how are all you oldfags doing ?
share whatever is going through your mind
how are all you oldfags doing ?
share whatever is going through your mind
I just turned 30 a few weeks ago
I sure don't feel like I'm 30 mentally, but physically I do. I sure do love having back pain.
I heard that sleeping on the floor alleviates that, you might wanna lay on the floor until you start to get some relief.
I already sleep on a futon mattress, which is on the floor. I think it's mostly due to my job as a package handler, where I regularly have to lift heavy packages. I'm fine right now, but at work my back gets sore as fuck.
>how are all you oldfags doing ?
>how are all you oldfags doing ?
I'm sick of having to put on a brave face around people, my whole life is an act, pretending that things aren't that bad. I wish I could just be miserable If I want to, but any time I am, I get constant questions for family members "What's wrong?" "Tell me what's wrong." "Has something happened?" "What's happened?" "Have I done something?" FUCK OFF. My life is shitty right now and I'm sick of painting on a smile just to placate other people.
I know I sound like an ungrateful asshole and I love my family more than anything, but If I wanna be miserable, I should be allowed to be miserable.
try doing the snake diet, fasting regularly might help with the pain.
>how are all you oldfags doing ?
not bad, making the most money i have ever made, bought a place 3-4 years ago and its more than doubled in value, networth at about 500k, no gf but lifes good
>lying in bed
>friday night what else would I do
>sodastream bottle nearly empty
>swig the rest
>it was yesterday's cum
God damn it.
all the problems i neglected in my twenties just became more prominent in my thirties, and the habit of postponing my improvement and correcting my various flaws was inherited from my retarded parents.
Just got my first job. Looking to build up from there while getting fit/strong and using my new cash to develop more skills/hobbies.
Congrats bro, better late than never
I've been successful for about a year straight to the point that people are genuinely surprised because they had such low expectations.
Every day I find myself giving less of a fuck about what other people think and it's glorious.
>turned 30 last week
>found out the only girl that's shown me any kind of attention in a while quit and didn't tell me
>cried on the drive back home
You know, just hanging in there.
Turning 40 in a few months. Just bought a kickass place in Las Vegas. No kids, in great shape. Despite appearances however I just realized I'm carrying a tremendous amount of crap from my adolescence around--resenting my Mom and Dad, what the fuck? Shit like that. Dumb shit. Shit I should have left behind a long time ago. So instead of distracting myself with pussy and alcohol, which I've done for 20+ years, I'm taking 6 months and going full monk mode. It's been a week and I have to say I should have done this a long time ago. It SUCKS, but a lot of the stuff that's floating up to the surface are character defects I should have addressed in my 20s. We will see how this goes, I'm pretty scared desu but more scared to continue to live life dictated behind the scenes by my old fears and pain
Another week in hell done. But soon will be forced to get part time jobs on top of everything. hell maybe even a paper route
dude , you dont just magically fix mental baggage, it takes years to fix that sort of shit in therapy
dude you got money, have fun with it dude, by fun I mean get a motorcycle and go on a road trip across the country, or go hiking, it's great you're on monk mode, you'll have more inner peace.
Today was the first day I left the house since May.
Tell me how to make money. I live in a poor country so even a little bit of money can go a long way here.
I posted on Jow Forums all day
34, two kids from diferent women.
Last bitch literally destroyed my life with her bdp shit, lost clients, work place, etc. Slowly crawling back my way to the surface, but god it has been painful.
I love my little ones and i at least get to see them.
In general women are a mistake. Literally their only value is to give kids to men. We are not meant to each other.
Political correctness is overwhelming and dominant on the internet and social media. I feel bad for the younger generations because they're being fed this bullshit early. They're going to grow up one day and realize how the world really works
We will see, I've done a lot of very hard stuff in my life and had good results. Just never really addressed the old trauma...was too busy concentrating on the current stuff. Now that I've got some breathing room I'm going to clean out the closet, so to speak. If I need a little pro help I'm certainly not opposed to it. My experience tells me that therapy is most useful when you've got a specific problem to solve. Obvs everybody is different though
therapy isnt like blue collar work. And, dont let them try to get you on any anti depressants,
You sound like that one uncle on facebook those shares shitty skull Conservative memes
Did the antidepressant thing for about half of my 20s, will never go back to that.
