I still ended up opting for the pills even after making real efforts in self discipline is something for you to ponder.
Thanks user, you're right but it just feels wrong to let myself get away without consequence after betraying my convictions like that in the name of quick pleasure. I guess I won't hurt myself after all, I wasn't so sure about that anyway.
Exactly, although I also have other personal reasons.
Oh, ehm... I hope you find that user.
Thanks user, I have you have better luck on your next nofap. Please don't do anything silly to yourself if you mess it up.
You're so kind user, I'll do my best and I promise not to go through with the punishment idea then haha.
Bro, masturbating is fine, doing it with porn is the problem. Whats the problem of unironically getting sexual relief once in a while?
Thank you! You're a good boy user. Better luck this time! Try not to let that sensitivity get the better of you again.
Longest I've gone was 2 months, usually go 2 weeks when I actually try. Lately I only last a few days now I've just mostly given up. I cope by having other hobbies to do, so this is actually better. The main thing I wanted to stop was spending 1hr+ sessions fapping, sometimes reaching 3-6 hours. I don't do that anymore. Of course I fap to 3D woman maybe 0.5% of the time so I never get that disgusting slimy feeling when I do fap.
What's it feel like after 2 months? Best I've managed was 3 weeks. I felt weird all the time, like really on edge, full of nervous energy and especially weird when dealing with other people.
>, building willpower and the mental fortitude to resist instant gratification being one of them.
Masturbation once a week is a good way to limit yourself. Other areas I'd suggest are diet and exercise with small adjustments to start with. Begin by cutting out something unhealthy, like soda. See if you can go a whole month without soda. You can go back to it after that, but make it a once a week treat, then maybe skip a week here and there and you'll find you don't really miss it very much. Try doing this with various healthy habits. I call it getting healthy for extremely lazy and unmotivated people.
fapping isnt that bad unless you are doing it like 5 times a day.
Semen retention is malicious, harmful bullshittery. Unless you are hardcore addicted to jerking off, you don't need nofap. Masturbation is perfectly fine.
What's bad for you is porn. Porn fries your brain, and has all kinds of negative SSE's.
Quit porn, keep jerking off. You will find it much harder to fap too much if you aren't using porn.
At least give it a shot before you start beating yourself up over something that is perfectly natural & healthy.
I'm not doing it for "semen retention" or any of the supposed benefits commonly circulated in the NoFap community, my own reasons as I said.
Doing it for personal reasons.
That's pretty good advice, I don't drink soda but obviously that's just the example. I'm planning to go completely without masturbation instead of just limiting it however, but still good advice for other aspects of my life.
Thank you! I'll give it my all!
>Russia boogeyman
>I'm not doing it for "semen retention" or any of the supposed benefits commonly circulated in the NoFap community, my own reasons as I said.
Ah I'm sorry, I had a knee-jerk reaction before reading the thread. A lot of people doing nofap are totally brainwashed, sorry for putting you in a box.
I don't think trying to resist fapping is necessarily the best way to build willpower, but as long as you're being careful you're probably good. Keep trying to improve yourself OP, good luck!
You're kind of a cutie, nofap user
Eheh, thank you user. You're very sweet yourself.
yeah, i think no fap itself is pretty unhealthy. i get wanting to gain some self control, but cold turkey is probably just bad for you. i find i can't even think about anything else after a few days, and can't function. kind of counterproductive desu.
also think self harm is not a good method. if you do this, you should be doing it for positive reasons. that should be enough.
You fucking cocksucker, you're not here for self-improvement, you just want to be pampered like the sweet little boy you are.
You don't need to fap anymore sweetie, come let mommy take care of you.
I'm not really trying to be sweet, I just kinda say what comes to mind when talking to you.
I'm sorry about the thing about a boy sitting on my lap btw, I wouldn't want to tease you out of your self-improvement. I'm really rooting for you!
Lust doesn't really consume my mind like that constantly, it just comes in waves so it's not that bad. Is there any evidence suggesting that not masturbating truly is harmful? There's always nocturnal emissions right?
Ahaha, no user, I'm really doing this for self-improvement. I'll politely decline your offer.
Thanks again user, sweet is what comes to my mind when I see your messages however. And don't worry about it, I won't be teased out of it so easily! I won't let you down if you're rooting for me, I promise.
You have good taste in pics btw. I have that Sachiko saved somewhere in the deep recesses of my hard drive and I love it (and also Jahy)
You really are sweet, though, user. This is me, here. Reading through this thread I think you're wonderful and you will definitely succeed. I'm nofapping with you now. Good luck and have a wholesome big ol' hug from me.
