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Why do I like feelers so much?
Fuck INTP autists. I hope they commit mass seppuko.
ISTP bros are best bros. Chill, dont give a second fuck about bullshit and not afraid to confront it.
You don't. You just think all feelers are like INFPs or ENFJs.
Why are ENTPs so mean? No bulli plz
Because you give a shit about what they have to say.
because most ENTPs on Jow Forums are larpers
Yes, I care about what anyone has to say, isn't that the standard?
Not necessarily
>original comment bro
Probably. Some of them can be really annoying. Same goes for thinkes as well. Some feelers are great though
That's more like it. For instance one of my best mates is INFP and I like INFPs overall. On the flipside I find most INFJs and xSFJs fucking unbearable.
What traits do you like and dislike about INFPs and FJs?
What's your type?
I have an ENFP friend(girl) and we get along very well. I have also an ENTP friend(guy), we get along very well too, but in the long run it's he's very tiresome to be around.
Maybe I should get an ENFP gf. They have a lot of the traits I'm looking for in a gf
hmm hmm
Dear Turbie
So before you finally joined our lovely server / qBJVExq yesterday I had made these shitty comics called "Adventures of Turbie" to persuade you we're not bad people, just a little retarded. But then you came, and then you left before I could finally show you! It's okay if your shy and stuff it's just you make these threads what they are, love you boo.
intp here. I feel like life is a film and i'm just sitting in the back watching it unfold . I wish I was able to feel feelings again...
INFPs are super chill and very comfy to be around. They give me laughs and bring my anxious energy level down, and I can give them a good time and a helping hand with any weird INFP shit they've got going on in their lives. OTOH they can be overly rigid, indecisive and passive sometimes, which gets frustrating.
Main thing I don't like about FJs is that they're just so fucking feeling. Everything is always all about the feelings. Feelings matter most, feelings are the end goal as well as the means to that end, they ignore logic and reality because they'd have to change the way they feel about some shit. They also care way too much about society and other people.
INTJ here, though it doesn't take a genius to tell.
I have had this feeling before. I've experienced that going outside helps the feeling bit.
INFPs seems like great people to be around. What is it with INTJs and getting along well with ENFPs and INFPs? Is it about the functions?
I get what you're saying about FJs being all about feelings. It's their secound function if I'm not wrong.
What type(s) does the following sound like?
Highly opinionated and passionate about his position on any issue, but if he can be shown logically that his stance is incorrect or that another stance is correct, he will switch positions on the issue without hesitation and become just as passionate and opinionated for his new "side." In spite of his strong opinions, he does not usually push others to agree with him.
seems like INTP behavior.
thoughts? asdasoriginal
Mature INFJ.
>shown logically
An INFJ doesn't care about logic as much as about what other people think.
okay, wtf are those test results?
Are INFJs really that emotional...?
Intp is ultimate robot tier. I dont have any close relationships and i realized i like it that way since it gives me more time to study autistic things. I would rather observe things than experience them most of the time. I identify most with Bishop in Alien. Ive been scorned by attractive females i admired and not really cared, or rejected the approaches of other attractive females (usually asian)
My mom won't shut up about her new electrical bike. What type is she?
INFJ are stubborn about our beliefs, we will take it into consideration and adjust our beliefs but our core values remain the same. For example I believe religion is stupid but I can see why people find value and comfort in it, I believe there is some kind of intelligence playing us like puppets but it isnt like the gods described.
Most left wing pussies are infj. They dont to have really bad logical reasoning skills. Marxists and such.
As an INTP, I'm a retard and an autistic yet somehow I still get through life better than most people and better than some people expected me to.
I legit got really got marks at school without even trying at some point, I finished high school and got into college in a higher final grade than almost every past classmate I had that would get straight A's at everything and waste most of their life just learning for school.
