Your only purpose is to be used as a political or societal tool by those in power. You are not meant to create or live a good life. Those at this level should be content with living in poverty, because you are not meant to fight your way out of it. If you manage to somehow, your children will fall back into it.
I hear the construction site needs some hands. You completed a semester of college so you should have a leg up on everyone else.
A cog in the machine in the most intricate parts, but still a cog. To those in power, you are a mule. This is where the Dunning-Kruger effect blossoms.
The range above 100 that is the most dysfunctional. This is where mental disorders are most prominent. As the adage goes, you're smart enough to realize you're not a genius.
The doctors, lawyers, and (skilled) artists, but not the scientists.
Low-level geniuses. They are the top of their class, but a B rank among their peers in the STEM workforce.
Past this range is where the great figures of society rest. Napoleon, da Vinci, Einstein, Mozart, Kanye West, etc. These few men are responsible for ushering in a new age when they appear.
IQ scores
>but not the scientists.
High iq people don't want to be scientists in a capitalistic world.
>tfw dad scored 147 but I scored 136
>tfw pretty sure that I'm getting brain damage every day
Your overinflated IQ is showing. Great leaders have high social/emotional intelligence but that's not tested in IQ tests. Now it's true that a generally higher IQ is needed for high social intelligence, but most of the time people testing for highest IQs are autismos/shutins.
Leaders are only just so much smarter than the people they lead and a little less than the geniuses who are with them. Of course there's the pre-requisite of them looking how people want them too. But if they're too high IQ they won't be able to relate to the bell-curve and bring them together. The high IQ autismos are just too autistic to care to be leaders and are happy to be given work that will work their autism but that work is usually wrought from the leaders working with the bell curve.
What are some objective signs of low iq behaviour?
NEETs and hikkis
>tfw too retarded to fail my test's so i'm doing good in STEM without knowing what the fuck is going on.
checkmate OP shove you IQ up your I-Cute ASS
>mfw my IQ is 55 and my low level of intelligence allows me to be unencumbered by human preconceptions and gaze into the secrets of the universe
being a wageslave ori
okay ego filled user. I realized im in between 129 and 135 area, and yeah im extremely close to insanity everyday, but i have been lucky enough to meet a guy on the 150+. We are good friends, and he is mostly moral driven.
However he is simply pathetic at socializing. What the hell can i do to make him actually realize his potential?
Immediately jumping to conclusions i.e. not being able to consider you're wrong/incompetent/trying to think what the other side is thinking. Low IQ people have no idea how dumb they are; they higher IQ you are, the most you realize both your lacking and your ability especially compared to others.
A lot of highly intelligent people cannot take care of themselves and have managementorial issues as they are heavily focused on what they are interested in and this particular interest might be out of the scope of thought in the low to intermediate commonality.
An example could be that Einstein never brushed his hair and had terrible hygiene. But basically I'm a nigger and I never wipe my asshole after I shit so I have poop berries growing on the bush that I call my asshole hairs. You're free to tend my garden and pluck some off if you want. Some consider them delicacies on this imageboard so I'm sure you'd probably enjoy it you shit eating nigger faggot.
>kanye west
IQs are dropping. Probably because of nonwhite immigration and porn and other stuff
Sounds like your average libcuck to bh
Being bad at filling out IQ tests
IQ means literally nothing. My IQ is 138 so I should've flown through my Compsci degree course, right? Wrong, ADHD fucked my shit over.
Legit cope.
I'm sure your mom thinks you're smart.
Does iq even mean anything?
Can you improve your iq?
Is it in your genes?
What if you could purposefully manipulate those genes?
>that tranny-tier response
Upper room temperature IQ in Farenheit detected
>Napoleon, da Vinci, Einstein, Mozart
>Kanye West
The best leaders are of average intelligence and anyone who takes an IQ test seriously is a dumb fag who probably makes less than a million dollars per year. A fat retarded car salesman is closer to Einstein than some loser with no job.
>tfw shithuanian
>tfw 150IQ
can i become western now?
What's your IQ then, wise sorcerer?
>The best leaders are of average intelligence
Show me one.
I would say stalin but he was a shitty leader. Hitler?
North of 170. I was doing calculus in grade 3 and differential equations the next year. Im also related to the world chess champion so theres that. Im finishing my PhD in chemical engineering at Harvard. I enjoy listening to math rock/metal and experimental jazz.
