Tfw I'm only antisocial because I dominate every conversation due to weird autistic social powers...

>tfw I'm only antisocial because I dominate every conversation due to weird autistic social powers, causing normies to be intimidated by me

who else /insufferablecunt/?

tell me about the times you caused normal people to shy away from you due to your high IQ and irresistible powers of persuasion

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If they shut up around you they're just tired of your bullshit and know a lost cause when they see one, I found this out the hard way

Fuck man use your gnarly powers to just totally shit a fat smelly one all over me please

doesn't that imply that he controlled the conversation and killed it?

That's one way to favorably spin irredeemable levels of social ignorance

Maybe you need to git gud and learn how to talk about things that aren't work, relationships, and gossip.

way to misread my post. I meant that I'm so high IQ that normies feel dumb around me. this means I cannot keep a friend for longer than five minutes.

gladly, friend

this is a nice post. you should consider posting things like this professionally.

Boasting about high IQ is counterintuitive to being rational.

I already know small talk is anathema to the socially inept who can't segue, thanks for the confirmation tho

Ikr, and as soon as they see you as leader they all lose thier shit a become drones you could have do anything for you, but it's all so tiresome my head aches from it.
So in the rarest of occasions like 1 in a literal million there's a guy usually physists or mathematicians with a decent engine in thier head, holy shit, having someone else pull a bit of the weight,it feels like I'm floating.
But then dealing with the shitheads afterwards, constantly holding them to tolerable standards, they always buckle and slink off.

>Boasting about high IQ is counterintuitive to being rational.


the worst part for me is having to dumb down the way I talk so that I don't lose them within ten seconds

I don't even know anything, I'm just not a complete idiot who only lusts for chicken nuggets and marvel movies. why is that the standard these days? seems like a bad direction for society to be moving in.

Small "talk" is a repulsive waste of time. I could do it, I just fucking hate it.

Get your head out of your hole.

Let me put this as an analogy using computer. Your a slightly more powerful model that cant go past BIOS. Everyone else is slightly less powerful but has full functionality. And your boasting about this? That you dont tessellate with any of society (and are therefore a default failure)

You also sound like you fundamentally misunderstand the purpose of normal social interactions.

Also I'd guess you deliberately bring up controversial/inappropriate topics as it feeds into the warped image of your "special" (and of course superior) self and, as previously stated, you misunderstand the purpose of interation with he average person.

>Small "talk" is a repulsive waste of time.

not really, it lets other people know that you aren't an insane person who devotes all of their brain cells to anime or whatever. this is useful if you plan to do anything in your life except watch anime alone in your room.

Why would you boast about something that is obvious? If you have high IQ everyone will notice and think that you're smart, much like being tall. If you're 6'3 you don't need to tell people

okay, I admit it. you are definitely a much more insufferable cunt that I am. next to you, I actually look pretty normal. thank you

Well, there are a bunch of different implications here. Revealing your power level is ostentatious and usually means you're looking for validation of some kind. You like commiserating with like-minded individuals over normies but you're cultivating an echo chamber and reinforcing your cognitive bias. No doubt you expect people who fall outside a certain bracket of intelligence are automatically beneath you, and this is just foolish in practice because intelligence is not a number. You betray your inability to empathize or steer conversations in your favor without sperging like a bitch.

anonymously calling myself a cunt on Jow Forums isn't really boasting though, is it?

Depends. Are you Australian?

I dunno, I think you might be describing yourself here, because I don't recognize myself in your post. I'm sure you didn't mean to do this, it's just something you can't avoid because you have a damaged brain. I have no advice for your situation.

>Are you Australian?

I've been called a lot of things in my life but wow, dude. wow. that's just rude.

Doesnt have a coherent response so resorts to character insults.

Claims he has high iQ

ok sure you do buddy

Iron levels off the charts

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if i was low inhib that is what i would be. every conversation i get in i just feel like the person i'm talking to is a fucking moron and i have to restrain myself from being an asshole. i think this is why i'm just a total social autist, i have to re-think all my natural social tendencies because i'd just come off as a complete asshole if i was being myself

well, you wrote a bunch of random garbage that doesn't apply to me. I don't know what you expected me to say.

I bet you're an "INTJ" too

you're not very good at this game

Ok, let me pose you this then - how do other high iQ individuals succeed in life, whereas you (based on your post) seem not to be.

Well you seem like the kind of person who loves Forer bullshit to bolster your hyperinflated ego, and MBTI is the go-to

your premise is simply incorrect

I have no idea what Forer bullshit is

going to reply to me, or giving all your attention to the new guy?

which post is yours, friend?

Oh didnt see. How is premise incorrect? Because, as a high iQ individual, you wouldn't be inferring that other high iQ individuals don't do well in life. I'm simply asking what do you think is the difference between you and them?

i know exactly what you mean user. Im entirely stuck in my own head and entirely unfazed/non responsive in the way neurottpicals are. I see people expect something when they make eye contact with me but whatever it is, i dont have it. Maybe its a soul. But whatever it is it makes people react extremely negatively, like their eyes will start watering and their nose starts twitching or they literally cringe and look away as fast as possible and will avoid looking at me again. Its even worse if I talk. My voice is deeper than I guess expected and I speak quite clearly, idk I guess my voice just doesnt match my physique or my mannerisms, i speak with what I think they probably consider unearned confidence, and also im extremely used to being alone so I genuinely give 0 fucks.

It all comes together to make a very jarring effect, girls seem very receptive to me at first but then they get creeped out. Guys start off extremely hostile with me and either get aggravated by me or they just sort of avoid me as much as possible and we exist in a silent tolerance. In wouldnt say I intimidate people so much as I deeply perplex them and make them uncomfortable.

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user must be crushing pussy with his alpha chad high social IQ points, keep it up user. everyone knows you have make everyone feel inferior when talking to them about any topic. one day I can see you topping Genghis Khans high score of women to impregnate. go get em fucko those pussies aren't gonna crush em self

>My voice is deeper than I guess expected and I speak quite clearly, idk I guess my voice just doesnt match my physique or my mannerisms, i speak with what I think they probably consider unearned confidence, and also im extremely used to being alone so I genuinely give 0 fucks.
>It all comes together to make a very jarring effect, girls seem very receptive to me at first but then they get creeped out. Guys start off extremely hostile with me and either get aggravated by me or they just sort of avoid me as much as possible and we exist in a silent tolerance. In wouldnt say I intimidate people so much as I deeply perplex them and make them uncomfortable.

I feel these feels

thanks mate I try my best

>their eyes will start watering and their nose starts twitching or they literally cringe and look
showering might do you some good

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