By "done hard stuff" I meant "successfully conquered a number of major obstacles including severe psychological fuckery."
I'm 32 and no woman has shown the slightest sexual interest in me for... about seven years or so, now.
I'm fucking hyped for classic WoW and (vainly) hoping that some of my old friends might show up for it, even though unlike me most of them stopped being losers at some point between high school and now.
>28+ thread
fuck yea OP i always knew this day would come
>worthless degree but paid off debt
>never lived independently
>still live with parents
>last hope is trying to do SEO digital marketing stuff while living in thailand
>no possible way i can be a dedicated wageslave for another 30-40 years
i honestly don't know how people work for 40 years without taking 4-5 month breaks to fuck off. I'd rather kill myself
>>i honestly don't know how people work for 40 years without taking 4-5 month breaks to fuck off. I'd rather kill myself
I knew someone like that. She'd get a shitty wagecuck job and then live like a massive jew for 9-12 months. Like, even other poorfags with shitty wagecuck jobs would call her a cheapskate. and then at the end of it she'd quit and go gallavanting around on vacation for two or three months with the money she'd saved. One time she went all over Europe, another time to like half the national parks in the western US. Then she'd get another shitty wagecuck job and repeat the process.
Functionally NEET but I make around $700 a month on patreon, which considering I have no bills to pay means I'm saving and building up a stock portfolio.
Parents are old and frail and need me around the house so there's absolutely zero way to kick me out as both the house and their quality of life would go to shit without me.
I currently have around $40,000 liquid cash and I'm in position to inherit the house at some point, probably within the next 10-25 years.
My goal is to live my entire life without working even one day for a Jew.
I wanna do this while living in a van outside walmart, I jsut got a part time job and it's already enough work for me and I don't even hit 20 hours a week, doing more like 8 a week. I don't get it I was able to get through a 5year stem degree, I'm pretty physically active, but when it comes to an actual job I feel like an old man.
>nothing is ever my fault
With less than 5 months left in the year I'm seriously considering finding a new place to live by myself next year. I've been renting with friends and sometimes strangers for a decade now but I'm sick of it. Especially the living with friends part. They take small things for granted and make no effort to hang out because "why would we make time to talk, we see each other every day." Which really means that they go about their day and we don't talk for entire weeks.
Might just go for some small place on the outskirts of this city where I don't have to listen to the cars all night or drunk idiots yelling on the streets. Though I am worried that I might become truly isolated if I do that.
sounds like a cool chick. but yea, this is the move.
28 kv neet
im thinking about flirting with getting physically more appealing. stuff like face care, skin care, teen whitening, weight loss, light use of steroids without lifting, etc
all just for the fuck of it. otherwise just wasting my life away being a neet virgin loser
i dont even know desu
teen whitening? I assume you meant teeth because I can't imagine what that is otherwise.
yes. sorry, im bad at spell checking and the likes. my one internet friend on steam keeps making fun of me for having shit spelling
where do yall work or make money from?
or you still living with parents or on n33tbux
Got lucky and convinced the government to give me "n33tbux". Had someone else do the talking for me because at the time I was not sleeping or eating, so my brain was pretty fried. They're convinced I'm some sort of retard that can't function in society and shouldn't be working. Which I guess was technically true at the time, but that was 8 years ago and I've improved since. So now all I have to do is visit the doctor once every 3 months to get a note saying nothing has changed and they leave me alone.
I'm constantly worried that they're going to realize it's mostly bullshit and cut me off, but other than that it's pretty stress free and comfy.
Been looking for a new place, but I don't have enough cash for a down payment so I'll have to rent. There's nothing available anywhere that isn't absurdly overpriced. Even dumps are more than double what would be reasonable.
how much do u get per month desu
28yo and my job is driving me to drink. My personal life isn't much better. My closest friend is my mom, who lives two states away but we talk on the phone at least 2-3 times per week. I feel pathetic.
I'm 28 years old, coming out of a 9 year relationship and realizing i don't have a social life beyond my ex. He was my social life.
28. life is alright. p comfy working low hours nights alone, living like a peasant but i don't mind. can afford weed, food and internet, that's all i need
recently started playing aoe2 again, can't believe it's still going and how big the scene is
My old WoW friends completely scrubbed their identities off the internet. They went underground and are probably bigger shut-ins than me. The only way I contact them is by calling their moms. Do you think it's worth it, user? I hate making phone calls, especially ones that awkward. I just want to ask them how they have been and if they want to play WoW with me again.