How do they estimate it to 3 decimal points? That's extremely precise when most of them never took the test
Apologies for being a sub 160
Do you have a banging hot gf, too?
>he doesnt know
Why are you even posting in this thread? If you're under 165 its honestly not worth hearing your opinion. I bet you think the holocaust happened too.
You are such a meme LOL
What's with Jow Forums and IQ threads?
Invoking the h word means your probably not even 195 IQ yet. Get good, retardo
You could say that. I'm attracted to Asian women mostly, I prefer the term "cute" rather than hot. Hitherto unbeknownst to mine own family, indeed my exquisite taste in the feminine form arose from a passion for Japanese culture. Yet upon visiting Japan I was wrought with dismay.
Virgins grew up on video games and video games usually have puzzles. The ability to solve puzzles was represented by IQ tests 100 years ago and virgins think its still a good way to measure how good they are as humans even though that type of muh intelligence has absolutely no correlation with quality of life or happiness.
The only ones I've taken max out at 140, which is what I tend to get. In any case high iq means absolutely nothing if you don't use it. Results are pretty much everything
It's easy to trigger people with since it's the one evil number that never changes yet determines so much about your life.
No doubt you have observed my linguistical "dumbing down" such that my dialect may be comprehended by the masse of lurkers of lesser intelligence. Perhaps your post was a jest, it was minorly amusing.
IQ is problem solving. Muh relationships and muh social niceties are irrelevant.
>In any case high iq means absolutely nothing if you don't use it.
But people who have an IQ below 115 literally cannot use it for anything besides wageslavery. Those with a high IQ have the choice to succeed or not, but those lower have no choice but to fail.
lay off the bath salts kyle
Does anyone here ever try to bait specific answers out of people to see if they're secretly smarter then they seem?
Low IQ cope. Doesn't even take any kind of IQ to know that IQ tests are intelligence tests. They're testing your ability to recognize patterns and find differences. It's fucking simple. And yes it does practically determine everything. You need a certain IQ to be able to do certain jobs. That's why we'll always have poor people and the class difference. Some people literally can't do many jobs. The problem is going to come when they're all automated out and jobless.
u r wrong and dum
IQ is pattern recognition. there are 0 problems on an IQ test
I suppose one example I like to think about is something my uncle brought up once when he took me out hunting. Something along the lines of deer are fucking stupid but at least they use their brains unlike some people
I was about to post how since finding out I have a 120 IQ made me more angry at not making more of myself rather than happy. While I can pass tests and get qualifications I can't keep up that intensity to sustain a career.
Again, wrong. Take my ADHD example again; the IQ test lasted 30 minutes, so I was able to do it fine, and got a high score. But put me in a workplace for longer than two hours and I'll have a meltdown.
>chemical engineering
>not material science or computer engineering
Other way around copelord. Takes a certain amount of IQ to be able to play video games in general.
>Kanye West
Thanks for the lol
It's not nothing. It's limited by your power/opportunities from your social circles/luck. But both are vital.
yeah thats why gamers are literally suicidal, fat, and have the competency skills of a toddler
Why don't you just use meditation to cure your ADHD.
>Inb4 actshually science says you can't fix it's impossible
Thanks for the post einstein
>tfw 120s
it's true
all of it
Pattern recognition literally is problem solving you 80 IQ fucking nigger.
lurking and / or posting on this board
I find that to be a *insert logical fallacy here*. If you don't have any of the things you mentioned, it doesn't change the fact that you can acquire those things by using your iq.
oh no i'm a scientist and only have an iq of
i should just kill myself now or become an artist
what do you think OP?
>material science
Nigger-tier, literally lol.
>computer engineering
No need to study this in an academic setting, you can learn it on your own if you have a solid math background and are smart/"good with computers". Chemical engineering is the highest IQ engineering, look it up.
Hey just being smart doesn't mean you'll be wise and have good emotional/mental health.
>pattern recognition is problem solving
It's true, you can gain social circle with IQ but not the other way around. Not sure if I said otherwise.
>Hey just being smart doesn't mean you'll be wise and have good emotional/mental health.
get the fuck out of here with your rational thinking
if it acts stupid, does stupid, and lives stupid, it's stupid bro. life test > iq test.
How does porn lower IQ?