I don't know how I do it either, I'm really just as amazed by my ''luck'' to say the least of getting through life this easily when I barely even did shit. Others had it worse than me and had to work hard for what they achieved in life but I'm basically getting most of what they did without even trying to, things just always seem to find a way to work out for me in the end and I really don't understand why.
ESFP probably
She's a judging type. She's obsessed with making plans.
Probably ESFJ
I am a super sensitive INFP but I have never had a problem with ENTPs. My best friends have been ESTPs. They are always saying offensive or mean shit but something about the way they do it is playful and innocent. Also deep down ESTPs and ENTPs are socially anxious and just want to be loved.
INTJs and ENTJs on the other about edgy.
Don't follow the standard. I know it sounds difficult to an SF but you'll get there.
The leading result is not surprising. The trailing results however, do look weird. Are they really ALL 2.56?
You need to engage in deeply emotional situations. Remember, we have emotions just like everyone. The problem is that we don't know how to handle them, or even forget where the fuck we put them last time.
I need to go to a rollercoaster again.
Is OG ENFP lurking in here by chance?
Funny enough, the education system seems made for INTPs. Just absorb massive amounts of information and connect it all so you can understand, reproduce and predict.
On the other hand, it would be hard to create classes about how to measure mood in a group and we don't do much rhetoric these days
looks like a really low subject pool with 1 or 2 of each type in the trailing results
Also INTP but I often feel the other way. I mean I did fuck all in high school until grade 12 where i started doing homework on my own and paying attention in class. I began getting 90s instead of 70s. My final average was really good but not the highest. I got into a rigourous stem field at a highly esteemed university and im average now. I feel like my luck is terrible and i might autistically study things to understand them rather than try and remember quick factoids or when to apply formulas like others do. Im also really bad at following rules, I skip class, miss assignments and important deadlines. Everybody is so motivated to try hard and achieve and i really dont give a fuck as long as i pass.
xNTJs just love doing their own thing. They think they have everything figured out, and to a degree they often really do. They're good people at heart, hidden behind a bitch exterior. They're also super autistic and they can often act cold and heartless even though they mean well.
Me too but i like it
>okay, wtf are those test results?
should i just do another test?
Maybe it used to be but schools seem to be getting more social. So much group work bullshit and discussions.
The education system doesn't stimulate an INTP's Ne enough. Being investigative and experimentative isn't desirable in school. Nobody will give you extra points for asking and immediately answering a dozen what ifs. The system is too rigid, too focused on specific results as opposed to genuine thinking ability.
it sounds like that's not your forte. I struggled with business administration for a while until I dropped out and got into languages. Coasted through that motherfucker with no effort while bitches dropped left and right.
Guess I had an oldfashioned school then
I feel like deep down they have a devoted loving side, but there are just so many layers of cold edgy provocateur to get past that I usually cant be bothered getting to know them better. From what I have seen they make pretty dedicated partners, but the know it all attitude and grumpy bitch exterior is just too offputting for me.
How much does mental illness like PTSD or Borderline interfere with the ability to properly type someone?
>devoted loving side
Can confirm. There are exceptions of course, but the affectionate "core" is usually present in xNTJs.
>cold edgy provocateur
That sounds like something a feeler would say. What's your type, user? No malice intended.
The thing is that most xNTJs don't behave the way they do out of purpose, they don't go out of their way to be edgy (when healthy) and certainly not to provoke, because they don't actually care much about others' reactions. It can seem that way because they just don't give a shit. It is also a fact that INTJs in particular can get worse once they gain some self-awareness but not enough of it, such as when they successfully self-type as INTJ, it feels like a glove fitting perfectly on the open hand that is their worldview and they begin to use MBTI as an excuse for unnecessarily stupid and condescending behavior.
ENTJs usually have this figured out better than INTJs because they spend much more time around people, but they're also guilty of these things.
>dedicated partners
xNTJs are aware of their issues with fitting in. So when they do finally find someone who understands them and vice versa, they cling hard because they've found a unicorn in a forest.
