>its my birthday today
>no happy birthdays
>no gifts
>boss made me work overtime
>mom called, asked me to send her 1 FUCKING GRAND to pay her rent
>tell her i cant rn, she says im a useless piece of shit like my dad, calls me a bunch of names and then hangs up on me, didnt even mention my bday
>Half sister texts me and asks me to send her money for a carnival
>say no at first, she gets mad and calls me racial slurs, calls me a loser, ect
>tell her i only said no because im at work still
>send her and my mom money as soon as i got home
>still no one mentions my bday or even asks how im doing or anything
It hurts bros, it hurts.
Its my birthday today
Brody Harris
Ayden Morris
Seems to me that you should uuuuuuuuuhhhh, not give them any money cause they sound like horrible people.
Connor Scott
Any birthday after age 16 is irrelevant.
Birthdays are for children.
Happy birthday. Now grow up.
Sebastian Robinson
Happy birthday user.
How are you holding lately?
Landon Rivera
happy birthday user
Cameron Myers
Happy birthday man, stay safe out there.
Jordan Kelly
sorry, Happy birthday you hard working fucking legend
Caleb Hernandez
Happy birthday user. Dicks to hear that.
Justin Jackson
Don't send your family money dude.
Parker Peterson
Happy Birthday. Hold in there