The tranny cult is making it's move on many boards. This is getting really interesting.
The tranny cult is making it's move on many boards. This is getting really interesting
Explain user, I know how it works on this board but not on /lit/, Jow Forums and others.
Jow Forums doesn't have dysphoria and is already gay for each other, /lit/ doesn't have enough Jow Forumstards to bait
There aren't any major operations right now
At best theres a couple of uncoordinated autists who are gonna try and spam this board
finally the little pony rule will be applied to trannies
Not even interesting just annoying. They're already wasting their life pumping chemicals into their bodies now they're wasting even more of it shitposting here.
No, it's not. It's a stupid non-event. Go outside, be a fucking person. Stop monitoring this site like you're in some fucking hacker movie.
Today does seem particularly bad about it. I wonder if there's a reason for it, or if it's just >alone on a Friday night.
Whats so interesting about a bunch of mentally ill people spamming an already mainstream image board with false stories about being trannies and then commiting suicide because they ruined their bodies and minds?
Mods and jannies fucking suck tranny cock holy shit. Why don't they just clean these boards up and ship everything to its containment board?
God I wish. Hiroshimoot doesn't give a fuck though, I don't think I've ever since people running a site that give less of a fuck than him and his mods.
Both tranny and Jow Forumsposting should be treated like ponyposting on all boards
lmao have you seen his twitter?
it's some serious escapism
they don't perceive how they are halting their own lives
They should just focus on one board instead desu, spamming isn't the best way though because it's just spamming, they should control the OC and the narrative.
what's wrong with europoors?
whenever i see any transgender in public i get a nigh uncontrollable urge to beat the shit out of them for their own good
one day user
one day justice will be made
Would cause a shitstorm because of ZOG.
statistically interesting desu
I had to run some errands downtown this week and things aren't like people would have you belive. I think almost every metro had a tranny. I'm not saying it's a normal thing but it's far less weird than people online would have you belive. Yeah they look like freaks but so do ugly people. The outside's weird.
>Add the word "trans" to filter
>90% of tranny threads are gone
Honestly good
Fuck society
there's a mutually beneficial solution here, you know
go to a hookup place and post that you wanna do this, a lot of them are secretly really into knowingly allowing a tranny hater to stop holding back and unleash his frustrations on them :3
As a trannyposter, I would accept this as a fair compromise.
Literally posting false-flags. Nice argument, user.
>lying on the internet
the SJW bandwagon can only protect you this much trannie