>attitude and bitch exterior too offputting
Sorry about that. Working on it.
Probably not. Funny that you mention it, I was also always top of the class for languages and never even tried. My teachers urged me to go into languages but I prefer studying stem. I can learn languages on my own time. Im still happy with my field of choice.
I'm an INFJ and I know an INTJ who I think is a disgustingly awful human being. We are opposed on almost every single moral level possible.
You made a bad choice of conversation topic.
He's a survival of the fittest type who thinks that giving people the tiniest drop of affection or support more than is absolutely necessary is spoiling them. He's disgusting.
Well, being INTJ can amplify the offputtingness of any radical or extremist views they may hold. Since they'll be presenting them with absolute prejudice, unshakable confidence and no fucks given. I suspect that's the case with your INTJ acquaintance. In case you're the user whom I was responding to, I also had a feeling you'd be INFJ, though unfounded. As funnily enough I read a post in an MBTI facebook group a while ago from a feeler asking how to deal with some sociopathic INTJ case. You think he's disgusting and awful, he probably thinks you're blind and dim-witted.
Brandish your cannon, robot, it's on.
>he probably thinks you're blind and dim-witted
He can think that if he wants, but I'd put money on me being smarter than he is. He's just a walking Jow Forums stereotype. He doesn't seem to put much critical thought into the vast majority of his opinions.
I am an INFP who feels a similar way, though I tried hard to understand where they were coming from. It doesnt help that the only INTJ I knew was a shut-in ex alcoholic, who was incredibly judgmental and self righteous. I felt a lot of the time she was more concerned with pointing out other peoples flaws and sadistically bullying those she viewed as inferior, instead of working on her own flaws. She was a major narc tho. I think her personality disorder warped her type.
The only ENTJ I knew was this dudebrah literal gigachad. Very smart guy, but his cynicism was maddening and he was a complete downer. Also used to criticize others for being criminals and degenerates when he himself had a criminal record.
I find INTJs hold everyone and themselves to high standards, and usually they try to work on themselves as they are perfectionists, but sometimes they have glaring blind spots. I also dont like when they criticize others for things they cannot help. That to me in itself is illogical. When INTJs are good they are really good, but they spend way too much time criticizing, destroying and dismissing other peoples efforts instead of focusing on their own. Hypocrisy and being in other peoples business are two of my biggest pet peeves.
Thing is, survival of the fittest is true on a big scale, and then having difficulties in life toughens you up... but maybe we don't all need to be tough. He has one very specialized part of the truth.
Exactly, like you're meaning to tell me that 5/16 types have never committed suicide
INTJs are essentially all utopians, ideologues and therefore, potential tyrants. With their ideas of perfection usually comes destruction and genocide. I remember that one INTJ girl unironically talking about world domination. Some of them really go on to commit atrocity in the name of their ideas, but usually they are too busy plotting, scheming and writing in their journals to actually ever do anything.
they probably just didn't find people who had taken a test before killing themselves.
yeah and attempting to type them AFTER their death is purely idiotic
Yeah, this is the bad thing about talking about other people that you have complicated relationships with without context; a lot of nuance doesn't come across unless you write lengthy text walls to catch people up. Survival of the fittest doesn't have zero truth to it, but he's definitely way too much of a wannabe hardass, fedora-wearing autist about it.
What is your type and political views? INTP and center right. The further right has valid points and are often highly logical but the centralization of power they advocate is just begging to be subverted.
>a wannabe hardass, fedora-wearing autist about it
This is pretty much every INTJ I have met in a nutshell, lel.
Centralization of power? Isn't the right known for being small government and pro-States Rights?
Pretty much the same. I find it annoying that liberals fundamentally act according to what they'd like to have and not to what is available.
I'm not saying he's right or trying to defend any of his bullshit, just to be clear. Just offering some insight on what could be going on in his head.