Would it be better to find their address and take a bus to their house and talk to them in person?
>Would it be better to find their address and take a bus to their house and talk to them in person?
yep definitely just show up
Really? I think I can get my mom to fork over some money for the tickets and some snacks. She desperately wants me to be happy and have friends at my age. I'm lucky I guess.
Around $1200. After bills and groceries, that
usually leaves me with $260 a month for whatever.
28yo. Living in a shitty apt with a shitty wagecuck job.
I just don't care anymore about anything at all, especially about what other people may think. Finally, I feel free in this shitty life. My whole existence is a joke but at least I'm not a burden on anyone anymore. That's all what I was working for.
Will I ever find a way out of wagecucking? Build a family? Who knows. I will probably continue to fuck 19-24 yo girls, stay with them for 4 to 7 months, and leave them when I'm bored. I just can't care anymore about the things I'm excepted to do at my age. All the people who fell for these memes are miserable.
not well, as evidenced by the fact that i'm on r9k rn.
might get fired from my part time job, the first job i've had in 9 years.
been drinking too much.
still in my parents basement.
going to die alone.
not sure if uhhhh some things have been happening and i don't know what is real and what is misremembering or confusion and its causing me discomfort.
i ran out of my medication for my bipolar disorder so im sure thats part of the reason i feel like shit as most of the time i am happy with my crappy life though i'd really rather prefer to not lose my job.
oh and i cant fucking complete a captcha for the life of me and im about to scream
Capchas are legit difficult.
I feel you bro. What happened during those 9 years?
Life sucks to be honest. 30yo, have an apartment I can just barely afford, tons of debt, the shittiest job imaginable and all of my friends live 1500+ miles away. I don't even bother trying with girls because i'm so out of shape and broke. I drink constantly to numb the feelings/boredom and I know that I have no future.
i did random internet jobs. had a job working for an SEO company as a 1099 writing and editing for a long time that paid well, managed to move out and eventually got fired and moved back home. i'm 34 and i'm scared that this is it for me. i am just going to keep trying and trying even though i want to curl up into a ball and die instead.
SEO... I guess the market is over saturated, huh? Bs degree in communications here. Used to work for an agency too. SEO is now done by niggers in Madagascar for 1/10th of the normal price.
pretty bad since i was tagged as a sex offender a decade ago and my life became hell since that day
story? lakjdflk
Kind of feel like my life is static, and everybody is moving on without me. My old friendships are decaying to the point that it is awkward to be around them anymore as they get married, have kids, or move on in their lives. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in the same job since after college that I abhor, and I still have never been in a relationship. Have been applying to jobs in another field for a year+, and I've only gotten a handful of interviews at most or contacted by recruiters for awful sounding positions elsewhere. Can't afford grad school (or likely get into one for that matter), and that is kind of needed for what I want to do career wise.
I'm just kind of embarrassed about my situation in life, so I find it easier just to let those relationships decay into nothingness rather than face the awkwardness. Others probably sense that awkwardness. Have no idea how to proceed with my life, and I grow more disillusioned with it changing day by day. Small goals seem rather pointless when these larger problems seem beyond my control.
this user here
I'm feeling bored and numb for some reason, life is okay but I just don't feel anything. I've been thinking of returning to academia as I had dropped out of my PhD program 5 years ago.
basically, I fucked an asian chick who was too drunk in a college party and someone recorded it and sent it to the college authorities and the chick's parents.
Naturally I was expelled from college and was charged for sexual assault. I served a sentence of 4 years in prison and then I was tagged as a sex offender.
Finding a job with that mark is pretty hard and I am forced to call the local authorities whenever I move to another state so they can notify the locals there is a sex offender in the neighborhood. I've been spitted on my face several times and beaten the shit out of me twice.
So far, I've worked in wallmart as a cashier/maintenance, as a septic tank cleaner in another company and as a woodcutter
i think that user was being ironic, you should call in advance before showing up. reconnecting with old friends is definitely worth it, just make sure you don't creep them out in the process
I want to get my shit together somewhat, are online degrees worth anything? I mean the kind where they're partnered with an actual university, though it's only like a 6mo-1yr course.
