Why the fuck don't all the faggots here that complain about muh no gf move their bitch asses...

Why the fuck don't all the faggots here that complain about muh no gf move their bitch asses, go out and just talk to girls? Yes you will probably be rejected and treated like a weirdo the first 20 times or so you do it, but you will eventually stop giving a fuck. That means that you will eventually lose your fear towards women, that means that you will be confident as fuck. And who would've though, confidence happens to be one of the most attractive traits for women. So stop being a faggot and get out of your goddamn confort zone.

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I'm 5'5" so there's no point in approaching women for me

I am 20, where do I find girls my age that arent looking for quick fucks? No one goes to the library and that's where I hang out most of the time

I'm a 21 virgin so I can't help you out, but hitting on girls on the library is NOT the play unless you are very attractive

Why? Because they're scared and although they want a gf all they want is the benefits that implies. They don't want to put in much effort. And getting yourself out there is a massive effort for most people on this board.

I've already accepted I don't want a gf. Of course I'd want only the benefits. But if I weigh the pros and cons then no, I don't want a gf

i'm a 18 year old virgin black boy, wish a white girl would take my virginity already because of the "bbc" meme but it's starting to not be fucking true.

I'm 5'6, 36.8 BMI, 19, no car, no money, adult acne, OP please help

>fail first 20 times
Ya, that's exactly what my fragile and broken ego needs. Great advice!

thats 20 times the reminder of how shitty women can be

Winners had to get their ego destroyed before they could be what they are now. You have to be a fool first to become a master. Why the fuck do you care so much about your gay ass ego? Fucking let it go. go out, get it destroyed. Once you do that you won't give a fuck anymore and the world will be yours. Would you rather live like a little bitch with a self-image so fragile anyone could break it? Or be a Godlike being that doesn't even have one, so that no one can do anything to it?

>muh women are shitty

If women were attracted to betas like you the human race would be extinct, do you think they are selective just because they want to be assholes? Grow up dumbass, be a man, that is the only ay women will start to get attracted to you.

Yeah because the average drug dealing assholes who commits crimes is far more resourceful than a dude doing engineering or coding for useful shit for society, yeah man thanks.

Nobody is entitled to fuck you. Stop begging.

Omg, i fuck this girl vergogneless

I'll give a masculine neck snap. At least then I'll be attractive. Seriously this isn't the fucking stone age you neanderthal, grow the fuck up.

Longtime robot lurker here, just feeling like relaying some info for you. I'm one of those guys who tried it all.

self-improvement, apathy, stoicism, high self-esteem, forced normativity/sociability. Who finally discovered it's all a worthless ruse and distraction.

Sorry guys. For most of us who have been browsing r9k for years or even found their way here over time... It's hopeless to wish for a happier tomorrow. The reason why we fail is because of genetic limitations and women's capacity for detecting such deficiences and discarding us as potential mates. Literally the whole blueprint of human potential is derived from predisposed genetic composition.

IQ is genetic, physical strength is genetic, skeletal bone structure is genetic, medical predispositions are genetic, literally everything about you is predetermined.

I'm closing in on 30 now and truly realizing that my life is virtually over. It's time to really stare into the inevitability of fate, and understand your fate was vowen into existence before you were ever conceived.

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You are a cog in the machine, congratulations. You are super highly specialized. Overly so. You spend all day away from women, indoors, doing complex stationary tasks. Drug dealers and other more normal people get out more, meet more women, get more light exercise and sunlight just from being outside and doing jobs where they have to go places. Good job coding things like tinder for people who arent like you to get laid with Dilbert

What do you mean, most women still like a "man's man" whether they admit it or not

I'm a dude engineering and you're being a fucking cuck.

Drug Dealers are normal? What planet are you on? Think before you type.

You are onto something originally

the only girls you should bother approaching are the ones that give you an in, like you catch eyes and they give you a smirk or something. if you are approaching girls that gave you dead blank expressions you're just retarded and you are going to get shut down unless you are very attractive. your dumb pua tricks will never win her over unless she's attracted to you.

Literally more normal than you are