170+ IQ here. I was always sort of bored with videogames. I played them when I was younger but grew out of them in high school. I hear brainlets talking about muh problem solving but they are literal games made for children. Play chess or read if you want to broaden your mind. Forgive me for offending you but you seem to be the one coping with this fact. If you haven't grown out of videogames by 20 you're probably of lower intelligence. Videogames are to humans what those little mouse toys are to cats. Retarded garbage to keep the dumb goy swine entertained and thus pacified.
I guess if anything, iq doesn't change what your starting environment is. But it does give you more power to change it.
>tfw 253 IQ and still play minecraft
Not him but pattern recognition is problem solving in the most rudimentary sense. Why are you posting here if you're this much of a brainlet?
you mean talent or intelligence. IQ is just an arbitrary number that might sometimes represent a specific kind of intelligence that may or may not be useful in your life, and that assumes you've never studied for an IQ test or done similar types of tests before you took an official one.
>believes in "growing out" of things
Pick one.
if the problem statement is "recall this kind of pattern" then you aren't solving anything externally. calling me a fucking brainlet when your scope of "problem" includes fucking counting to 10.
you're probably getting it from all the tetraethyl lead poisoning from the paint in your house
>tfw 85 IQ
I'm pretty happy overall at least.
wow op you sure are a real special smart cookie
Shitposting nigger I didn't say it took 170 IQ I was implying it's above the bell-curve. "Growing out of" video games is a tryhard cope. Maybe certain genres, but video games will always be bastions of art and music, but that's just a part of it. That's why the credits list are often bigger than the biggest movie productions.
Contrary to popular belief, money is not everything. But maybe my concern for technological progress rather than simply my personal profit is my low iq showing
>uh actually anything you say is a cope and anything i say to describe smart people that happens to perfectly align with what describes me because im a super smart genius is not
Well typically people stop watching cartoons or playing mario or reading comics when they grow up. But perhaps in our modern society you have a point. We are encouraged to flounder in perpetual adolescence. It is your own personal responsibility to recognize this and rise above it.
Well noted, memory is also implicitly an aspect of pattern recognition. You are very astute, perhaps it is your intent to come off as a retard?
The Jow Forums intellectuals/supergeniuses are at it again
You might be wrong. The western capitalist system is currently all about profits. The pharmaceutical companies grow purely by acquiring other smaller firms that started out as passion projects by small people. The big jew companies just keep buying up companies with actual value and jack up the prices. They don't do actual R&D, and CEOs are chosen based on how much profit they can generate because that encourages shareholders and CEO bonuses are also determined by their profit margins. The current system is quite literally all about the money, technology and people be fucked if necessary. The internet in the US is so shit for example while expensive. Monopolies and jews are halting progress while sometimes technology does make breakthroughs regardless because they're not against technology per se.
You are certainly projecting when you tell others to cope. I have no personal investment in videogames, unlike you obviously being passionate about the issue. I think youre still under 20.
How to get a legit IQ score? my guess is around 174
>NEETs and hikkis
unironically true
take a legit and certified test, not the online crap you'd find online
Predatory multinationals with monopolies are anathema to freemarket capitalism (competition). Blame government for utterly failing to regulate them as the law would have them regulated. A corporation's only responsibility is to generate wealth, whining about this is juvenile. And centralization of power isnt just inherent to capitalism. Capitalism is the superior economic system. You're a brainlet if you havent figured that out. Or maybe underaged.
Thanks for the advice, Shiro.
>tfw became a chess grandmaster in 7 months while earning my PhD and am voting for Trump again in 2020
If you're IQ is 180 you'd be smart enough to get a job doing easy shit on the computer, so you wouldn't be a NEET.
>t. playing against blacks
They can do that stuff, they just dont want to. You need to understand the neet mentality.
We (150+ IQ with ADD) fucking bate those meds.
I acually beat Magnus in blitz in an online tournament not too long ago.
>tfw to intelligent to not support Drumpf
Idk who Magnus is because im not a NERD but it must be impressive gj
The NEET mentality itself means they are actually retarded, though. They just cope with being retarded by convincing themselves they're smarter than wagies.
>tfw same but also make 300k/ quarter on shortselling stocks and socially engineering retards on the internet
>believing your iq has any correlation to an individuals intelligence.
Thanks for the laugh.