Jesus fucking Christ I'm horrified by your story. Women have way too much power in our society
>Nearing 30
>Life of a shut-in KHV has kept my looks perpetually in my teens
>Look similar age to my sister who's 10 years younger
>Could walk into a high school and no one would bat an eye
Is NEETdom the secret to perpetual youth?
>turn 30 later this year
>starting a new lab tech job
>bout to move into a cozy studio apartment
>been spending my days playing League, drinking coffee and driving around aimlessly
>life is alright
Been living off money I've saved up from previous jobs since December. Apparently I'm overqualified for the jobs I've had interviews for.
>Is a stress-free life the secret to perpetual youth?
Literally turned 28 yesterday.
>work a part time job
>live in a cheap dirty apartment
>no desire to get a better job or apt
>desire to find a female partner lingers but what female would want to share this shitty lifestyle
It's not fair bros, even the mexicans that live in the shitty apartments next to me all have wifes and gfs.
>addressed in my 20s.
nights solo
Why do you keep raising the age of these threads?
Didn't it used to be 25+
I know this feel. Never in 30 years of my life i talked about my feeling in real life. I always have them bottle up. 5 days of week i playing "a bit quiet, but socially adjusted person" at work. Getting promotion and praised by boss even. Then i go home and play "good, just a bit lazy" son, who "don't want to commit to women yet".
I never really moved out because i didn't want to be completely alone. But i guess all those years of pretending now taking a toll, i can't keep this mask all day anymore. Starting to being rude with parents. They don't deserve those words and actions, they did their best and is only people in the world that truly love me. It's probably for the best if i move out to somewhere else.
Just don't know how long i could keep this up.
>even the mexicans that live in the shitty apartments next to me all have wifes and gfs
those dudes are Chad for their culture, the guys like us are hiding in some hell hole back in Mexico
fuck that, i'd just leave the country and start over
Because too many of you 25 year olds act like 20 year olds
thick abo penis
There is literally no difference you dumbfuck autist.
I had a great family and great opportunities given to me. I wasted it all on gaming and disappointed everyone. I'm too afraid to investigate my mind to find out why I did it.
you have to announce you are leaving the country to autorities and some countries won't accept sex offenders
Just don't them then idiot.
it's mandatory for sex offenders to tell autorities where the fuck you are going. If you don't, you can be arrested/deported
36 here. Life is good. Going to get drunk today and tomorrow I will go to a brothel. The on Monday it's back to work.
28 here. This is an exciting year for me.
Got my first big boy job (engineering).
Will move out from my parents house to my own place in September.
Finally learned to look at women as pretty animals and don't care about their personal opinions.
Forced to stop smoking weed due to circumstances. Stopped smoking cigs last year. Still have trouble with alcohol.
>how are all you oldfags doing ?
Pretty good, all things considered
38, married (she's 36), no kids
Got my master's, a solid career, I'm still pretty fit
Own a home, on pace to retire at 50.
On the downside, most of my friends have kids, so meeting to hang out is practically impossible. People keep moving away and are starting to die.
I always had a lot of friends through school and my 20s and now I find myself incredibly lonely.
29 years old, 6-foot, skelly as fuck with zero muscle and no matter what i eat i can't get any weight
i want some muscle. how many hours a day should i lift and how many kgs?
Just move out and thanks your parents.
That's what I did, I love my parents they did everything for me. So, I just moved out alone, in the same town/city so I can visit them from time to time.
Living it's a good experience and it's great, the freedom to be and do whatever you want.
I'm 34 yo, office manager. Married, no kids.
MBA and a good career ahead, but still feel like a wageslave somedays.
Still renting, looking to buy my own place.
I was a neet 10+ years ago, I discovered r9k and shared most of robot feelings.
Life keep going, I'm not a neet anymore or khv, a boomer cyborg at best, but I like to give any advice when I can.
There is hope for all young neets.
If you have her number, is a good time to call and ask her out.
This isn't actually as difficult as it seems. I kind of live like this and I'm not even as much of a Jew as that girl is. In fact, often when I have a job I only work 33ish hours a week and I even have a few vices. There are just a few keys to this kind of lifestyle.
1) You absolutely cannot live in a city with expensive rent unless wagecuck wages keep pace. If you do, you need to find a way out.
