Any comfy podcasts you guys listen to? I need enough noise to fill 8 hours of work a day
I listen to
>The Dick Show
>The Paranormies
>That Larry Show
I used to listen to drunken peasants and SleepyCast but these ended
Cold ones, helps me not to fall asleep.
TDS at
>Boomer v. Zoomer
Sleepycast for sure iloveem
PKA is based
holy cringe
But what are the other two?
it's not much of a podcast but there's this channel called michaelleroi. they read bad creepypastas and joke about it while reading.
Podcasts are junk food for your brain. Learn to deal with silence, plebs.
You should listen to TRS, some of their content is behind a paywall but most isn't.
Seconded. Also FTN.
not really podcasts but I check out comicstorian and comicsexplained when I don't feel like reading certain comics or need to catch up.
>Learn to deal with silence
What silence? You mean the noise of machines going off all around me and shitty radio blasting the same country songs every day?
Do you even have a job fuckface?
>Boomer v. Zoomer
this is hosted by the 2 most tryhard garbage pussies on the face of the earth
How can you fucking listen to that
You're cringe with the whole "hating on what's popular" attitude. Grow up.
check out Dead Rabbit Radio, they do paranormal and conspiracy podcasts everyday
>goes into primal rage because somebody implied weed isnt good
>contradicts himself every 10 episodes to suit the views of his quest
ah yes the thinking mans podcast
i only listen to red scare, the premier crypto-fascist pro-ana pro-pedophilia podcast for gay men and hot women
I didn't imply its an intellectual podcast, but that it's an entertaining one.
The quality of the podcast is dictated in huge part by the guest, joe is just trying his best.
>I didn't imply its an intellectual podcast
"thinking man's x" is just a generic insult
>The quality of the podcast is dictated in huge part by the guest, joe is just trying his best.
I hate this, podcasts should be host-driven, that is what seperates soul from soulless
>Pounded in the butt by my own podcast
Best episode to start with is pounded in the butt by my own butt, or pounded in the butt by my own concept of linear time
>My brother my brother and I
>The secret history of the future
>The Anthropocene reviewed
>reasonably sound
if u want something goofy and light-hearted, the Gus & Eddy podcast is pretty comfy.