>not much critical thought
INTJs aren't extreme critical thinkers. They're very observant and intolerant against bullshit, but they let a lot more slide when it's something they agree with. I suspect he's been severely misinformed and misled for a long time, leading to a seriously warped worldview that seems acceptable and truthful to him, and he's very efficient at either twisting information around to support his view or discarding it as unnecessary.
i love people but can't help but think it's a colossal waste of time for very little reward.
whereas, this. nothing better than typing out thoughts and hoping the void replies. trying to find someone to talk about without all the baggage that comes with it has so far seemed fruitless. I just don't think I'm cut out for personal relationships, man. it seems i'm also introverted enough to only feel a dull ache when there's nobody to talk to.
what has the internet done to us?
Infp here actually trying to improve myself after years of self neglect, anyone know any good sites for studying for a ged?
Mostly need to learn math and a little bit of science.
What has been something you've changed that you think has helped you and what's your type?
Yes which is what i agree with, but the farther right want centralization of power to kick out the jews and expunge degeneracy, which even if i dislike degenracy and jewish subversion i must hold back on principle.
>what has the internet done to us?
it makes people even more distant than ever before.
Marxism is retarded, Ni doms know more than anybody else the uniqueness of the human experience and are the first to expose their delusions. INFJs understand culture and beauty and as such I recognise the need for borders otherwise everything becomes a melting pot of retarded double think based on personal feelings (Fi). Emotions and Logic are NOT at war like many in these threads would have you think, when I solve a problem using logic I become happy. My disapproval for religion comes down to how it effectively wants everyone to fall into a single archetype which is to submit to submission. Im pro Paganism and value Strength and Authenticity. Typology is Astrology without the mysticism and Astrology is Paganism applied to the personal perspective.
Fuck leftism, fuck sjws and fuck you for even suggesting such retarded nonsense.
Thats ok, take this introversion and thrive off it. Thats not to say never leave the house or get a job but you can use your free time to learn things and have proper hobbies.
Is that like high school level? Khan academy is the norm i think
Ya i was trolling and dont really know what infj means and honestly you sound fucking based
but say if the internet did not exist, what would happen then? would we be sociable people with meaningful relationships full of vibrant conversations and camaraderie, or just as isolated as we are now? not even having places as bad as this one to talk to others? this place warps your perception of people, replaces it with apathy.
I don't want to have to go out of my way to talk to others because I can't imagine it ending in something not pitiable. That's just how it is: One of us will alienate the other.
Yea I dropped out early and am trying to dig myself out of a hole, thanks user I appreciate it.
people existed without internet for centuries. it would be the same but without me talking to you.
Not really sure about my type, probably some Ti or Fi dom (IxxP).
Meditation, being independent in every way from my toxic family, though I am still have not finished transition.
Dunno what is this, I can try to help you study the shit together since I am bored. If you are interested, of course.
No problem and good luck orgini
You would probably read more or do nerdy shit like roleplaying games assuming you were still an asocial sperg if the internet didnt exist. Would probably have a few nerdy friends to hang with
that's what I've been doing for quite a while now. they were lonely, productive months. But what's waiting at the end of such a life? It all hinges on someone extroverted finding us, on being passive. And surely there are other introverts with so, so much to give but gave up trying to say it because of a lack of response.
But say we work on ourselves tirelessly, what about if we're stupid to ultimately help the world and so we end up simply alone and ultimately worthless? A failure because you couldn't even talk to others! That's the worst possible way to die.
I am conflicted about the internet. On one hand it indulges peoples asocial behavior to an unhealthy degree, in ways that previously only hermits, wizards and eccentrics did. My tolerance for socializing has become lower over the years, but I feel the loneliness. Desensitization to other peoples suffering and violence (not to mention porn induced desensitization) is a very real phenomenon. And as a whole I think that has negatively impacted society. Zoomers for instance, who have grown up with the internet since they were literal infants, are vastly different to millennials, who mainly started using the internet later.
On the other hand it is the means I used to connect with one of the most incredible people that I have ever met, someone who I most likely would never have even known existed before the internet.
