26 years old

>26 years old
>still only care about vidya and anime


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Only way out is death.

once animu reduces your brain into pozzed mush it's over for you

hell you probably gonna end up in jail due to being a pedo

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I'm 28 and still watch wrestling. Most people I knew grew out of that shit once they hit puberty.

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>want to care about vidya and anime
>only care about using drugs
Just enjoy it OP

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I remember being around 9 years old looking at Rated M 17+ tags on video games and thinking to myself that I probably wouldn't even like video games by then. How naive I was.

Do people actually grow out of a thing, or do they just get so busy and tired that they lose all their interests?

Stop taking normalfags seriously, if you enjoy anime and and vidya then you don't have to stop.

All I do is shoot heroin, take my rx benzos and amphetamines, and play quake live
21 years old

>can't even enjoy vidya and anime anymore
At least i could discuss it with other nerds
Now i'm completely out of society

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It's not you user, its video games today are fucking terrible. Filled with lootboxes and get obselete within a year.

Why would you want to "grow out of" it? It's nice

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>this argument again


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what kind of shit hole 3rd world country and life do you live in where you have access to heroin at such a young age?

"Growing out" of something isn't even real. The reason it's used is because your first experiences with becoming jaded happen when you're young and still growing. "Growing out" is just getting bored of something.

Why would you want to "grow out of it"? To conform to normie bullshit?

t. fat hapa chink gaming intellectual

That would have been me if I had access to heroin

>tfw when bad education

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lol what
USA, been banging the shit since 17

Why? What made you start in the first place?

Self medicating in a way
Opioids, esp IV heroin takes away all worrys and wants and needs. Except the need for more H

How do you sustain yourself so you can afford more h?

>still only care about vidya and anime
There's nothing wrong with caring about video games and anime at that age. The concerning part is where you say you're ONLY concerned with those two things.
I'm damn near 40 and have two kids. I still play video games, I still watch anime. I play video games and watch anime with my kids.

At that age you should be a couple years into your career. You should be starting to date a little more with the intention of settling down and having children. You should have a retirement fund.

>You should
>You should
>You should

>have two kids
wtf are you doing here normal faggot? gtfo, this place is for virgin men only

Because you don't want to be behind the curve when you hit 30. Life will catch up with you one way or the other.

You seem to be living for other people more than yourself.

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>I play video games and watch anime with my kids

and I should want a "serious" relationship and children... why, again?

>26 in 30 minutes
>living at home after having moved out twice
>shit dead end job
>cant even watch anime anymore because i get too depressed when shows end
>video games are vaguely enjoyable, mostly time fillers
>have wanted to die for over a decade

Sounds gay. I think I'll stick to being a 33 year old wizard retail wage slave living paycheck to paycheck and doing nothing but playing vidya, watching anime and shitposting in my free time.

Try searching for older video games and not just relate to western ones, i was in the same boat as you for a while but got out of it with the tales series and eyiuu densetsu series. Also try searching for mods for games you already enjoyed, it might bring the same flavor of them back to life and keel novelty

Could be worse.
You could be someone who likes those two and being a gay guy who is looking for a bottom boyfriend who is also a nerd like you and pure too.
But such fairy tales don't exist when you're gay.

Checks out