Nofap is a prison of the mind
>there are people who think that nofap is difficult
Yep, one accident and you get more lustful and lustful in a moment untill you ruined everything. Sorry for being so weak-willed user.
Good luck to you too if you're doing it too! (I'm OP)
Can you elaborate on that user?
It's the perfect example of what a "Spook" is, if you're familiar with Stiner. Before nofap became a thing it wasn't even a thing. It started as a goofy /b/ challenge and evolved into an ideology.
I think I'm fairly normal but who knows. Maybe I'm subconsciously a bit nice 'cause I think OP's kinda cute.
Haven't read any of Stiner's works. I think it has value outside of the ideology and community surrounding it though, any attempt at nofap will for most people show them just how easily their control can be lost, it did for me. Even if it just started out as a silly challenge, if I see it as worthwhile I'll do it.
I don't know how to respond well to someone calling me cute so many times, it makes my chest feel tight, so I'll just keep calling you sweet in return haha.
That's a very curious feeling user. Is it unusual for you to be called cute?
Well, yes, that's not really something you just get told in daily life by classmates or something I suppose, I don't participate in much social interaction in general anyway. I'm not sure about the feeling, is it odd? Can't tell whether it hurts or is pleasant, it's just... a feeling in your chest. I get that when I get complimented like that.
for some people it's fine, but for others not so much
I'm 100% sure fapping gives me acne, so it's better for me to avoid. Also, I generally feel better in many different ways just for not doing it. But if it does nothing to you, then no need to worry too much about it.
I see. I used to feel similarly when I was relatively new to being complimented too. Although it only happened with certain people. But don't worry a little bit of strange feelings can't hurt you! Is your breathing okay?
>2 weeks of nofap
>feel no changes whatsoever
What do i mean by this?
Oh my breathing is fine, I'm not hyperventilating or anything, it wasn't THAT intense so no worries haha. What do you mean by new to being complimented? Do you get complimented often now? I've personally been called smart in school, things like that, but cute kind of has a different impact in a sense.
You shouldn't expect some huge confidence or mood boost user, I think those are just lies and rumors, but perhaps it really is like that for someone who is seriously addicted.
Nofap is the biggest meme there is on 4chin right now. t. did a month of nofap. It's a complete waste that won't help you. Just limit your fapping to at most once a day or once every other day and you're fine.
>5th day of nofap
>gf is looking more and more impossible to resist
>urge to grab her hair and force her over the nearest table is growing
>I think those are just lies and rumors
Or placebo, if placebo even works like this.
I was more asking if it was a bit heavy or anything. I'd be worried if it were hyperventilating!
But I guess I get complimented somewhat often. I'm fairly quiet, but I'm also fairly good looking and people tell me so. Also my hair for some reason, people really like telling me I've got really nice hair.
Alright user, just make sure she's into it too before you start doing stuff like that okay.
Placebo too, forgot to mention that. I'm not sure if placebo can be that significant but it's possible from what I've heard.
Oh, I bet you have very nice hair then hehe. Do compliments have less of an effect on you now? I bet it must be quite a confidence booster to get complimented often like that. My breathing is fine by the way, not sure if it was a bit heavy earlier.
Physically I'd say I don't feel much from any of them. But it depends. If the right person compliments me it feels really nice and warm and I want them to call me nice things again. You know how it goes, after all.
Oh definitely, who it comes from makes a huge difference on how significant it is to you.
Right! So I kinda like it when you call me sweet because I kinda like you OP!
I'll see you tomorrow yeah? I have a show to record. I hope you make it this time on your project.
Whaaat?! I don't know how to respond to that very well. I think your kinda adorable too user. See you tomorrow then?..
whos that animu gurl and also stop watching porn
Sorry user, no idea. I just saw the image from someone else and saved it. Don't worry, no porn for me.
Jahy sama from jahy sama
who's that char? chihiro seems to be another girl?
Maybe you should try injecting 0.1 ml of estradiol valerate solution into your deltoid muscle. That would probably do the trick and get you a great nofap streak!
Just art of Chihiro so he might be drawn a bit differently.
I don't understand any of the terms you just used but that sounds bad and harmful from your tone so I'll pass.
make yourself busy with productive/positive things instead, you'll eventually be fulfilled enough that you won't need to fill that void as much.
Absolutely this, OP.
Unless you're legitimately being forced to stop whatever you're doing and fap or else your balls will explode, you're probably just doing it out of boredom. I've personally found that focusing on a project, game or anything else, gets rid of all my urges, doubly so for projects.
Also, if friction's a problem, even when wearing underwear, try not sleeping face down, maybe.