So I'm 17, almost 18 by a month and since summer started I feel like a NEET

So I'm 17, almost 18 by a month and since summer started I feel like a NEET.
I don't have to study and I finally got a pc to play games with.
I've usually been going to bed at 5 or 6 AM, I wake up at 1 or 2 PM and play Lol all day.
I like playing but seeing those "NEET tendies" memes make me feel like I'm turning into a NEET.
Is this a step to becoming one or just summer doing its thing?

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>So I'm 17,

I mean I'm not a rulefag but that's a bold move user.

have a nice vacation from Jow Forums child

You can't be a NEET when you're still in school, kid. Turn your computer off and get a life.

I mean... 1 month to 18.
What could go wrong?

do you have a thong you could wear? :3

>What could go wrong?
a 1 month ban

So I can have sex (Legal age in Spain is 16) but can't post in Jow Forums.
L O G I C.

Are you going to college in the fall? What are you planning on doing?

Bruh miss me with that gay shit

Get out, you fucking zoomer retard. Read the rules

Around the beggining of september I'll begin my first year in a faculty of humanities, english studies to be concrete.
Until then, I'm kinda just here playing games

Un espanol? F

No me dejaba poner [enie]

If you think that my gen has enough span of attention to search and read the rules of something you are overestimating us.

Don't shit on generation Z, thay asshat's probably a millenial cuck anyway, no right to criticize

Asi es, arriba Espana, joder.(tampoco me ha dejado ponerla, fail)

The fact is that all gens have their retards, but we all know which gen has the most retards out of all :)

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That's not too bad then, I did the same before getting an engineering degree. Main thing I found is to get yourself some obligations. Things you *have* to do.

zoomers are adhd riddled retarded homos and can't even write or read the clock, testosterone plummeting, essentially husks

Che tus amigos usan Jow Forums? Bueno si no tenes amigos no importa, pero preguntabas en serio si eras un NEET o estabas trolleando?
Take a pick

Good to know I'm turning into a useless pierce of meat and this happens, at the moment I know what I have to do but the wait to do it is killing me, also I'll have do adapt to live like a normal person again

Si, lo usan.
Somos el tipico grupo de autistas que solo nos llevamos bien entre nosotros, y lo de si era un NEET... Tristemente si, llevo semanas haciendo nada mas que jugar al lol, dormir a deshoras y sentirme como un vago.
Lo que el verano te hace.

Oh so you ARE a millenial? Damn man don't stress it, I forgive you for being born among cucks. Many good people were millenials buuuuuuut Hillary/socialist cucks also were, overwhelmingly and undeniably so

Hdp, aca en Latinoamerica seguimos con clase, pero ta. La moraleja es que yo y mi grupo de autistas tambien nos viciamos y todo pero ni tanto. Es normal depender de tus papas por un rato, y si lo que queres es socializar conseguite amigos medio normies.

genZ is the most leftist gen, you are braindead as all zoomies

>Gen Z is the most leftist gen
Top kek.
But anyway, how ya doin this Friday night?

Los amigos medio normies los tengo, el problema es que las cosas normies son lo mio pero solo de poco en poco, no puedo aguantarlos mas de 2 veces a la semana, al menos son majos y se esfuerzan, pero que puedo decir, no onions lo suficiente normalfag.

google it, it's true
life isn't that one sensationalist headline that got posted some time back

genZ is off the charts in its support for "socialism", gay rights, trannies, and immigration

>What could go wrong?

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My guy everyone starts browsing Jow Forums as an underaged faggot but most people aren't retarded enough to say it.

*no onions lo suficiente normalfag.
Corrector del movil no haciendo su trabajo...

I'm sure mods are cool, also this will get pruned or deleted in less than half an hour, doubt I will be banned or something

Bueno si la movida normie no es tanto lo tuyo esta bien, es medio imposible no socializar asi que te conviene conocer gente lo mas que puedas dentro de lo que te aguantes. No lei bien que vas a estudiar pero recorda siempre que un titulo no significa un trabajo automatico y que probablemente no te mudes de casa justo a los 18. Me pegaste un nervio porque mis abuelos son de Espana(again F) :'). Pero nada, tal vez te conviene hacer ejercicio, recorda que por buenos motivos los videojuegos no son una hobby valida.

Well I couldn't dissuade you if I wanted to anyway, but I digress, watcha doin?

But... It's a mont.
What changes in less than 30 days?
Do I get more wishes to kill myself or something?
But I guess those are the rules, and they are there for something.

True, that's a sure-fire way to get a temporary ban

>dissuade you
yes you can't change reality by shitposting sadly

Gracias user, eres todo un maestro con las palabras, intentare aprovechar el tiempo muerto que tengo y hacer algo productivo, seguro que encuentro algo, saludos.

Useless spics get out of my country.

Well at least we agree on that. Hooray for common ground, I guess.

It's for the advertisers or something. It doesn't really matter logically, anyways. The whole point is that you deserve a ban if you're retarded enough not to read the rules or reveal your age.

I'm from Spain, not even the same continent mate.
But while you were writing that at least 3 "Beaners" crossed the border, watch out for them user!

Tambien recorda que al final del dia todos podemos hablar, pero lo que cuenta es actuar, saludos, cuidate y godspeed

it just sounds like youre fantasizing about being a neet lmao. youre 17, you cant withdraw from society when you arent even technically in society's system.

Mods, temporal ban me, I broke the rules and I must atone for such sin.
Is that the way to summon them or...?

asi son las reglas, minusvalido mental. disfruta tu ban de 1 mes

Aren't like 19 and 20 year olds already NEETS?
They already are in the bottom of the pit, they don't do shit and are pathetic, at an age that's very close to mine.
That's scary, maybe I'm ocerreacting because this was my first summer with a PC that could run games but I dunno...

Bruh momento.
Creo que a los modsse la suda por que aun puedo entrar y postear, por si acaso no los desafio, no quiero quedar en evidencia como retrasado otra vez

Le metiste mate nooooo. Che pero gracias por lo que dijiste acerca de mis palabras, es medio gay pero lo aprecio viniendo de otro user. En muchos sentidos esta comunidad tiene gente que realmente es bien intencionada aunque entiendo que a un average Joe que llega de trabajr y esta cansado de su vida le resulte mas gracioso decirte "kys" que aconsejarte en Jow Forums, osea que no te lo tomes a pecho, aunque creo que ya lo sabes.

No te preocupes user, he estado lurkeando ya desde hace tiempo, se que aqui no te tienes que tomar nada en serio pero cuando llegan respuestas tan buenas, sinceras y bienintencionadas como la tuya es genial, por cosas asi Jow Forums es genial :D
Ah, y no homo jaja

Bueno user, esto es medio gay, pero en el sendero de la vida es muy poco probable que nuestros caminos se crucen de nuevo. Por cierto, tengo 15 y yo no creo que deberias preocuparte tanto todavia. Pero escucha, fue entretenido de veras hablar. Cuidate y nunca dejes atras totalmente tus raices, son lo que te hace quien sos, quien tus papas y amigos quieren aunque te beneficie aparentar ser mas normie; godspeed y prasie Kek

Praise* lpm
Weno chau

Cuidate user, gracias por los consejos y recuerda; autistas para siempre, nunca normalfags :)

Au revoir, autista :')

theres a difference between being 16-20 and being a neet