White genocide is very real and I'm literally being opressed!

>White genocide is very real and I'm literally being opressed!

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It's not exactly genocide but forced multiculturalism is pretty gross

>if i use w*jak then people will agree with my strawman
Kys faggot

>Umm sweety you used the wrong term, it's forced multiculturalism and that opresses us white men. It's also white genocide but only indirectly.

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Yes, and the only people who are net contributors to the tax system are men over 40... so you literally are paying to be replaced in 100 years xD

Isn't the soiboi mentality to let them in though? Another example of the left can't meme.

>lsn't the soiboi mentality to let them in though? Another example of the left can't meme.

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Same end result. You dont need bullets and weapons to erase a people

this shit isn't allowed on Jow Forums. someone kept posting this shit on Jow Forums and it kept getting deleted. Now it's here because it's b8.
you know the options.

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this isn't funny, faggot, don't joke with the White race, we will never die

It's not a good strawman just because you use a wojak. Make a proper argument next time.

>White girls not having sex with me is literally genocide you fucking bigot!!! Trigger me one more time and I'll rise up!

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Pure conspiracy theory stuff.

If you believe in white genocide you are an anti-Semitic, angry incel, white supremacist, privilaged white male, misogynist piece of shit who deserves to get punched in for your observations of society.

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Well if you can't acknowledge how idpol for POC has saturated every form of media and entertainment I can't really help you. Tokenizing is huge right now and according to commercials white couples just don't exist anymore. I'm from a very racially diverse background so claiming this is because I believe white people are superior is kinda retarded.

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So don't ever think about being such a homophobic, Islamophobic, racist piece of shit despite the amount of white people on Earth being extremely low and rapidly declining.

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>M'lady I'll have to inform you that you're actively partaking in white genocide if you don't have sex with me right now

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You got anything to add but ad hominem?

It's easier to mock people instead of debating them. Welcome to social media

Whites are so pathetic they think having a muslim neighbour is genocide

Well constructed counterargument. Don't expect anything in return from this faggot

>w*jak pic
mUh iM gOnNa UsE wOjAk PiC tHiS gOnNa mAkE mY oPiNiOn mOrE bEliVaBlE.

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>That's an ad hominem!
>Not an argument
>Strawman argument
>Disprove this infograph or you're wrong!!

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Mocking people for identifying logical fallacies you use? Pretty meta.

yeah it's basically flooding white countries with non-whites and it doesn't benefit whites at all

there's literally no reason why any white person should not oppose it

we live in a rapidly shrinking world with rapidly increasing competition for limited resources

but yeah, just let 100+ million non-whites scoop on in and give them the same political power (1 vote each) as you. just give up your political power, land and resources there's no harm in that

>I'm literally being genocided. If you don't have sex with me you're responsible for genocide, Stacy. Break up with Tyrone and have sex with me or I'll spread the truth about you on Jow Forums.

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