2) Either live with roommates or find the cheapest rent you can possibly find in a neighborhood that isn't really unsafe.
3) Find Jobs where you can at least make $13-$17 an hour (or similar equivalent in your country). There are plenty of jobs within this pay range who will take anybody who can just show up on time, do the work, and be polite. Tip jobs such as waitering or pizza delivery are my best suggestion, although no need to limit yourself to that. Many tip jobs average out to this amount and those types of places are always hiring. You just have to actually look on job sites or stop in and fill out applications at a few places.
4) Be diligent about buying all of your necessities as cheaply as possible. Buy things like batteries, dishes, and laundry detergent at dollar tree. Buy clothes at thrift shops or get them off the clearance rack. Another example: If you have an older car that you own outright, get the cheapest car insurance possible as long as it's from a reputable company and see if you can pay 6 months up front to get a discount. You should have this kind of attitude with all of your purchases. Also if you qualify for any government programs, sign up for them and don't be afraid to get crafty about filing your paperwork at a time when your income is as low as possible. I'm philosophically against welfare but this is the world we live in, so fuck it.
5) Spend very little money on "stuff." Outside of necessities and near necessities, I own almost nothing. Sure, I'll buy a new computer or a new gaming system every few years but I literally never spend money on chachkies, expensive clothes, brand new phones, etc. You can relax this a bit more if #6 isn't a problem for you.
6) Don't spend money on vices. I don't even fully follow this one myself, but I get away with it because I'm so much of a jew in every other respect. Avoid spending money on fast food, booze, smokes, drugs, etc.
7) Change your expectations on what a job is supposed to be. Seriously, you just show up, do the work, and make money. You can also quit whenever you want. A single job doesn't have to be this anxiety inducing long-term thing that encompasses years of your life. We were fed a bunch of bullshit growing up that made work seem way more important than it actually is and that's understandably given a lot of you anxiety when it comes to working. Try to let that go. It really doesn't matter, you're just there to make some money for however long you choose to remain employed at that particular place.
NEET since february.
Broke as fuck.
Got my car licence and most of my motorcycle license this year (one last test to go) and a bike but the tests have absolutely brutalised my savings. I thought I'd be more emplyoable with a driving license but turns out that wasn't it.
Need a job soon but I'm too deep in the hole and stoppd lookign ages ago. Even janitor and cleaner jobs ignore me. It's fucking brutal.
Wish I could be an old school mans man wagey like these guys. I'm sure there's still jobs out there but I just don't know where. I get nothing but call centers and janitor positions and dishwashing and shit.
I've crashed hard this last few days. Fucked up last nights workout and I'm slacking behind to get to todays.
>28 2 weeks ago
>Scheduled for 2 hours of work on B-day
>Boss tried to keep me for a full shift
>Blow her off at lunch and go to the beach
>Return the next week
>She gets pissed at me but can't do anything about it
The bitch is up to something.
>watch my literal snake oil salesman youtuber
>starve bro just starve yourself its healthy lol
26 larping at a campground rn
Chill life apt. Gas station job, may try welding
Hello senpai guiz I hope you're ok
bumping for you, my old anons
Adam you're a fag
28 here.
Work a shitty fast food job making min wage. Have to do a bare min of 50 hr work weeks to make rent and pay bills. Literally trapped in expensive as fuck college town.
No friends or family to fall back on. I'm 100% all on my own in life.
Lost my car, and all my life savings 3. years ago.
Dropped out of uni around that same time because I was too dumb to pass an entry level math course.
Went from "Ill never kill myself" to "maybe in my 40s if ive had enough" almost overnight.
that's a comfy life user.
How do I get a cushy lab tech job?
Do I need a degree or am I going to have to work at pharmacy for the credentials?
I'm 37 and I've never really had a full-time job. I've been NEET for the better part of a decade, and now that I am looking for employment, nobody wants to give me the time of day. You know what sucks? Employers actually get incentives to hire ex-cons, welfare queens, etc, but not me. The social welfare safety net has zero regard for non-disabled NEETs. I'd be better off going to prison and learning a trade on the taxpayers' dime, but I'll probably just kill myself before I reach 40 instead.
What do you do for your patreon bux user? You can be general if you don't want to out yourself.
dude thats awesome, your one of the lucky ones. I wish my parents had me later.
I am very curious to see if it works out for you.