Thank you, user. I appreciate that. Are you the person that posted a lot of Koe no Katachi pictures? It's okay, don't worry about it.
I'm an INFJ and am either moderate or left of center. I'm an amalgamation of left wing views and right wing views, which I think almost anyone will end up being if they actually use critical thought to form their opinions. Both sides have a lot of good qualities and a lot of bad ones, and you'll absorb a lot of bullshit if you unfailingly toe the party line like most people do.
I'd be brain-damaged and have Dyspraxia with or without the internet. The main difference is that my brain would be even more rotted out, and my social skills would be completely nonexistent rather than merely severely damaged, if I lacked even the intellecual and social stimulation provided by talking to people online.
>should i just do another test?
This is literally me.
>Zoomers for instance, who have grown up with the internet since they were literal infants, are vastly different to millennials, who mainly started using the internet later.
How so?
You need to open peoples minds, it is easy on the internet because you can hide your flaws but you need to let them know you are aware and that those flaws are what lead you to those conclusions. Self acceptance is important because you are you for a reason, if they cant accept you thats their choice but other humans feel too. Dont waste time on negative emotions and fuck them its your life so long as you arent interfering with their will.
Yea I've definitely only kept good family around, and my minds been a lot clearer since I changed my diet. I'm going to try and use that website since I don't know where my level of understanding lies, but you seem like a helpful person, that's what I want to become.
INFJ-T here~! \(^_^)/
>Feelers Are The Best
A-am I really...? OwO *blushes*
Oh, and 16personalities back to OP whennn~? :3
Awwww, your kindness, understanding, and appreciation mean a lot! ^_^)>INTJ
Hmmm... :3c
Could the demon function (Si in your and my case) live on alcohol? I remember things well then too, but then again, I've always stopped drinking before the risk of blacking out or completely losing control...
At least they're trying to find some good in us turbies... ^w^;
Can't a fictional character's type change...? If it can, are they still the same character...? :Oc
>Here's more care and affection send Turbie's way :3
You're sooooo kind! I really needed that! Thanks a million! (>^_^)>
>H-how many have you made, and what kind of technique do you use? :3c
it was just some garbo my love, here's the other one I made while im at it, from mr bump himself.
If you will have troubles learning or understanding math or science just ask here, no personal contact needed.
Would an INFP gf be a good math for an INFP male?
>that's what I've been doing for quite a while now. they were lonely, productive months
Same because its summer break (university). I suppose it is lonely but I have grown used to it and enjoy it to an extent.
>But what's waiting at the end of such a life? It all hinges on someone extroverted finding us, on being passive
Really? 1. I don't think you have to find someone. You mean a wife or partner or whatever, right? 2. You can be an introvert and still be active (ie not passive). You can have a good job and money to buy cool things and travel. Follow that path and it will be easier to eventually find a partner as well. Theres no pragmatic need for a partner at my age.
>A failure because you couldn't even talk to others!
I agree, you cant simply sit inside all day and never talk to people. I dont really have a problem with that. I can talk to and get along with people when i have to and even enjoy it sometimes.
Im not sure where you are in life but it seems similar to my situation. I am in the final stages of university and plan on starting my career. I have of late been thinking what life will look like 10 years down the line. At first I would get worried about having to get a girlfriend or whatever, but i think thkse things will work themselves out over time. As jndicated earlier, i want to improve myself, thus increasing the quality of a potential female mate. I could go on and on if you like, ive been wanting to talk about this. I have been observing acquaintances who are very similar to me but well into adulthood or even retired and have been trying to imagine myself in thejr situation. Some of it is pretty depressing but some of it seems nice.
>I could go on and on if you like, ive been wanting to talk about this.
go on
>Desensitization to other peoples suffering and violence
I agree, but previous generations were literally fighting wars in the trenches seeing their friends get blown up into red pulp
as a infp robot i have been wondering this as well