Wheres your qt traditional jap gf r9k?

Wheres your qt traditional jap gf r9k?

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she's in japan obviously dummy

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working in the soaplands suckin dicks

i have a qt korean gf. not many japanese girls in my area

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Koreans are a hit or a miss. Sometimes hot but too many of them have ugly eyes and bad teeth.

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i agree but i always thought japanese girls teeth were more fucked. koreans usualyl have decent teeth

I live in a 98% Hispanic and black town I don't have any Japanese women here. Not that I would want one since growing up in that culture drove me up the fucking wall.

In my area they all get them fixed, maybe not in Japan. The Koreans and Chinese don't and usually have yellow teeth. Fucking disgusting.

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wait is this the same girl in all those pics? she looks fat user

who is she? i want her to shit on my face

she dumped me and i want to die

Yeah it's the same girl. She's a little chubby but thatsmyfetish.png.

An ethot in one of my servers.

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ID i want to show her a real white cock

thats cool but ugh thought you actually knew her irl. grow up user

cute azn girl originally post more

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Tell her you want to suck her toes. She hates feet.

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She was hotter with dark hair. Now she looks like a thot.

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any more lewds or no ?

>tfw Brynhildr will never rim your ass

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Not that I've seen. You can try your luck though, she has BPD so it should be a piece of cake. Post if results.

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sent her this thread she's here now i think

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Why are there no slutty chinks where I live?

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>didn't get nudes

You've failed me user.

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I actually had one for awhile
We broke up because she said that she was not ready for a relationship

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pic unrelated? she's not qt at all and she looks fat

Eh 2nd best I guess, but it's easy to tell apart the yellow fever fags and guys who actually have good taste. Slight cringe, varying.

I kind of have the same fetish, but a little chubby is disgusting if it immediately goes to the face/calves/arms.

its pretty dumb to tier races instead of just finding someone you love and who loves you back desu

>she has BPD
That's not BPD, it's just called being a femoid.

not really. nothing wrong with having preferences.

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Traditional implies she'd never get with one of you mentally ill incels. The more you know

That's love nigger we're talking about physical beauty standards. There's a reason why plastic surgery is so popular in Korea is all I'm saying. Still better than most other asians though but not Japanese. I say this on average of course. There's always dumb niggers thinking I mean just purely, like yellow fever tards arguing over who has the best console). There are girls in pretty much all ethnic groups that are ahead of the bellcurve in all the other ethnic groups. Love isn't so much part of what I'm getting at here you nig.

for sure but i wouldnt go around saying one race is second best or rate them like that. i guess its a difference between saying you like white girls and saying white girls are number 1, nuance is a bit dif


no it's objective, goes asian>>>latina>>>white>>>black

she's lurking in this thread

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>muh white dick
Yet white bois complaining about niggers copping white woman lmao

bumping yellow fever thread

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That whole idealized trad Asian wife stereotype you robots hold is pretty much dead. Anyone under the age of 30 is not subservient to men or whatever power dynamic bullshit robots want. Not to say they are bad. I mean, I have been dating my Asian girlfriend for like 3 years now, but you should know that you are really not gonna get the sort of mommying or boomer myth power dynamic you want.
So your Asian trad wife does not exist
Also I feel like this entire site has skewed ideas about Japanese women and their looks. In general, there are beautiful women from all the East Asian countries

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Not exactly. There are a lot of exceptions to the rule, and generally your ideas about these women are skewed by the type of lewds that get out. Your average gravure model has a goofy look to them, but of course there are major exceptions like aya Kawasaki or rola. There are a good amount of people in Korea who look plastic, but then there is 2NE1 and a lot of non plastic surgery girls.
China gets the most shit, but there are xiuren models and those from other companies who are among the most beautiful Ive seen. Not to mention Ive seen beautiful women irl from these 3 countries.
Ranking Asian races by some measure of so called beauty is stupid because exceptions are numerous enough that you cannot generalize to any meaningful degree. Also adherence to Japanese women when the majority of gravure and jav is low production value trash with somewhat ugly women or underwhelming women is your weeb bias showing

Recording a bukkake porn and swallowing everyones cum

no jap women are pure

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Great strawman nigger i don't even look at gravure pics or anything. I despise all types of cumbrains that stalk instagram, gravure, kpopshit all the same; any kind of 3d whore pics. If anything if you were to strawman and generalize it'd be against korean fags because of all the brainless kpop cumbrains.

i just want a gf that won't leave me or cheat on me.
you know, someone that likes me for who i am? I know that's a bizarre concept in this day and age

Im addressing more than just yourself dumbfuck. There is a reason why all Asian women threads are perpetuated by posting pictures on instagrams or models. In any event, as someone who has traveled a large amount of Asia, and not just east Asia, the East Asian countries all have beautiful women that cant be easily ranked. And these things arent even something you can make objective statements, whatever that may entail, that give you a clear ranking either. Furthermore, countries like Taiwan and Singapore are criminally underrated. What I am trying to highlight is that these ranking systems are in the end stupid and all you can really say is you personally like X the best, followed by Y, .. and so on.

Its not as uncommon as you think. Sure to some extent women are more promiscuous these days, but I think that is not really to say that the world is divided into trad and whore. Most people fall into the divide between the two, and part of dating is being vulnerable. Asian women wont give you the security from that anymore than the next woman would user. After all, look at the statistics for cheating in Japan.