Attached: Bernie would have won.jpg (480x360, 20K)

And that's a good thing.

It was good to choose a moron who blames video games for ass shootings?
Bernie is advocating for policies that have been proven to work in dozen of perfectly successful developed countries. Most of what he is advocating is considered taken for granted in these countries, even by conservatives.

Americans are getting cucked and it's sad to see.

Lmao his policies will never get past Congress keep dreaming bucko

Even if you're correct on the major policies, he could get plenty of things done and get the US in the right direction.
I'm not dreaming anything since I'm not a mutt.
You love getting cucked not having what other developed nations take for granted don't you?

look user I know you're autistically upset but Trump could sell of America to whatever country for an expired bottle of water for all I care and he'd still be a better president then shillary ever could've been.
There is literally nothing he could do nor say that would make him a worse choice then shillary.

I'm sorry you cannot see that.

The only thing that can fix this hellhole is a nuclear bombardment wiping out all of humanity. The stupid runs DEEP. You can't fathom just how much it affects every single aspect of american society.

Ok, "shillary" is not running for president anymore, Bernie is. Are you going to vote for him or Trump if it comes down to it?

>Bernie would have won
You are a legit brainlet if you think Bernie would have done better than Hillary did in the general election.

yeah actually and Trump is right on video games.

You have to be a brainlet if you think Hillary would have done better.
Trump won in a few crucial states by RAZOR THIN MARGINS and lost the popular vote. Bernie was polling much better against Trump than Hillary was. So yeah he would have won.

I'll vote for whomever is the least crazy.
If the beeeern makes a solid argument and isn't trying to convert the country into communism then he most likely has my vote.
But democrats as of late wants communism so ..
I'll refrain from saying who has my vote as of now.

That's some next level cuckoldry right there.

>Trump is not cucking me
>Trump might be cucking me but he is good tho
>Trump is cucking me and I love it

Polls don't matter till it's 1v1 and his policieswould turn off the rust belt even more than Hillary. You know nothing about American political strategy.

>activity that fosters anti social behaviors
>all school shooters are anti social
it's literally video games, drugs, and single parents raising school shooters. Those big 3 in literally every case. You can say it all flows down to single parents but it's still a part of it

Trump partially won because his stance on Trade deals. Hillary was for them and lost. Bernie had a similar stance than Trump and would have won those states.

The dozens of countries that have those policies fund them by not having to have a big military
The US will literally never have those policies because they're the world's military

You're wrong, but let's assume you're correct for the sake of the argument.
What do you think it's easier to change? Drug use, access to video games and single parenthood or gun laws?

Plenty of other countries have drug use, video games, and single parents, but don't have the same problem.

No he wouldn't have, the union democrat voters in the rust belt hate Bernie. It's funny watching you bernouts act like anyone other than far left middle class white young people like Bernie, because that's literally his entire voter base in 2016 and everybody else even among democrats didn't like him.

You could pay for those policies by:
-reducing the military budget (america already has a bigger military spending than the major countries combined)
-NOT doing tax cuts which blow up the deficit throwing trillions in the toilet
-Increasing taxes on who can afford to pay for them.

The math checks out.
Also, a single payer healthcare system would cost less than what the current system costs.

>you're wrong
I'm not wrong. And even with your own retarded government videogames would be the easiest to get rid of. Drugs come in illegally from various different ports of entry, fixing single parenthood would require a giant upheaval of fixing western culture, and hundreds of thousands of people would die if you fix the gun laws. Banning videogames would get rid of most videogames because people who like videogames are typically the most docile pussies ever.

Yes and then the countries that have those policies would have to actually have a military and would collapse
The US literally sacrifices itself so Europe can have their "free" shit since they barely need a military

Video games actually are to blame. Video games and SSRIs. We're basically creating Manchurian candidates right under our noses.

Attached: video games cause violence.jpg (600x437, 80K)

We get it, your sad that Hillary lost. Get over it

Everyone in the world plays videogames, yet only americans are the mentally ill. Sit on this one for a while

No dignified person above the age of 25 wants that retarded old communist Jew as president.

Watching Gamergaters who voted for Trump because ThE SjWs wAnT tO rUiN oUr GaMeS defending Trump cucking them is pretty fun tbqh

He can at the very least try, which is more than anyone can ask for.

Because theyre all cucked moderate liberals/republicans who cant handle the fact that radical change is necessary and that investing in our people will lead to success.

only more cucked trump-voters are the devote Christian ones

>I stand for staunch Christian values so I will vote for the guy that will grab them by the pussy

>when you joined the right because you thought criticism equaled censorship but it lead you down a path of trying to actually censor games.

funny as hell

We need to reduce our military budget for other reasons but global politics and international interference and our place on the global hegemony is going to keep our military as is. We can pay for medicare for all and our crumbling infastructure and for college by
>gutting insurance and drug companies
Very important, the amount we pay for drugs and medicare exceeds the most socialist 1st world country by at least 2x and we dont reap any benefit from it
>ensuring billionaires pay their fair share
because even though they get tax cuts, the lack of government revenue through these tax cuts, which were implemented because retarded republican cucks think billionaires wont hoard the wealth if they dont have a reason not to,is never redistributed among the common worker whos in the corporation. This is done through attacking their ability to use legal loopholes, tax havens, and lobbying to get what they want.
>restructuring trade agreements
This is to keep businesses within the local economy and to save money on a larger scale. We spend more money than we recieve despite being as important as a nation as we are

just ban assualt rifles

at worse it will turn a mass-shooting into a regular murder, but it'll save a lot of lives
Even if you get rid of vidya there's still movies, books, right-wing media and sites (like this one), television, music, and comics that talk about how awesome violence is.